Page 58 of Kiss of a Hellish Prince
We need to talk.
Oh shit.
Those words never came before a pleasant conversation.
I Wasn’t Mad, but I Am Now
Istood in front of Rune’s door, my hand raised to knock.
He’d said we needed to talk. I was afraid to find out what he meant by that.
I had been about to type the same words, but I wanted to see if he could help Sarah. What if he wanted to tell me he got back together with Sif?
That I was a mistake?
The door was closed. He could have Sif in there right now. What if he was going to kick us out and let us fend for ourselves because he still loved Sif? He wouldn’t do that, right?
We had just met a few days ago. I didn’t know what he would and wouldn’t do. I really didn’t know much about him at all. Was I just another hiccup in their relationship that led to them having incredible make-up sex?
Oh God, could our date have sent him running back to her?
Flipping out would not get me anywhere. I needed to talk to Rune and face whatever the music was, then get help for Sarah.
I took a deep breath and knocked on the door.
“Come in,” he said.
I opened the door to find Rune lying on his bed, alone. His hair was still damp from a shower, and he had thrown on a pair of light grey sweatpants that clung to his thighs. He was lying back, abs stretched out and on display while he was reading from an old, battered copy ofThe Hobbit.
Fuck me, that wasn’t fair. How could any woman possibly think straight with all of that on display?
“Hey,” I said.
His eyes traveled down my body to take in all of me. I was just wearing a pair of jeans and a tank top. When I’d gotten out of the shower, I went to talk to Sarah. I hadn’t put on makeup or brushed my hair; I hadn’t even bothered with a bra.
The way Rune looked at me told me it didn’t matter.
God, I loved the way his gaze heated when he looked at me. It made me feel sexy, powerful.
Just one look and all the insecurities about Sif melted away.
“Hey.” He put in a bookmark to keep his page and sat up, placing the book on the bedside table.
“Can I come in?” I asked, not sure what to do.
He nodded and moved over on the bed, giving me a place to sit where I could angle myself to face him.
“You wanted to talk,” I said as I sat down.
“Yeah.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “About earlier. I wanted to say I’m sorry.”
“You didn’t do anything,” I said.
This was the second time I’d been in this room. I was starting to associate the dark walls with feelings of unease.
“No, I didn’t. That is why I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have let her say that stuff to you, and I should’ve seen that kiss coming and stopped it before it ever happened.”