Page 38 of Sinful Negotiations
Tessa laughed out loud and blushed at the innuendo.
Jeannie stepped off the dock and onto the bank shaking her head. “You two have fun!”
“Ahoy maties,” Lexxa shouted from the boat, bringing it alongside the end of the dock.
“Lexxa,” Tessa shouted back. “I didn’t know you were here?”
“Where else would I be than at my partner’s beck and call.”
Aidan tied the breast lines to the dock cleats as Lexxa jumped off. “You two have fun, but not too much fun.”
“Are we going on that?” Tessa excitedly asked, gesturing to the boat.
With one hand extended, he winked. “Unless you don’t trust me.”
“I think you should know by now I trust you.”
Her warm palm slid into his before he assisted her onto the boat, untied the lines, and stepped aboard himself. Tessa sat on the bench behind the captain’s chair with a bright smile, looking at everything.
“You ready?”
“This is so exciting. I’ve never been on a boat.”
Aidan shifted the gear from neutral into drive, gliding at a slow pace away from the dock. Until he passed the buoys, he couldn’t give Tessa the thrill of a lifetime. He had a feeling his woman was an adrenaline junkie which made them a perfect match.
“Why are we going so slow?”
The question brought a wicked grin to his face and confirmed his thoughts about her. “We are in the no wake zone. Until we pass those buoys ahead, I can’t open her up.”
“Her? Your boat is a she?”
“You bet.”
Tessa’s infectious chuckle lifted over the dual engines rumbling at the stern. Calm and quiet, the lake was perfect for a wild ride. As soon as he passed the last buoy, Aidan pushed the throttle. The bow lifted the faster the speed until they glided across the water.
Tessa squealed behind him but seemed to enjoy the ride. Three miles down the lake, Aidan turned into a beautiful cove with cliffs extending upward on both sides. When he dropped anchor, Tessa only watched with an expression of question on her beautiful face. “Swimming? I don’t have a swimsuit?”
“Below deck you’ll find what you need. I asked Lexxa to purchase a few things.”
This man though. He continued to surprise her. “Aren’t you thoughtful?”
“I can be.”
Tessa started to go below but stopped before him lounging in the driver’s chair. The wind had tousled his hair until it hung in dark, thick pieces around his face. There was a naughty twinkle in his eyes that set her heart pounding in an abnormal rhythm.
After positioning herself between his spread legs, she cupped his cheeks and softly kissed his full lips. With her mouth hovering over his, she whispered, “Thank you, Aidan.”
A bright smile spread on his handsome face. “Do it again, and I might fuck you right here.”
Her lips twitched, and her core tingled at his words and the expression on his face. He meant what he said. There was no doubt about it. “Save that thought.”
One hand squeezed her ass. “I don’t forget anything where you’re concerned.”
A husky laugh escaped as she backed away and darted along the steps below deck. She found a queen size bed with a red comforter, and numerous mahogany shelves lining the walls. Several bags lay on the bed. It was small and tight, but perfect for what Aidan suggested.
Tessa laughed to herself, withdrawing a black, string bikini with a matching mesh coverup. “Lexxa, you naughty thing,” she whispered to herself, and quickly changed.