Page 21 of Six Secret Babies
“Elena! I’ve been trying to get hold of you for ages!” Jessica sounded relieved. “Where on earth have you been?”
“What do you mean? I haven’t been anywhere. And I haven’t had any calls from you, either.”
“I went by your office, and you weren’t there. Your neighbor across the way said you’d moved, but he didn’t know where. Neither did your neighbors at your apartment building.”
Elena stopped on the sidewalk. “You went to my apartment as well?”
“I got concerned. I found that lovely man Dale, and he was pretty keen to get to know you after I told you about him, but he didn’t hear back from you apart from a message not to contact him again. Then you went silent, and you disappeared. What happened, Elena?”
Elena sighed. At least Jessica couldn’t do anything now she was firmly situated in another state.
“I moved out of Seattle, Mom.”
“What? What are you talking about?”
“Just what I said, Mom. I moved. I’m not in Seattle anymore.”
“But…but…where have you gone? Los Angeles? I heard you talking about going there before.”
“I’m not in a city, Mom. I’ve taken a job in a different state.”
“You…went to…another state?” Jessica sounded bewildered. “Why didn’t you tell me about that? When did you move?”
“Just a couple of days ago.”
“You could have said something!”
Elena sighed. “I didn’t want you to make a fuss. It’s something I needed to do for my career.”
“Elena, you had a great career here. You think you’re going to get anything better going elsewhere?”
“I already have. I’m an adult, Mom. I know what I’m doing.”
Jessica snorted. “I don’t know about that. After all, you still haven’t given me any grandchildren.”
“This again? Really?”
“I want to be able to cuddle a baby at some point! Babies are beautiful.”
Elena realized that she was in the middle of the sidewalk and people were having to walk around her. She moved to the wall and leaned against it. Passing shoppers gave her odd looks, but Elena ignored them. She just wanted to deal with her mother.
“Mom, I don’t know how many times I have to say this before you’ll listen, but I’m not finding a guy to have kids with. I’m your daughter, not an incubator, so can you stop treating me as such?”
“I’ve never said you were an incubator, Elena.”
“Says the person who wants me to give her grandchildren. And you can tell Dale yourself that you made a mistake, so apologies for wasting his time.”
Jessica gasped. “But why? He has a good job, he’s into sports and is very good-looking. What’s not to like?”
“Aside from the fact you chose him and gave him my number without my consent? Only a couple of days after you come out of timeout for doing it with someone else?” Elena shook her head, then remembered her mother couldn’t see her. “Seriously, Mom? I get you want Fleur and I to settle down, but you’re not going to get it if you keep forcing this onto us. It’s ridiculous.”
“I just want grandbabies. What’s wrong with that?”
“I’m going to be here forever telling you what is wrong with all of that.” Elena’s stomach growled. She needed to get some food before she got too lightheaded. “I’m just going to tell you this once, and never again. I’ve moved, and I’m not telling you where.”
“Because I don’t want you bothering me while I’m working, and I don’t want you turning up on my doorstep and harassing the neighbors. Also, I’m not going to meet any guys to satisfy you. If I want a guy, I’ll do it in my own time, and without any help from you.”