Page 51 of Six Secret Babies
“The team needs you? Jason, we needed that financial injection, which you’ve given us and then some. Our facilities have improved, we have a full support staff that get paid as they deserve, and everyone is doing their job. The only thing you need to do is write checks, and that can be done at home.”
“What about meetings with the board and investors? I can’t ignore that, can I?”
“We can sort it all out. The Wolves don’t need you to be at the helm all the time.”
Jason knew that, but he still felt the panic at the thought of walking away. He got up and paced over to his desk.
“No, it’s not happening. I have to focus on this. If something goes wrong…”
“If that happens, it goes wrong. But it will still be there when you come back.” Carl stood up. “What if something happens to Elena? You can’t get her back, can you?”
“Don’t be morbid, Carl.”
“It’s a multiple pregnancy. You think she can handle that alone?” Carl held up his hands. “Look, I know it’s a shock, and I can see you’re not in the right state of mind. Take some time to calm down and think more clearly. I won’t try and influence your choice.”
Jason didn’t believe that. He had a feeling Carl was going to disapprove either way. The coach was already looking at him like he was an idiot.
“The team needs my focus right now, Carl. If you were in my shoes, you would be feeling the same thing.”
“You think I would ignore the one thing in my life that’s more important for a game of football?” Carl snorted. “I’ve heard of getting priorities mixed up, but that is just too much, Jason. Elena is going to need you at her side. The team can will be okay if you’re not there. Elena might not be.”
Jason knew that Carl was right. But with his panic still taking hold, he didn’t know if it really was the right thing to do.
“Holy hell,” Fleur breathed. She stared at Elena, the ultrasound picture in her hand. “You’re serious about this? Six fetuses?”
“Six fetuses, six heartbeats. Based on the ultrasound, I’m about eight weeks along.” Elena looked at her hand on her still-flat belly. It wasn’t going to stay flat for much longer. “The doctor advised me to take it easy, and I should be on bedrest towards the halfway mark. I might have to be induced early as well.”
“I wouldn’t be surprised. Having one baby can make a woman look like they’re carrying a watermelon under their top; I can hardly imagine what it will be like to carry six.” Fleur sat on the edge of the couch, adjusting the blanket over Elena’s lap. “And the thought of giving birth to that many…”
“Don’t, Fleur. I can’t think about that right now.”
Elena was still trying to wrap her head around it all. There was no history of multiples in their family, so to hear that she had naturally conceived six in one go was shocking.
She was going to be a mother of six in a few months. And Elena didn’t think she could be any more terrified.
“How did this happen?” Fleur frowned. “I thought you were on birth control. You were always so careful with it.”
“I was on the pill. But I missed one day, and didn’t realize till I reached the end of the pack.”
“Well, that’s not useful, is it? You’re not supposed to have unprotected sex if you forget to take one of the pills.”
Elena scowled. “Yes, thank you, Fleur, thank you for reminding me. Do you have any idea how hard it is to track when you’ve taken something?”
“Whoa, calm down. I’m just pointing it out.”
Elena looked away. “Sorry. It’s been a while since I’ve been this scared.”
“And you say Jason practically walked out on you?”
Elena nodded. She could still picture the moment at the scan when the doctor had pointed out the six shapes on the screen. Jason had taken it in silently, staring at the screen like he had seen a ghost. Then he had gotten up and walked out. Elena didn’t know which she was more shocked at: the pregnancy or Jason walking away from her.
She hadn’t been able to contact him, either, since he wasn’t answering his phone or text messages. Elena had had to call Fleur to come and get her from the clinic.
“I’m sure it’s the shock,” Elena said quietly. “He’ll come around and he’ll be there.”