Page 31 of Six Secret Babies
“That’s not likely to happen, is it? I know what I shouldn’t do now.”
“That doesn’t mean you can avoid an ACL injury. It can come out of nowhere. You don’t need to be running for it to fuck up.” Elena tapped his knee. “You’re going back when you’re fit, or I’m going to get into trouble.”
Liam snorted. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say the news about a conspiracy to keep me out was true.”
Elena rolled her eyes and stood up. “For goodness’ sake. You shouldn’t believe what you read.”
“It’s getting harder to believe what’s really going on when I’m stuck wondering if I’m ever going to play again.”
“Oh, you will. Your start is just going to be delayed, that’s all.”
“Then when am I going back on the field?”
“If you’ll shut up, I’ll be able to tell you.” Elena beckoned him to follow her. “Come and have a look at this. This should cheer you up.”
“What is it?”
Elena reached her desk and turned her laptop around. “I’ve been looking over your efforts, recorded everything in the last week. And they’re looking good. Plus when I checked your knee earlier, the muscles aren’t as tight as before, and your knee is actually better with its range of motion. You’re doing your exercises, which is good as well.”
“And?” Liam looked confused. “You’re saying that things are better, but what does that mean?”
Elena smiled. “It means that I’m content with clearing you for the next game, providing you keep working on your exercises and we have a couple more sessions to strengthen your leg a bit more. Of course,” she went on as she turned her laptop away, “if you’re going to whine about being stuck on the injury list, I can extend it a little more and say you’re not ready for any games before Christmas…”
“No, don’t do it!” Liam said hurriedly. He pouted. “Although that is just mean.”
“Only because you’re complaining. Make a fuss, and I’ll extend your time off until you shut up.”
“You can’t do that.”
“Don’t test me.” Elena grinned as she turned back, leaning on the desk. “I’m only kidding. I wouldn’t do that. You just needed a bit more time before you could go back on the field. I will recommend, however, that you have limited time playing up until Christmas, and then we’ll see how you’re getting on. Otherwise you could end up with something worse.”
Liam held up his hands. “As long as I get to play, I don’t care about that.”
“I hope not. Now off you go. The guys will be in the locker room. I’m sure they’ll be happy to know that you can play part of the game next week.”
Now Liam was grinning. His whole countenance had lightened up. “Thanks, Elena.”
“Just make sure you carry on with your exercises,” Elena called after him as he hurried over to his gym bag. “And I want to see you in here the morning of the game so I can get you ready to play.”
“I’ll be here.” Liam snatched up his bag, slinging it over his shoulder and giving Elena a beaming smile. “Thanks.”
He was gone before Elena could say anything else. She couldn’t help but laugh. The young man was just so impatient. He just wanted things to happen immediately so he could get on with his life. Elena wished that this could happen, but there were times in life when that was not possible.
At least he would be able to play as long as he was careful. Elena was confident that he would be fine. Carl would certainly be delighted that their quarterback was almost back to full fitness.
The phone started ringing, jerking Elena out of her thoughts. She picked up without thinking.
“Physical therapy department. Elena speaking.”
“Is this the only way I can get hold of you now?”
It took Elena a second to realize who she was talking to. She shot to her feet. “Mom? How did you get this number?”
“There’s a website for everything, isn’t there? And if I can’t get through to you on your cellphone, I have to go through your work.”
“I’m not meant to be taking personal phone calls on my work phone, Mom.” Elena was glad she was the only one in the room. “What do you want?”
“I was wondering if you had had time to think.”