Page 7 of Strut
Later that morning, Alexus texted me, asking how last night was.She almost never inquired about my escapades, but she liked Chris.
I liked Chris too.
Alexus:Soo…he was great, wasn’t he?
Me:Yeah, he was okay
Alexus:You know that I know when you are trying to downplay something
Me:I know you think you have that power
Alexus: I do.I know you like him
Me:He’s okay
Me:Sure, it was good.He was good.Okay?
Alexus:I knew it!!!:-p
Me:Well, it doesn’t really matter.You know me.One night!#Done
Alexus:Booooo…..One day, girl.One day.
She was my girl, but since she had her fairytale, Alexus wanted everyone to get theirs too.I guess that was the mark of a true friend.At least, she wasn’t sabotaging other people because she wanted to be the only one with a fairytale.I knew chicks like that too.But, there would be no such ending for me.
That evening, I made a last-minute decision to get Chinese takeout from the local restaurant with one of the few ‘A’ ratings on my side of the city.Alexus called mebougiebecause I only ate at ‘A’ rating stores.Anything below that was not a restaurant I risked my health or wellbeing to.Her and Devin joked that they would try a ‘C’ rating store just to experiment.They were brave souls, but I learned a long time ago, what I ingested in my body mattered.During my days of doctor’s visits and leaf and water diets, no meats, only organic fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and calcium-rich food.The list was long and it grew.We were told to even have sex in a certain position to increase our chances.
My head shook as I remembered all the hoops we went through, and in the corner of my eye, I saw a familiar face, but it was just a flash.By the time I turned my head, the person was gone.
“How may I help you?”The cashier asked me.
“Sorry, can I get a number three and five?”I asked.“Also, I would like a bottle of water.”
“Make that two…” a familiar deep voice broke into my thoughts.
My head swiveled around to see none other than my one-night stand from last night staring at me like I stole his dog.
“Shit,” I muttered.
“Shit is right.”He sauntered over to me.“A man can't get food in peace without running into the woman who left him in his bed craving her taste the next morning.”
I nearly laughed because … what the hell?
“Sir, is that to go?”The lady behind the counter asked.
He looked at me and asked, “Is this to go?”
Normally, I had a quick wit about me and could think on my toes, but at that moment, I was lost for words.
“Yeah,” Chris said.“That's for here.She and I need to get on the same page.”
“Okay.Is that all?”The lady asked us.