Page 29 of Sinful Negotiations
“Are you close?”
After opening the door, Aidan moved aside to allow her to enter first. “Yes. They are older than me.”
“I always wanted siblings. Your mother?”
“She passed a few years after dad.”
Tessa touched his arm, hazel eyes brimming with sympathy. “I’m sorry.”
His face tilted, studying her reaction. There was a compassionate woman buried behind all theno emotionbullshit. “It was a long time ago.”
Her lips twitched and her gaze dropped to the front porch. Obviously uncomfortable with the unfamiliar territory they ventured into, he gestured to the inside of the cabin. “Ladies first.”
Chapter 24
When would she ever learn not to ask? Aidan’s personal life was off limits, but he made it easy to converse. Twelve years undercover? She didn’t know much about his life, or that part of his life, but it had to be lonely.
There was no way this was the real Aidan Cross, but it didn’t matter. Whoever he was, whatever his real name was, she cared for him. A camaraderie formed somewhere in all the lust and protectiveness-a trust, a bond between them that made her vulnerable. She didn’t know how to control the open floodgates, but she did care and that was the entire problem.
It became increasingly difficult to play the indifferent, unattached friends with benefits role, especially when he’d become her protector as well. He’d resent her if the case fell apart because of their relationship.
The merger was another question. Was it even real? They’d prepared for it for months. She knew Aidan’s employer was the FBI, he worked a case, he was undercover, and she was in danger, but she didn’t know the whys.
Aidan played by his own rules. He didn’t care for her in the way she hoped. It was evident in the way he backed off every time she tried to get closer. They were friends, and he was performing his duty. It was ludicrous to think he’d risk his future for her.Stop romanticizing and overthinking the situation. He didn’t make things easy, and the conflicting actions were unsettling.
There was always thewhat ifin the back of her mind, even more so now. He could’ve let the FBI provide an alternative safe location but brought her to his cabin instead, even when his job was threatened. How much did this arrangement cost him? “Are you in trouble with your employer because of me?”
She pressed one hand to chest. “You’ve got to stop, Aidan. Let me go. Let me run. Go after my uncle and do what you must but let me go before there’s irreparable damage.”
“Aidan. Be reasonable. This is your life and your job.”
“It’s my decision, and the answer is still no. You going to stand on the porch all night or go inside?”
It was an argument she couldn’t win by the set of his jaw and the steel in his eyes. “Inside,” she finally answered. When Aidan smacked her ass to hurry her along, she laughed and crossed the threshold into the cabin. A couple nightlights were plugged into the walls, so she could find her way around. Aidan moved beside her to a sofa table and flicked the switch on a lamp. At once the cabin was bathed in a soft glow.
A smile lifted the corner of her lips at the memories on the walls, and the homemade quilts on the back of the old furniture. A kitchenette dominated one corner and what appeared to be a bedroom sat off the tiny living room. One wall held numerous screens with several monitors on a desk. It would be homey if it weren’t for the surveillance equipment reminding her of what could be lurking anywhere.
“It’s not big, but I hope you enjoy staying here. There’s a bathroom in the bedroom.”
Tessa turned in a circle. “It’s safe, remote, has a surveillance system, and you, so it’s perfect.”
“There’s a deck off the bedroom overlooking the lake. My team will be in the woods surrounding the property just in case there’s trouble.”
“Awesome.” Their conversation turned awkward, and the tension between them thickened the air. A hundred things hung unspoken, but she didn’t want to think about them. Enough had happened. She wanted normalcy. Was it denial? Maybe. Aidan seemed uneasy, and she didn’t know why. It must be difficultalways remaining out of reach of any real emotion. “I like it here. I feel safe.” He didn’t answer, and she didn’t know how to fix it, so reverted to what was comfortable. “Didn’t you promise to fix my numb ass?”
The smirk on his full mouth said he hadn’t forgotten. “That I did.”
Tessa pointed to the bedroom. “I don’t have any clothes.”
“You won’t need any,” Aidan teased, stalking her in the small space. “I think naked suits you.”
She backed toward the doorway to the bedroom. “It feels like exhibitionism. They can’t see us, can they? Don’t you have a rule aboutfuckingme?”
“Who cares. Let them watch. I’m all about breaking contracts and rules of late.”