Page 10 of Bite Marks
Gentle fingers traced her jaw as he pressed his lips over hers.
Her breath left her as that tingling energy returned, taking root inside her core. She let him part her lips this time, and his tongue crashed over hers. Heat built, tightening her chest. His grip on her hips tightened, and his other hand pulled her body harder against him. She leaned into the kiss, her chest pressing against his. A low growl of a moan escaped his throat that rumbled inside her, dropping lower and lower till it reached between her thighs.
She pressed her hand against his chest as she had in the car. He pulled back, surprising her, just like before, maybe even more so since they were basically alone in a booth, and her other hand still rested on his inner thigh.
Even though she hadn’t caught her breath, she said her next words. “I want to dance.”
Nunzio’s eyes held her, again reminding her of an apex predator stalking his next meal. It would be kind of creepy if he was a total stranger, but since she knew him, his laugh, and his smile, it came across as intense and honestly flattering. “Right behind you.”
She slid out of the booth, holding his hand, but when they stood, she turned around. “Actually, let me run to the ladies’ room first.”
“Don’t go skipping town on me.”
She giggled, shaking her head before pulling him in for a quick kiss. “I’ll be right back.”
Her heart jumped around in her chest, and not to the heavy, rhythmic beat of the club, but to the light tingles that Nunzio had left in her. Kisses like that were enough to start convincingher, let alone everyone else, that it was real.We do seem to get along well. And he really was interested before. What if it could work? What if I gave it a real shot?
It took her a few minutes to find the restroom. Thankfully the line for the mirror wasn’t serious. Most of the women there used it to powder their noses like Vanessa aimed to, but there were a few who were powdering the insides of their noses as well.I guess you can’t have the best club in the country without having a few party favors.
As she waited in line, she thought Nunzio over. Really getting together was probably the wrong idea. He was in the life, and she wasn’t. Vanessa had no desire to end up an empty shell like her mother. But …Maybe one night wouldn’t be so bad.
Nunzio had a great pair of shoulders to grab onto, and as long as he fucked half as good as he kissed, she’d have a hell of a good night. She’d have to be clear and set boundaries, so he didn’t get the wrong idea, but maybe it could work as a one-time thing.
Still, there was something more to him that she couldn’t put her finger on. Something about him that just pulled on her base desires. It had been a while … a very long while … since she’d been with a man physically, and part of her wanted to lay the blame there and stop thinking about it, but her heart told her that wasn’t it. Some latent power or energy Nunzio had called to her like a siren in the night, like a …
A woman howled like a fucking wolf after ripping through a line of coke at the mirror. “Fuck yeah!” She headed out, and since Vanessa was next in line, she gave her a wink as they passed.
Vanessa checked her makeup and gave her nose a little extra powder before heading out. She went back to their table but didn’t find Nunzio. A few shouts raged over the club music and pulled her attention.
There he was, her super suave date, in a damn fistfight with five of the club’s bouncers.Well, good luck getting back into this place ever again.Part of her wanted to just disappear into the dancing crowd, but she’d been so excited to dance with Nunzio. It just wouldn’t be the same. The night was ruined.
To his credit, Nunzio moved like a shadow, weaving in and out of the bouncers’ ranges, striking, and then getting away before they could land a single blow. His eyes held an intense focus and the corners of his lips curled up at the edges.I guess that kickboxing stuff was for real.
Regardless, this was embarrassing. A fight with the bouncers? Even if he won, even if he went through the whole fucking staff, there was no way they could stay and have any fun. Then again, he was, clearly. With that little smirk on his face, she could tell he was having plenty of fun kicking ass like some stupid action movie hero.There’s no way I’m sleeping with this clown.
“Nunzio, stop!” Her scream was drowned out by a catastrophic base drop to the point that she couldn’t even hear herself.
But Nunzio did stop. His eyes flicked to her, and his fists turned into open palms that only deflected blows as he held his hands up. Not wanting to fight anymore.
These mooks really don’t recognize me.Nunzio sighed, blocking and dodging. He wanted out of the brawl with the meatheads, but only because Vanessa looked like a bull ready to charge, and he wasn’t going to stand around for the horns to get him. If not for her ball-busting glare, he’d gladly stay in it. ThesePagliaccicouldn’t hit a fucking whale.
Luckily, Mikey came down the stairs two at a time. “Hey! Get off him, you fucking shit-for-brains!” The club’s manager grabbed the collars of his bouncers and shoved the bigger men away. “Go! Get out of my sight before I kick your asses on the street!”
He spun around to Nunzio and bowed his head before looking up at him.
“I am so sorry, Mr. Sarducci.”
The small man reached out and fixed Nunzio’s suit for him, straightening his tie. Mikey was only an associate to the family, not actually a member himself, but he’d been an associate for quite a while and knew what could happen if the family decided they no longer wanted him around.
Vanessa stomped over to Nunzio as Mikey smiled up at him.
“Drinks for you and your lady the rest of the week, sir. I’m humiliated by these bozos. I’ll fire them if you want.”
“I’ll think about it. Might want to replace them with some fellas I know.” The possibility of having a deeper hold on Mikey was a sure thing. The tussle that had barely scuffed his shoes was going to turn into jobs for his boys. This night couldn’t get any better. “Guys who know who’s who. But for now, we’ll take the drinks.”