Page 58 of Six Secret Babies
“About two months left to go now.” Jenny laughed. “But with the way things are going, I want it to be over and done with now. I feel like I’m permanently going to the bathroom.”
“At least you can get out of things by being pregnant. That’s something, right?”
“For now. Maybe not for much longer. Besides, I’ve got it easy compared to you. Six children? You’re going to be bigger than a house before you’re out of the second trimester.”
“Maybe even before then.” Elena rubbed a hand over her belly. It was starting to get a little rounder, but so far it only looked like she had been eating a bit too much food. “The doctor says I will need to be induced at about thirty weeks, otherwise there could be issues with the babies.”
“You’re having a C-section, right?”
“Yeah.” Elena groaned. “I don’t want to think about having to give birth to six babies naturally.”
“They must have done it at some point, but I’m glad they don’t do it now.”
Elena was glad about that as well. Childbirth was daunting, though perhaps not quite to the same degree as the thought of actually raising six children. Especially when she didn’t know what she was going to do about Jason. As she’d requested, he had kept quiet and left her alone. That was what she had wanted.
And yet Elena wanted to call him. Talk to him as they used to when there was laughter and warmth. Being away from him for a month was really difficult, and Elena had to stop herself from going back to Wenstown to find him.
But she wasn’t going to chase him. Jason needed to figure things out without her around. Plus, Elena didn’t want to be there when she realized Jason was focusing on his business and not on her. That would break her heart.
“Hmm?” Elena started. “What?”
“You went quiet for a bit there. I thought you’d hung up on me.”
“Oh, don’t be silly.” Elena silently cursed herself for letting her mind wander. “I’m here. Don’t worry about me.”
“I do, honey. A lot. You’re my best friend, and in four months you managed to get yourself pregnant and hung up on a guy who is more business than pleasure. That’s worrying for anyone.”
“I know. Story of my life.”
“Except the billionaire part. I’m still surprised about that.”
Elena managed a smile. “I’m still surprised I got myself in this position when I’m normally so careful. When I said I wanted a fresh start and a change in pace, I didn’t mean this.”
“Sometimes, life doesn’t listen to what you want. It just does its own thing.”
“I know all about that.” Elena looked around when she heard a door opening. “I think Fleur’s back from work.”
“I’ll leave you to it, then. I’ve got a doctor’s appointment shortly to check my iron levels.”
“Nothing bad?”
“No, just to be sure things are going okay. It’s normal.” Jenny’s voice warmed. “Take care of yourself, Elena, and merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas.”
Elena hung up, putting her phone on her lap as Fleur came into the room, unbuttoning her coat.
“God, the wind is picking up,” she declared. “I’m glad there’s no forecast of snow. I wouldn’t be able to cope with that.”
“It’s not that bad, Fleur.”
“I love to look at it. I just hate going out in it.” Fleur gave her sister a smile, dropping her coat and bag onto a chair. “How are you doing? Nothing too strenuous?”
“You make it sound like I’m an invalid.”
“You were told to rest as much as you could. And that’s what you’re doing.” Fleur snorted. “When was the last time you actually sat down and did nothing except chill? I bet you barely did that even with your new job?”