Page 35 of Six Secret Babies
“Are you sure?”
“Of course. Your team’s first win. You deserve it.”
Jason felt warm when he heard her say that. His team. Now it was starting to feel like his team, and not him being on the outside looking in. The players and coaches were starting to soften to him. Hopefully, the fans would fall in behind them.
As he poured the champagne into the single glass, he glanced over at Elena. She was close to him, but not too close. Even so, it was like he could feel the heat from her body, like she was leaning into him. He could remember how firm and warm she had felt under his hands.
And he could still feel her lips on his.
It had been a week since their kiss, and Jason had done his best to keep away from Elena. He hadn’t expected it to be so…electric. Desire had almost taken over everything at that point. He had wanted to pull Elena’s clothes off and taste every part of her body. She was enticing, and Jason struggled to keep away.
So why was he here now? Why didn’t he just give her some space before he did something stupid?
He handed her the glass, and Elena took it. Their fingers brushed, and Jason’s eyes shot up to her face. She didn’t seem to notice, though, as she raised the glass and took a generous sip. That was when she looked up and smiled at him.
“Thanks,” she said. “But only one glass.”
“So you’ve told me.”
“I just have to be sure you know about it.”
Jason chuckled. “You think I’m going to make you have another one?”
“I don’t know. Are you?”
“I’ll do what the lady wants. I’m a gentleman.”
She giggled. “I’ll believe it when I see it.” She hopped up onto the edge of the massage table, managing not to spill a drop. “I’ve been around a lot of guys who were willing to get me drunk for whatever they want.”
“Do you have a habit of meeting the wrong type of people?”
“More than likely.”
Jason didn’t want to think about the other guys. He didn’t want to imagine Elena with someone else. Wait, where had that come from?
He shook himself.
“So, what do you think we should do for future games?” he asked. “Any ideas?”
“I’m just the physical therapist, Jason. You’re the one who needs to have the ideas.”
“But I’m asking for your advice.” Jason leaned a hip on the table, his thigh brushing against Elena’s leg. “So? What do you think we should do to improve?”
She frowned and took another gulp of her champagne. “I don’t know. I focus on individuals with their injuries, or making sure they don’t snap themselves in half. I can’t think of anything with regards to the bigger picture.”
“How about you try?”
“Jason, this isn’t in my wheelhouse. I do the smaller stuff.” Elena stared at him. “Anyway, you wouldn’t listen to me. Surely, you don’t value my opinion like that.”
“You think I won’t listen? All I’ve done is listen to you, Elena.” Jason hesitated. “I value what you say. And I’m not just saying that for the hell of it. I mean it.”
Elena looked like she wasn’t sure whether to believe him. Then she smiled and leaned in, kissing his cheek.
“Thanks, Jason. I appreciate that.”
Jason froze. He could have coped if Elena didn’t touch him further, but as soon as she kissed him, it was like something snapped. The desire to pull her to him was even stronger than before. He should be leaving the room and getting a cold shower.
Instead, he moved to stand between her legs, shifting her thighs apart as he tugged her towards the edge of the table. Elena’s eyes widened, but she didn’t pull away as he cupped her face in his hands and kissed her. He heard a moan coming from her, and he took that as a sign to angle his head and kiss her more. Elena’s legs trembled, her hand on his shoulder and her fingers digging in. For a second, he thought she would push him away.