Page 87 of One Cut Deeper
“I love you, kitten.”
I slump, worn out and sweaty despite the chilly temps outside. I shot from hope to despair, and now I’m trapped somewhere in the middle. Not quite as wretched and miserable, but a little tarnished and weary too.
“I’m sorry I dragged you into this mess. On paper, studying the profile I put together, you were perfect. But I didn’t make my decision until I stepped into the clinic that first day and saw you. When you looked at me and didn’t run away screaming even though you saw the predator in me, I was done. I had to have you. Not for him, but for me. Only for me.”
“I don’t even know you,” I wail softly. “Not really. Even Rusk knows more about you than I do.”
“Not hardly. You know the real me. The parts I hide from the world. Only you have ever gotten this close to me, at least since I was seventeen years old and my father tried to kill me. Even if my brother’s still alive somewhere, he doesn’t know me any longer. Not like you do.” He sighs, making my heart flip over. “What can I do to make this up to you?”
“Can you come get me right now so we can disappear together?”
He sighs again, heavier, though his voice is laced with amusement. “Once I accept a contract, I complete it. I’m used to the long haul and my clients are patient. I take my time and I make sure I stop the right man. Tracking all these women back to Rusk has taken me nearly eighteen months, but I’ve hunted killers for years before. No matter what. I can’t walk away until this serial killer’s dead. Then, absolutely. We’ll go wherever you want.”
“Assuming we survive.”
“Have a little faith in your Master.” He chuckles, that deep rumble of amusement that makes me tighten with longing. “There’s no other serial killer as good as me.”
No one has ever hurt me, or loved me, as good as him either. That gives me the courage to ask for what I want. “When we’re safe, I want you to grovel. Like, down on your knees grovel. And I want you to let me do anything I want to you.”
“Done,” he answers without hesitation.
“You’d do that?”
He laughs. “If you didn’t think I would, why’d you ask? I’ll do anything for you, Ranay. I’ll kill for you. Surely the high and mighty Master can go down on his knees and beg his precious slave’s forgiveness for putting her in harm’s way.”
“Someplace warm and sunny and secluded. With a beach where I can work on my full-body tan and no one would bat an eye.”
“Done and done. I know the perfect place.”
I let that sunny dream spot unfold in my mind. A sandy beach. Palm trees. Crystal blue waters. Incredible warmth soaking into my bones, making me stretch and purr like a cat. And Charlie, with his wonderful, punishing hands.
“You need to get inside where it’s warm and safe.”
His words break through the hazy dream, crashing me back to reality. I have a serial killer hunting me. “He knows who you are.”
“Of course he does. I’m sure he had suspicions about me when we were partners. I know I had plenty about him. That’s probably why I was offered the contract in the first place, though they couldn’t tell me exactly who the killer is. He’ll want to dump all this on me and get away scot-free. If he succeeds, he’ll come out a hero, saving the Bureau from losing face by stopping one of their own. If he delays too long, he knows I’ll disappear again, but he thinks he’s got me by the balls. He does, actually. Because as long as you’re here, in danger, then I can’t leave.”
“You said you’ve seen his work. You know what he’s capable of. They showed me pictures of his victims, with the bites. Is that what you meant?”
“No, and don’t ask, kitten. Not until I can hold you against me and swear you’re safe. Then I’ll tell you, if you still want to know.”
“What do I do if they ask me if I’ve talked to you? You know I suck at lying.”
“You said you can do anything if I command it, right? So I order you not to tell them about this conversation. Do you understand, Ranay? We never talked. You never found the stash I left for you. You have no idea where I am. Say it.”
“Yes, Master. I have no idea where you are.”
“Good girl. Any other questions?”
“Thousands,” I whisper, trying not to cry. “How long?”
“He’ll strike soon. All he’s waiting on is the perfect opportunity to get you alone.”
“His partner, Matheson, promised she won’t let that happen.”
“He’ll get around her,” Charlie promises grimly. “He always does. So be prepared. Keep Sheba close. Keep a blade on you at all times. It won’t be long. I promise you, Ranay—he won’t get around me.”
“And then?”