Page 6 of Sinful Negotiations
She crossed one ankle over the other when her damp panties reminded her of what they did not four hours earlier. Her eyes lowered when he slid one finger over his bottom lip.
The wicked expression on his handsome face taunted her, and the tension in the elevator lifted as the car descended to the garage level. He smirked, so she refocused her attention on the backs of the small audience in the elevator.
“I could use a bottle of wine and a hot bubble bath tonight.” Tessa spoke the words out loud and rocked on her heels, enjoying his immediate frown.
Murmurs of approval and laughter filled the elevator from the female employees sharing the ride.
“I second that,” Sherry, the secretary barked over her shoulder. “I’ve got a bottle of red chilling in my fridge if you ever want to stop by.”
Tessa laughed, but the arch of Aidan’s eyebrow dared her to accept. She should have agreed to the invite to prick his ego, but the need formorewas mutual. “Raincheck?”
The elevator chimed. “Anytime girlfriend. The offer stands. Aidan, you’re welcome as well and anytime.”
Her back stiffened, and her eyes bore holes into Sherry’s back with the implication in her voice, but she lifted her chin. There was no place for jealousy where Aidan was concerned. “I’ll be sure to keep that in mind,” Tessa replied, as everyone exited the elevator and made their way to either the bus stop, the sidewalk, or their parked cars in the garage.
Aidan didn’t bother to speak to anyone, long strides carrying him to his motorcycle without a care in the world. How did he do it? Ignore her so easily? Pretend they weren’t intimately involved?
Tessa paused only a second, watching him walk, admiring his physique, and imagining straddling his motorcycle or him, preferably at the same time. Her gaze darted to Sherry disappearing around the corner. Old lovers?
A low chuckle escaped as she rushed to her sedan, climbed inside, and frowned at the motorcycle and the man astride itin her rearview mirror. The situation was out of hand. She had formed an attachment to him, some moronic claim on a man she couldn’t have.
In that moment, she decidednotto go to his place this evening. This was the end she dreaded. Angry for no good reason, she started her car and followed him out of the parking garage.
He never looked back, and she turned in the opposite direction.
Chapter 7
By a quarter till seven, Aidan paced back and forth in his living room. He couldn’t believe she ditched him. No one did that to him. In the back of his mind, he knew it was the right move considering what was at stake.
After five more minutes, he snatched his keys with a growl. A long drive out of the city would do him good. This relationship and the mission had him wound so tight he felt like he could pop at any second. Night air would help clear his head.
City lights disappeared as he sped along the highway on his motorcycle. The tension left his body, but thoughts of Tessa persisted. This one tunneled under his skin, and he didn’t know what to do to get her out. He didn’t even know that he wanted it to stop. As a matter a fact, the thought of Tessa not in his life left a hollow emptiness in his gut.
In the past, any time the hint of emotional entanglement reared its head, he quickly ended the association. This went against every rule with his line of work but with Tessa, he couldn’t seem to speak the words.
Everything about her called to him and tempted his heart to want more. He was in that office to complete a mission, and close to ruining everything. Aidan swore beneath his helmet and hit the throttle. He needed advice and clarity on the situation.
A small ranch came into view, and he parked in the driveway. His sister, Jeanie, opened the door with a smirk. “What’s up? I didn’t think you were coming in this weekend?”
Aidan smiled at his older sister, in no hurry to climb off his motorcycle. “I was in the neighborhood.”
Her face tilted and she gave him the knowing look he remembered from his childhood. “Are you in trouble?”
“You could callherthat.”
Jeanie laughed and crossed her arms. “Her?”
He pinched the bridge of his nose before climbing off the seat and placing his helmet on the leather. “Her name is Tessa.”
Jeanie shook her head. “I never thought I’d see the day you drove all the way to Somerset for woman advice. This must be some woman.”
“You could say that.”
“You’re going to mess up the plan. Isn’t Tessa James the niece of the person in question? You know better.”
Aidan held up one hand. “That’s why I’m here.”
“So, this one hit that cold heart?” Jeanie held the door open with a sarcastic grin.