Page 79 of Clubs
My heart races as I get in the back of the car and look at the house.
This is such a mistake, but I feed off adrenaline. It’s something so simple, but this is the first time I’ve been out by myself.
Mikhail has shown me what it feels like to live on the edge. I don’t know how he managed to do that considering I’ve been held captive, but I won’t question it.
My feet tap on the floor as time flies and I stare at the passing cars that drive next to us. Everyone has places to be. They may have jobs they hate, but at last they have control of their lives. I envy that. I want to have a purpose, but that’s something I will never have.
Cars honk on repeat and the buildings grow taller the further we get into the city. So tall I can’t see the tops of them from my window. What would the view be like?
The driver pulls the car to the curb, and my mouth opens to say something. I just want to keep driving. I’m too nervous to get out and explore. How ironic.
The door on the other side of the car opens quickly.
A black German shepherd jumps in the middle of the back seat and sits facing the front of the car. I scoot back as fast as I can.
“Suigh síos!”a chirpy voice commands.
I bend over to look at the woman who just entered the car.Is this normal?I didn’t think strangers shared cabs.
“Hi!” she shouts, and I jump back. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were in here, otherwise I would have gotten a different cab.”
Her accent is strong. I think she’s Irish. Her bright red hair and freckled face give her away. She speaks an entire novel’s worth of words I don’t understand before looking at me as if expecting me to answer a question.
I’m mesmerized by her. She’s fucking tiny, probably five foot, her face perfectly rounded and her nose pointed upward slightly. Her lips are full—especially her bottom lip. It’s red as if she’s been picking at it with her teeth.
“I don’t mean to be rude, but I didn’t understand a thing you just said ... and you said a lot, so that’s unfortunate.”
She throws her hair down and puts it in a high bun. It’s long and curly, just like mine. The woman looks me up and down and raises her eyebrows. “You Americans are always so blunt.”
“Russian, actually, but thanks.”
“Russian? I don’t hear that in your voice, but I’ll trust you’re being honest with me.”
I glare at her. I can’t tell whether she’s stuck-up or just very ... I’m not sure, but I can tell she’s a lot. “What reason would I have to lie to you? Unless you’re a Russian spy.” I lean my head closer to her.
She laughs, the high-pitched giggle sending an instant warmth to my heart. “I like you already and I don’t even know your name,” she says as she places a hand on her dog.
“Sloane,” I introduce myself and reach out my hand. The dog watches it as if my hand’s a piece of meat it’s waiting to take a bite out of.
“He won’t bite unless I tell him to, don’t worry. My name is Rosalie, but please, for the love of whatever you believe in, call me Rose.”
“What’s wrong with Rosalie?” I ask, curious. It’s a beautiful name. I don’t see what her problem is.
“It makes me sound like one of those girls from high school who would bully you for wearing the same color as they did—you know what I mean? I don’t know, it just makes me sound like a girl I don’t really relate to. But Rose? Now, I can relate to her any day of the week.”
“Good God, okay, Rose, I get it.”
“Great! So, where are you off to? I’m sure the driver is growing impatient.” She looks in the rearview mirror, and the man rolls his eyes.
“Honestly, I’m not sure. I have a card with a lot of money on it though.”
She widens her bright blue eyes and grins. “Is your boyfriend rich? Oh, please tell me he is. You’re living the life. He’s probably out killing people right now while you spend his money and grow ignorant of the dark work he does. That’s what rich people do in this city, isn’t it?”
“Uh ...” I begin, tongue-tied in utter shock.
“Oh my gosh, relax. I’m just kidding.” She beams at me.
Rose is enchanting, but she doesn’t know when to shut up.