Page 97 of Kiss of a Hellish Prince
Once he finished, he walked over to me and placed his hands on my shoulders like he did when I was young. “Victoria, you have to know I never—”
“Not right now,” I interrupted. “I want to hear all of this, but not now, not here. Do you think you can carry Vivi?”
He looked at me like he wanted to say more before he nodded, then picked up Vivi and held her in one arm against his chest like he would an infant.
Seeing her in his arm like that… If it weren’t for the duct tape, she might have looked peaceful, asleep in her father’s arms. The thought made tears prickle at my eyes.
I didn’t have time for this right now.
I motioned for Arik to follow me out.
“Wait, no!” Sif screamed. “No one is supposed to be here for weeks! You can’t leave me here.”
“I’ll send someone to collect you. I’m sure Ulric and Darrius have questions for you,” I said.
Her eyes were wide, and her face looked ashen.
“How do I know you won’t just leave me down here to die?”
“Because I’m not you.” I slammed the door behind me before I started looking around for that elevator Sif had mentioned.
There was no way I could make it up two flights of stairs. I was feeling dizzy, and had lost so much blood the pins-and-needles sensation was in my feet and slowly climbing up my legs.
“You can lean on me if you need,” Arik said.
“Let’s just get out of here as fast as possible.”
I didn’t know how to sort out everything. There was a lot of information thrown at me while I was trying to stay alive. I just couldn’t stop to process it yet. When this was over, I was taking a weeklong nap.
Without another word, he followed me to the stairs. Thankfully, the elevator was right next to it, and it didn’t need a handprint.
* * *
Within minutes, we were heading out the doors to the arena. The first thing I noticed, was Kylie.
She was gone.
Then I saw him. Rune. He had never looked so good, even if he looked like he was ready to murder someone, probably me. He stood just outside, looking around the outside of the building, his hands in tight fists. His arms bulged, threatening to rip the sleeves of his black T-shirt that was already in tatters from his wings, which were out and pushed straight back. His jaw clenched almost as hard as his fists.
He was surrounded by a few big biker-looking men and even a few women. These must be the angels Tab sent for.
“Rune,” I called, my voice cracking.
His eyes snapped to me immediately. His palm pressed to his chest, and I think I saw relief pass over his eyes before his scowl returned to his face. He stalked towards me, his eyes burning into mine.
I knew he would be mad, but I didn’t know he would be this upset. I stood my ground, knowing he wouldn’t hurt me.
“Tori! What the fuck!” he roared.
I smiled. I think he was worried about me.
When he got close, he reached out for me, grabbing my injured shoulder. It sent a jolt of pain through my body and wrenched a scream from my throat. He immediately let go, panicked.
I was pretty sure he hadn’t meant to do that.
It didn’t matter. Arik had him by the throat and hoisted Rune in the air like he weighed nothing. Arik’s fangs were bared. They weren’t as long as Rune’s, but they looked just as deadly.
I heard the distinct click of guns cocking. Ulric and Darrius were both aiming at my father.