Page 30 of Never Over You
She ducked back into the bathroom and then reemerged with her makeup bag. “Go ahead. I’ll finish getting ready out here and see you downstairs.”
I silently made my way to the bathroom, deciding on a slightly longer shower to make sure Leah would be downstairs by the time I finished. Cowardly? Yes. Necessary? Also yes.
My only thoughts for the next 20 minutes were of Brooke. First, wondering if she was okay, if Liam had been equally stoic in letting her go, and then about all the things we would do now that we were together again and all the ways we would make up for so much lost time.
I finished showering and packed my things, then made my way downstairs, hoping to be able to get a moment with Brooke before Mr. and Mrs. Grey appeared and breakfast began. Only, it seemed I took a little too long with my stall-tactic shower because, when I got to the kitchen, everyone was already seated.
Shit,I silently muttered as I walked to the table and took my seat next to Leah. I did my best to smile, then said, “Sorry if I kept everyone waiting.”
“Don’t worry,” Leah said. “I let everyone know you had a bit of insomnia last night.” She looked at her mom, adding, “Poor guy moved to a different guest room just to let me sleep.”
Leah was smooth as silk, covering in case her parents had heard me moving around last night or this morning.
“Well, I’m sure next time you’re here, you’ll sleep like a baby,” Lillian said.
I smiled, darting a look at Brooke for the first time since I’d sat down.Are you okay?I silently asked her, but she averted her gaze before I could get a read of her face. I was about to eye Liam to see what I could glean, but just as I looked over, he rose and started speaking.
“Now that everyone’s here,” Liam said, “there’s something you all should know.”
Oh. Fuck.Was Liam about to out me and Brooke to his parents? Had Leah managed to intercept Liam before breakfast to let him know of her wish to keep things quiet? Or had she decided against it, letting the embarrassing, shameful chips fall where they may?
“Brooke and I talked last night...” Liam continued, and I swear to fucking god, I felt like I was going to pass out. “...and we’re getting married!”
My heart dropped to the floor and kept right on going.Now,I was going to pass out.
“What?” I said, overtop the chorus of cheers from Robert and Lillian. I shifted my gaze from Liam to Brooke.Is this true?I silently asked her.
“Isn’t it just thebestnews?” Liam said, recapturing my attention. And this time, there was a glint in his eye. The kind that directed a silentfuck youin my direction.
The cheering continued, chatter erupting between Liam and his parents and even Leah, who seemed as shocked but was rolling with it.
My phone buzzed in my pocket, and I slid it out just enough to check the screen. It was the text I’d been holding my breath for, and the last text I’d expected.
Brooke: I’m sorry.
When I looked back up at her, she was talking to Lillian, left hand extended, massive diamond ring on display.
As the planetouched down at LAX, I stared at the ring on my left hand, feeling as if it was a foreign body. An alien that had clung to my finger, trying to find a home on this planet. What had I done? I had been so flustered when Liam had proposed—so confused that he could still want me after what I did with Alex—that before my brain could stop me, I’d said yes.
I had barely slept last night, between my nerves and having the sneaking suspicion that Alex was right down the hall in what had become “our” room. I wanted—needed—to see him, but there was no way I could.
For one: How on Earth would I explain that, after we declared our feelings for one another, I accepted Liam’s marriage proposal? Two: Why the hell had I accepted Liam’s marriage proposal?
Yes, I loved him, but it had never been the same kind of love that I’d felt for Alex. My love for Liam was comfortable and calm, like the music you’d hear in a coffee shop on Sunday morning.
But what I felt for Alex was like fireworks, like ten different symphonies playing all at once, squeezing my heart until it felt like it could explode.
“Babe, you okay?” Liam asked, startling me.
I scrubbed a hand down my face and tried to smile. “Yes, I’m fine. I just have to hit the bathroom on our way out.”
Liam nodded, eyeing me suspiciously, but didn’t press. Since breakfast, he’d been on cloud nine, making plans and talking about our future wedding. Alex and Leah had made a hasty exit, but Liam and I had stayed behind. Liam’s parents had hung on every word Liam had said, his mom asking countless questions, thankfully allowing me to stay pretty quiet. I could barely process anything they had said anyway.