Page 11 of Six Secret Babies
“Oh, I can afford to give you a salary of seven figures and still have plenty left over.”
So, he was one of those rich dudes who flung his money around. Elena didn’t have time for people like that; they were far too irritating and expected everyone to bow down to them. If she took this, she could end up being indebted to this guy, and Elena had no intention of doing that.
“Well, I’m sorry, Mr. Munro, but I’m not going to take the offer. I’m perfectly happy with what I’ve got right now, and I prefer to stay where I’m comfortable and stable.”
“Are you sure I can’t persuade you?”
“No, you can’t. Surely, you can fill in the vacancy without me, can’t you?”
“I’ve got every empty spot in the team filled and dealt with except one. And that would be the one you would fill in.”
“You seem very confident that I will accept this.”
“Who would turn down triple your current salary? I’m willing to take the risk on it as long as you join us.”
Elena rolled her eyes. Now he was starting to sound like an insurance salesman. It was a shame, because she liked listening to his voice.
“No, Mr. Munro. It’s not happening. And I suggest you and Carl stop trying to contact me. The answer is going to be no every time.”
“Are you sure about that?”
“I’m sure. I’m sorry you’ve had a wasted call. Goodbye, Mr. Munro.”
Elena pressed the button to hang up, and the radio started playing again. Now that was better. God, Carl was insistent, and it sounded like his new boss was very much the same. How did Carl not know by now that bothering her was more likely to turn her off?
Finally, she got to the restaurant, and managed to find a spot in the parking lot right by the door. Checking that her things were in her bag and zipped up, Elena locked the door and headed into the restaurant. She winced as she glanced at her watch. She hated being late.
She should have left earlier, but her phone call with Fleur had overrun. That was her fault. Elena would hold her hands up for that.
Even so, she didn’t want to go through the embarrassment of being late.
Jenny was sitting in a booth towards the back of the restaurant, sipping a soda. Elena hurried over and slid onto the seat across from her. Her friend looked up and smiled.
“Hey you. Traffic?”
“That and a few other things.” Elena heaved a sigh of relief as she put her bag on the floor. “God, the day I’ve had! It feels like when one thing happens, everything has to join in and make it worse.”
Jenny laughed. “I know the feeling. It just snowballs, doesn’t it?”
“Pretty much. I’ll tell you in a minute once I’ve got a relatively full belly.” Elena gestured at Jenny’s drink. “No cocktail tonight? You’re normally sipping on one of those when I meet you for dinner.”
“Oh, not tonight.” Jenny shook her head. “I have to keep off the alcohol for a while.”
“I see. Been overdoing it a little bit, have you?”
“Well, not quite.” Jenny paused. “It’s not permanent. Just for another few months until the baby arrives.”
It took a moment for the words to sink in. Elena’s mouth fell open.
“You’re pregnant?”
“Yes!” Jenny beamed. “Darren and I found out this week; I’m about ten weeks along.”
Elena didn’t realize that the squealing was coming from her until people from nearby tables started giving her strange looks. She jumped up and came around the table to hug her friend.
“That’s amazing! Congratulations!” She pulled back and inspected her friend’s figure. “You don’t look like you’re pregnant, though.”
“I’m only in my first trimester, silly.” Jenny rubbed her belly. “I’m not going to show for a while. But we’re also waiting to tell everyone other than our parents that I’m pregnant until after the first trimester is over, so can you keep this quiet for a couple more weeks?”