Page 15 of Bite Marks
“Shut the fuck up, Cap,” Nunzio ordered.
Nunzio’s voice carried over the empty dance floor of Sinsations. It was early afternoon, and the staff wasn't expected to arrive for another three hours. No Neck, Cap, and Ginger took their usual places, counting the money. It was the end of the month, an essential time to update the records for both businesses.
“Hey, I was just asking a question, is all," he said, holding his hands up.
Nunzio threw down the stack of cash he was holding. It landed with a thud on the thick wooden table. The guys had been trying to bust his balls since he was seen with Vanessa on his arm. It seemed as though the Ice Queen’s reputation had made him the talk of the town.
Everyone was trying to figure out why Nunzio. Vanessa had shot down every eligible man in her life that approached her. Despite being Alonzo’s daughter, she wanted nothing to do with it.
None of that mattered to him. All that mattered was the looks of approval he received from the boss when he saw Vanessa on his arm.
"Last time I checked, I pay you to work, not to ask fucking questions," he said, swatting him across the back of his head.
“Easy, tough guy. Didn’t think you were so sensitive,” No Neck chimed in, rewetting the tips of his fingers.
"Keep running your mouth, and you're going to be sensitive," Nunzio said to No Neck.
Ginger walked up behind Nunzio, squeezing his shoulders and giving him a playful shake. Nunzio looked over his shoulder at him, wondering what chaos warred in his mind. Ginger never could keep his mouth shut. That was why he was always in trouble.
“Let me call one of the girls over,” he said, laughing. “These blue balls are making you a cunt.”
"I don't need a girl. I've got Vanessa," he said, shoving Ginger away from him.
“What are you gonna do, jerk off like some creep because your girl won't let you touch her?” No Neck said.
Nunzio clenched his fist. His anger rose at the accusations being thrown at his relationship and Vanessa. Real or fake relationship, Vanessa was his. Despite his urge to save face, the need to protect Vanessa’s reputation clung to his chest.
"Listen up, 'cause I'm only gonna say this once.” He stood, taking his time to look each man in the eye. “Vanessa is a good girl, not some moll. Let this be the last time you speak about my girl. You got that.”
“You're serious about this girl?” Ginger asked.
Nunzio was silent, keeping his face impassive. He left no room for questions. As far as he was concerned, this conversation was over. He looked down at his wrist, checking the time. Tonight, he was taking Vanessa to a family gathering.
After what happened the last time they were out, he didn't want to risk her temper by being late. She spared him last time. Agreeing to continue the ruse with him despite their blowup. He just wasn't sure how much farther the lure of that Monet would get him, considering his recent fuck ups.
"What are you trying to say? That I'm an idiot? Of course, I am serious about a good, Catholic, Italian girl,” Nunzio said.
“Then how are you going to woo her?”
“Woo her? What the fuck am I, a ghost? I’m gonna treat her like a lady, y’know, flowers and shit, like a real gentleman.”
“You going to buy the bottleprima di assaggiare il vino?” No Neck said. “Must be love.”
Just as Nunzio opened his lips to retort, his alarm rang. He pulled out his cell phone and paused the alarm. Grabbing his suit jacket from the back of the chair, he slung it over a thick shoulder and walked back to the exit.
“Consider yourself lucky,” he said, pointing at No Neck with his phone. “All this shit better be sorted by the time I get back.”
Nunzio fired up the Roma. He had about fifteen minutes to head back to his place. He was on a tight schedule. In two hours, he had to be dressed with Vanessa around his arm. He made a sharp turn onto his driveway.
As a newly made man, everything he did would be watched. Being in didn't mean you had to stop proving yourself, and Nunzio knew he needed a favor to make it to the top. It wasn't just enough being tough. You had to be smart, loyal, and always stand up for your morals. A man's man. That was what the Don had meant when he told him to settle down.
He opened his closet door and looked through his selection of custom-made suits. Nunzio was traditional and wouldn’t be caught in anything less than a polished appearance. While looking over the various shades and styles he owned, he thought about Vanessa.
Nunzio wanted to make her the center of attention. After all, a true gentleman always allowed his woman to shine. He didn’t know enough about her yet to be able to predict the color she would choose for an event like this. Nunzio ran his hand through his hair. He had to start finding out more about her.