Page 11 of Strut
"I don't want to be in a relationship," I finally called back to him.
This caused him to turn around.
"Why?"He asked."Who fucked you over that bad that you've just done away with romance?"
"Nobody fucked me over.I just have some shit that I need to deal with.Nobody needs to be a part of that."I answered without answering.
"Shouldn't you let them be the judge of that?"Chris countered.
"No, I'm the judge.I say so."My arms folded over my chest as I guarded myself against his charms.
Chris, then opened up his stance by relaxing his hands at his side.
"Okay, judge.No relationship.I like you and I'd like to spend some time with you.You're funny, sexy, smart, you're G.O.T.and I have a feeling you like me too.What say you… judge?"He asked.
No one could ever say this man was not quick, savvy or even slightly romantic.It was a shame I didn’t do romance, but I understood logic.Was there really any harm in hanging out with him?Yes, there was and I knew it.Since Calvin, I never even got close to men.There was not even the idea to entertain the notion but Chris had me second-guessing everything.
I stood there wondering how I was able to get to this place in my life.Especially after everything that has happened.I knew better to even entertain the shenanigans but that did not stop me from saying, “I won’t fall in love with you.”
“Okay, agreed.”Chris said with a slight smirk.“No love.”
“I like my eggs scrambled.”I slipped off my shoes, walked inside the kitchen, and sat down at the island with my head in my hands and elbows on the counter.
Chris chuckled a bit before he turned and said, “Scrambled.Coming up.”
Oddly enough, Chris was a much better cook than I thought a hippie could be in Philadelphia.The eggs were fluffy, bacon was crisp, just like I liked it, and the Belgium waffle was perfectly round and straight from the iron.That took skill.Every time I went to a hotel where they let you make-your-own waffle with pancake batter, I never got it right.Chris, on the other hand, his were perfect.
When we finished eating, I started removing our plates, cups and utensils to put them in the dish washer.Strong hands wrapped around my waist, causing me to fall into a hard exterior, Chris’ chest.His mouth nibbled on my ear as those hands began to flex on my stomach, effectively pushing my bottom into his very hard erection.
“I still want to taste…” His lips trailed down to my neck, causing a knee knocking shutter.“you.”
Oh my!
The man was dangerous and before I knew it, I had allowed him in and did not even know.
Chris was lethal in some of the worse ways.Not only was the man smooth but he was slick as hell.How he got me to stay for breakfast and in essence, spend the day with him and under him was beyond me.We ended up watching more of G.O.T.and this time, it was my favorite episode.Once, I explained why I loved when Cersei got her just due, Chris looked at me for awhile and said, “Yeah, I get that.”
The next day, Chris texted me asking if I was sore in any area, where he could be of some assistance.As tempting as it was, I declined and kept going about my day.It wasn’t until Wednesday night, a simple –I miss you– text from Chris, had me picking up the phone to call him.
“Hey,” I said.“You can’t miss friends, mmkay.”
“Oh, I wasn’t aware of that rule.”He was laughing.“Let’s get some coffee friend.Tomorrow morning before you head to work.”
Silence met him because I had nothing to say.Once again, he caught me off guard.Which reminded me that my walls were slowly coming down in regard to him.We were friends and nothing was wrong with that but why?What was the point?He was cool, funny, sensitive, smart, and reflective.The long-haired hippie thing wasn’t really something I liked but it suited him.Sexually, the man was a beast and this was something even I couldn’t deny.
“Cool, so I’ll meet you at the coffee shop on the corner of Seventh and Popular.”Chris purged through like a lion on a tear.“I’ll be in the back.Let’s say six-thirty.”
“Okay.”I answered.
Why did I say, okay?
“Okay, friend.Have a good night and I’ll see you tomorrow.”