Page 66 of Six Secret Babies
“I concur.” Jason got to his feet and took her hand. “I’ll wait for you. There’s a place where we can talk in private.”
“Is it warmer than out here?”
Jason’s eyes glinted. “It most certainly is.”
“Idon’t like this,” Elena stumbled, gripping onto Jason’s arms. “Please, can I take this thing off?”
“Not yet. We’re nearly there.” Jason sounded amused. “Maybe I should keep you like this for a bit longer. It’s a good look on you.”
Elena groaned. “You’re impossible.”
“I know.” She felt him kiss her head. “You love me anyway.”
“With comments like that in public, I do wonder.”
Jason laughed. Elena wobbled again, wondering why she had thought it was a good idea to wear heels for the birthday party Jason had organized for her. They were at the stadium, with the party itself on the main playing field. It felt like everyone involved with the team, from the players to the maintenance workers, had been invited. Elena couldn’t remember the last time she had been thrown a party. Probably when she turned twenty-one.
Jason had gone all out with it. He had also invited Elena’s dad and his partner Cherie, who were doing a really good job of making sure the children didn’t get into trouble. Along with Sarah, the three grandparents made a good team. Although Elena had to laugh at how her four daughters and two sons were practically running rings around everyone. Ever since they had learned to walk, they were off exploring.
It was bad enough when one child was walking, but six of them? Elena was glad they could afford to have two nannies.
Even Jessica seemed to be enjoying herself. Elena had noticed her mother sitting off to the side talking to one of the board members, bouncing one of her granddaughters on her knee. She was behaving herself, something Elena was glad about; her mother pushing her daughters towards marriage and children had died off now Elena had given her more grandchildren than she could manage. It had taken several months for Jessica to understand the boundaries that had been set for her, along with a good talking-to from Sarah. Elena hadn’t expected her mother-in-law to come to her aid.
Their relationship was better, as a result. Elena hoped it stayed like that. Jessica knew that if she suggested anything out of line again and didn’t listen, she was gone. They knew where they stood.
Although that was better than Elena felt with her footing right now. She had no idea what Jason was up to. He had drawn her away from everyone else and put a blindfold on her. Elena was getting worried. What was he up to?
“Right, we’re there now.” Jason made her stop still. “Just count to ten in your head, and then take the blindfold off.”
“Can’t I just take it off?”
“No, you can’t. Count to ten.”
Elena sighed and did as she was told. If any of her kids saw what was going on, they would think it was funny. Caroline, Susanna, Matilda and Grace were always full of giggles no matter what, while Jack and Lance just had those dirty laughs that just seemed to get louder as they got older. There was no mistaking when they found something amusing.
“Have you counted to ten?” Jason asked.
“What are you doing? If you’re standing in front of me naked, I told you that was for later.”
“Nothing like that. Not yet, anyway. It depends on your response.”
“I don’t understand.”
Jason sighed. “Just take the blindfold off, Elena.”
She did, only to drop the scrap of cloth with a gasp. They were in the middle of the practice field, and Jason was on one knee before her, holding a small black box. He opened it, and Elena saw a simple but very beautiful ring, rubies and diamonds set into the band. It glittered in the sunlight.
“I was going to wait until later, but I didn’t want to wait with it burning a hole in my pocket.” All of Jason’s words came out quickly, practically tumbling over themselves. He caught himself and cleared his throat before taking a deep breath. “Elena Duncan, you’ve given me three amazing years and six delightful children. I don’t think I could love you more than I already do. Will you do me the honor of becoming Mrs. Munro?”
It took a second for the words to sink in. Elena’s mouth fell open.
“You’re asking me to marry you?”