Page 51 of Sinful Negotiations
With two fingers, he tugged at the tab collar surrounding this throat. The clergyman’s garments sucked, and the black shoes pinched his toes.
He drove to an elegant neighborhood on the outskirts of Madrid, parked, and frowned at the four-story condo building. How did the real Father Denoro afford this? Alex chuckled to himself. Fucking asshole priest had been bought and paid for by Marco. The man was detained two days ago by the FBI in Atlanta, Georgia, attempting to smuggle drugs into the United States
It remained unclear whether Marco met with the real Father Denoro, or business with him was conducted by those he trusted. Either way, his disguise was flawless. He’d studied videos of the priest, how he moved, and his mannerisms. He’dinfiltrated many organizations in the same way, and Marco’s wouldn’t be any different.
At times he was still amazed by how far and how deep money could reach. The ones you least expected always entered a corrupt lifestyle for material things or dependency with no thought to those they harmed.
His phone vibrated as soon as he entered the plush condo unit. Expensive furniture in white and state-of-the-art appliances sat in perfectly placed spots. One entire wall was made of glass, offering an impressive view of Madrid. Alex growled and dropped into a leather recliner to scroll through the latest information on his phone.
It seemed his little temptress possessed an interesting history. Alex leaned forward in the chair as he read the updated contents in her file. No wonder Marco accepted her as compensation. It always boiled down to financial gain. As soon as they married, he’d cast her aside like trash or ship her off to one of his drug lords. If he managed to break her mind, Tessa would never be the same.
His gaze lifted to the city view, glaring, refocusing, and readying himself for the meeting tomorrow. No emotion could be revealed. He buried his personal connection to her deep in the back of his mind where no one could see any trace of it.
Marco just fucked with the wrong woman because she had an agent in her back pocket…a highly skilled, determined agent with vengeance in his heart for the man who dared take what belonged to him and the one person he loved. He would gladly give his life to set her free.
“Hold on, Tessa. I’m coming for you,” he growled into the darkness, restless and refusing to sleep.
Tessa tossed and turned in her bed, aggravated by the information dropped in her lap and the damn nightgowntwisting around her legs. Out of all the things she’d been handed, she refused to accept Aidan’s death. Sometime in the early morning hours she fell into a troubled sleep.
With a resounding sigh, she returned to the cabin by the lake. He smiled from the dock, sunlight glimmering on the water behind him, fishing rod in hand. One hand waved and his striking eyes narrowed on her, sliding over her body from head to toe. He laughed at something she couldn’t see, and she chuckled to herself.
In the next scene, they were in his bed in that tiny bedroom. Warm fingers slid over her skin, stoking desire. His palm cupped her hip and moved along her inner thigh. She squirmed under his masterful touch, her legs rubbing together and her heels slipping along the sheets.
Aching and on fire, she lifted the nightgown and straddled his waist. She stroked his engorged length, rubbing the head through her folds before sheathing him.
Aidan moaned, pumping her channel with quick thrusts, as she rocked her pelvis, her clit stiffening from the friction. Big hands held her hips, grinding into her, and she came apart, soaking his length and crying out in the darkness.
In a flash, blood coated the floor around his body, and he whispered, “I will come for you.”
“Aidan,” she cried in the dream, reaching for him, but he dissolved into nothing.
Tessa bolted awake, her body trembling from the aftershocks of her dream orgasm and the memory from that fateful day.
“Aidan didn’t give you that orgasm. I did.”
Warm hands slid along her inner thighs, and she bit her lip when she realized what happened.
“How delicious you taste,” Marco moaned from between her legs. “My dick is hard and ready, Tessa.”
She flinched in shock but scooted away from him. Once he slid into the chair beside her bed, she fisted the blankets and tugged them tightly to her chest. As her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she saw him lick two fingers with the realization of what he’d done while she dreamed. “Get out of my room.”
“Your pussy clenching my fingers and soaking my tongue makes me want more, beautiful Tessa, and makes me think you do too.”
“Don’t flatter yourself. It was only a physical response and meant nothing. I’ve had better orgasms with my fucking vibrator.”
His deep chuckle slithered over her heated flesh. “You came on my fingers, soaked them, rode my hand as I fingerfucked you, and sucked your clit.” He leaned over the bed, trapping her between his arms. “When I fuck you, and I will, there won’t be any doubt of whom or what makes you orgasm.”
“Leave, Marco. If you ever touch me again, I’ll find a way to kill you.”
“Such a wicked temper. I’ll enjoy taming that too.”
Tessa seethed inside as he rose from the bed and slid one finger over her lips. “When you’re ready, ask for it. I won’t give it freely again.” A wicked smile spread over his mouth as he strolled to the door, locking it once it closed behind him.
Disgusted with herself and afraid, she remained awake until sunlight peeped over the horizon. What Marco did was a violation. He couldn’t be trusted, and she couldn’t trust herself anymore even when asleep. The paranoia had her mind ready to snap at any time, and with every little noise she jumped.
Marco’s personality changed with the seconds on the clock. One minute he was tender and caring, and the next he stole what he wanted by any means necessary.