Page 109 of Mine Tonight
“Come here, darling,” the emotion showed in her voice and Xavier’s head lifted, his eyes chasing her, landing on a face that was pale and slim. On eyes that were hollow and tired. He swallowed past a now-familiar sense of guilt and returned his attention to the newspaper.
Ellie crouched down, neatening the tie and tucking his shirt in properly, then she stood, nodding her approval. “Perfect.”
“Will Xavier take me to school today?” Josh asked, the question the same one he’d asked each school morning for the past two weeks. And each day, Ellie had demurred, unwilling to relinquish this part of her routine. Unwilling to hand over the reins of a duty that bound her to Joshua exclusively.
“Yes.” Xavier overrode before she could speak, and the eyes that met hers were loaded with determination and warning.
She opened her mouth to dispute that, but it was too late. Joshua was jumping in his excitement and he ran towards Xavier and wrapped his arms around his father’s knees, so that Xavier scooped down and lifted him high, giving him a hug that Ellie couldn’t bear to watch.
“But your momia will have to come with us, so I know which classroom is yours.”
“Joshua knows,” Ellie said curtly. “And your grumpy sidekick can drive you. He knows the way.”
She went to spin away and leave the room, unable to bear any part of this development, but Xavier spoke with a softly determined tone. “Wait a moment, Elizabeth.”
And then, he deposited Josh to the ground. “Why don’t you go and get Panda to accompany us in the car?”
Josh grinned and ran from the room, his knees delightfully scraped, his expression glowing.
“What is it?” Elizabeth asked tersely, turning to face him, that sense of tension radiating from her frame, so that it was impossible to ignore.
“You should come with me to school,” he said, a frown on his features as his eyes scanned her face, marking the changes since she’d arrived at his home. Contrasting her to the woman he’d met at the charity fundraiser a short time ago.
“Why?” She asked, bleakly. Defeated. His determination grew in the face of her withdrawal of any objection.
“Josh has never had a mother and father to do things with. Why shouldn’t he experience that?”
She flinched. “That’s a low blow,” she said with a shake of her head. “Making this about Josh.”
“It is about Josh,” he said grimly. “It’s all about Josh.”
“I know that,” she hissed. “Do you think I’d be here for any other reason?” She glared at him, and then shook her head. “You take him to school. There’ll be a lifetime of togetherness, remember?”
Xavier wasn’t a fool.
He didn’t like his bride, but nor did he like living as though he was in a war zone.
It wasn’t healthy, and as Josh got older, he was going to see past the ice-thin veil of tolerance they met each other with.
He knew it had to change.
That night, when Josh was in bed and Elizabeth was making her way to the kitchen, he stilled her, slipping a hand out and catching her wrist as she passed. Her skin was so soft beneath his fingertips. Though they slept together often, it was always in bed, always in the dark. Touching her like this, in the light of the evening, was somehow elicit and unexpectedly appealing.
She froze, her eyes the most fascinating shade of golden brown and caramel in her pale face. “What is it?” she whispered, blinking her long lashes down so that they fanned against her cheeks and blocked her feelings from his view.
“Two weeks ago we attempted to share a meal and it ended in disaster. Why do we not try again?”
He’d surprised her. It showed in every line of her face. “I… find it easier to eat when you’re not there scowling at me in disapproval.”
Now it was his turn to be surprised. He let out a short laugh and shook his head. “What if I promise to keep the scowling to a minimum?”
“I don’t think you’re capable of it.”
“Let me try.”
She was weighing his words up, working out if she could trust him, and the seriousness she was giving the invitation was on a par with a request to sell her kidney. Finally, she nodded. A tight movement that was so obviously against her better judgement.
“On one condition,” she said stepping backwards and pulling her wrist from his hold. His fingertips tingled.