Page 43 of One Cut Deeper
He wouldn’t hurtmethat way. But someone who was threatening me? Oh yeah. I can totally see it. His voice was sincere when he made that threat. I’ve seen the proof in his cold eyes.
At nine, my phone rings. My wrist aches and I managed to make myself sore, rubbing so hard when I’m barely wet. If he expects me to come as quickly as last night, he’ll be disappointed. Again. “Hello?”
“Did you think I wouldn’t call?”
“I wasn’t sure.”
“I’m sorry for the way I left our last conversation. I was so upset, I didn’t want to worry you more than I already have.” He pauses, listening to my breathing. “You’re so scared you couldn’t come right now if I ordered it.”
I don’t say anything because it’s true.
“Did you at least try?”
“Of course.” My voice is small and quiet but doesn’t tremble. “I’ll always try to do what you say.”
“It’s all right. I’ll help you.”
I doubt he can make me come after the turmoil tonight, but for him, I’m always willing to try.
“Do you still have those lovely bite marks?”
“Yes, though they’re starting to fade.”
“Touch the ones on your thighs. Press on them. Are they still sore?”
I sit up more so I can look down my body and stroke the bites on either thigh. The ones high near my groin are more vivid than the first ones he gave me on the meaty inside of my inner thigh. He didn’t break the skin, so they’re smooth bruises, faded yellow and purple. “One is a little sore, but not bad.”
“Press your thumb on that mark. Remember how it felt when I bit you?”
“Yeah.” I close my eyes with the memory. The force of his jaws closing on my skin, the sounds he made.
He growls just enough to make a delicious shiver slide down my spine. “I think I left a particularly memorable bite on your right breast. How does it look?”
“Still beautiful. I mean, bad.”
He chuckles. This is familiar territory. I know this Charlie. I love this Charlie. I lay back on the pillows and slide my hand between my thighs. I’m definitely wet now.
“Maybe you could take a picture of that gorgeous mark and send it to me later.”
“Yeah. I’d like that. Could I show my friends?”
“Absolutely, if that’s what you want.”
“I want to show them off. I wish everyone could see them, but most people won’t understand.”
“Is the bite on your breast still tender? Squeeze that sweet tit. Let me hear how it feels.”
I groan before I touch the scab. He definitely broke the skin. Squeezing my breast gently makes the pain spread. Not the sharp, glorious pain of his bite, the pressure and cut of his teeth. But good. Especially when I remember how he groaned deep in his throat at the taste of my blood in his mouth.
“There’s my girl. Are you wet now?”
I tighten my grip on my breast, letting the pain flow through me. “Yeah.”
“After your encounter today, I’m moving my trip up. I’ll be home tomorrow night. I’m going to mark your flesh again, Ranay. I’ll brand you as mine. Every time you look at yourself, you’ll see my mark. You’ll know that I own you. I’d do anything for you. Even kill to protect you.”
His words build the crescendo in me, fueled by the small pain. I can’t keep my fingers out of my pussy now. Not with his voice stroking me. Owned. I’ve never had someone take such command of me before while still lifting me up and building my self-esteem at the same time. I want, need his protection. As long as that doesn’t mean actual killing.
“Let me hear you purr, kitten.”