Page 65 of One Cut Deeper
“Yes.” I force volume and power into my voice, tipping my chin up. As police, they certainly have authority over me, but submission isn’t part of this. I refuse to duck my head.
“We can’t find much information on Blake Enterprises, but we’ll keep looking,” Sheriff Cutler says. “The FBI is involved now.”
“What? Why? I thought they only handled serial killers, major interstate crimes, stuff like that.”
“And kidnapping,” Sheriff Cutler replies calmly. “If the man in the gold Suburban was going to kidnap you and use you against Mr. MacNiall, then the FBI is who should be involved. Besides, I have a feeling they should be looking into Blake Enterprises.”And maybe your boyfriend too.
They don’t say that last part out loud, but they’re too intent and concerned. They think Charlie’s dirty, and I’m just caught in the crossfire.
“When will Mr. MacNiall be back? We’d like to ask him some more questions.”
My phone buzzes. Charlie. Do I dare look at his text while the police are here? I need to know what he wants me to do. “I don’t know. Let me see if he texted me.”
I pull out my phone. I have two unread texts.
This number is no longer in service.
I stare at the screen, trying not to let my face betray me. He never caps text messages like he’s shouting at me. And the second one… Out of range? Is that what he means? Are there places in Springfield that don’t have cell coverage any longer?
“What is it?” Deputy Daniels asks.
I type back,What?
The message is immediately returned as undeliverable. No such number.
I stare at the screen, trying not to move. Not to cry. Not to wail that it doesn’t make sense. It’s not fair.
He’s gone.
He left me.
Deputy Daniels gently reaches up and takes my phone, looks at the messages, and then passes it silently to Sheriff Cutler. “Do you know where he might have gone, Miss Killian?”
Numbly, I shake my head. “This is his house. His dog. I don’t know where else he would go.”
“Let’s start at the beginning.” Sheriff Cutler jerks his head at his deputy, and the young man stands and takes out a notebook. “How long have you known Mr. MacNiall?”
I want to burst out into crazed laughter. This is just like Christmas Day, when my family interrogated me. “He’s been bringing Sheba to the vet clinic where I work.”
“When did you start there?”
“A little over a year ago. I started about the same time, but I barely spoke to him until recently.”
“So you’ve known him for a year. When did you become personally involved with him?”
In the Biblical sense?A tear slips down my cheek but I answer the question. Truth. He ordered me to give them everything they want. “The night before Christmas Eve. He asked me to dog sit Sheba because he was out of town at the last minute, and we couldn’t board her.”
“Do you know where he went that night?”
“He said it was a business trip in New York.”
“So you’ve been dating for ten days? Eleven?”
Sheba stands up and lays her head in my lap. Grateful, I smooth my hand over her head. “Something like that.”
“Did you move in with him?”