Page 45 of Sinful Negotiations
“Your office? What for?”
Marco leaned his impressive body against the doorframe. “You are educated, and I would appreciate your advice.”
“You wantmeto giveyouadvice on your illegal business?”
“Not everything I’m involved in is illegal.”
Nervousness caused her to lick her lips. His dark gaze immediately dropped to her mouth. Her chin lifted under his brazen scrutiny. “Only if I’m allowed a different wardrobe.”
Marco stepped farther into the room, close to her, circling her, sliding one hand over her bare shoulders. “Such feminine beauty shouldn’t be covered.”
She inhaled a deep breath. “I feel exposed.”
“Maybe that’s what I want. You are exquisite, Tessa. Why hide it?”
“It’s inappropriate.”
“You, and your American customs.”
That caught her interest. “Where are you from? Where do you live? Where are we?”
“Spain to all three questions. This hacienda sits on an island in the Atlantic Ocean. Help me today, and tomorrow we will enjoy the beach.”
Freedom.The word sat on the tip of her tongue. She was losing her mind being trapped in this room, so the idea of an outing on the beach sounded wonderful. She’d do anything to leave this house, and it would give her a chance to survey the immediate area. Access to a phone would help. Maybe a boat. She didn’t know the first thing about boats except what she’d witnessed Aidan do.
When Marco stopped before her, dark eyes boring into her own, she swallowed. “You are surrounded by water. There is no escape.”
Fucker. How did he know her thoughts? This close, she was forced to lift her face. The linen white shirt was open at the neck, casual and sexy. He wore khaki pants in the same material that outlined all the right places.
Marco defined handsome, and he knew it judging by the smirk at the corners of his lips. Sexuality rolled off him in waves,and the hint of expensive cologne teased her nostrils. He smiled, and she thought her heart would stop.
“Did you beat those girls? Use them?”
“The maids you keep sending in here are bruised.”
Marco’s lips twitched. “I wouldn’t do such a horrible thing. If you took the time to know me, you’d know I rescued those girls from horrible conditions.”
“What conditions?”
“Prostitution and drugs.”
Tessa didn’t know what to believe and didn’t speak Spanish, so she couldn’t ask.
“I’m not this horrible monster you have painted in your mind.”
“How do I know what’s true?”
“You don’t, but you’re welcome to ask them. Several speak English. Do we have a deal?” He asked the question and offered his hand with a wink.
Why would he encourage her to ask if he lied? Her gaze dropped to his hand, and she slid hers into his. Warm fingers closed over hers, and he pulled her forward until their bodies touched. His other hand slid over her head, grasping the braided length of her hair trailing along her spine. Fingers grazed her bare skin, and she jerked in response.
“One kiss, Tessa,” he groaned close to her lips.
It was becoming all too familiar to rise on her toes and give him what he asked for. His tongue slid between her lips before his mouth met hers. Slow and seductive, his tongue gently twirled with hers. His sweet taste seeped into her mouth, and her eyes closed with a sigh.
Alluring, sexy, and dangerous, he tugged at her hidden desires. Patient and gentle, he fucked her mouth with the slowthrust of his tongue. Dominant and controlling, he had learned her body and what she craved.