Page 18 of Once Upon a Kiss
“Good morning. Wow, I can’t believe we fell asleep on the couch. I’m so sorry. You must have been so uncomfortable.” She sat up and faced him. “I probably look like a mess.” Lacey ran her fingers through her hair and then leaned back and scanned Drew. “Do you always look this good in the morning?”
“Yes.” Drew laughed while Lacey rolled her eyes. “And for the record, I slept just fine. What about you?”
“Actually, I slept great. Thank you for being the perfect pillow.”
She smiled, and Drew couldn’t help but smile back.
“Well, anytime you need a pillow, I’m your guy.” Knowing she liked to exercise in the morning, he asked, “Would you like to go for a run or maybe have breakfast?”
“I would, but I dreamt about the pitch I need to make when I get back to the city. Even though I promised myself I wouldn’t work while on vacation, I need to jot down some notes because I know I’ll forget them otherwise. Plus, this client… he needs to be wowed.”
Drew kissed her forehead and reluctantly pushed himself off the couch. “I don’t want to slow you down.” He knew that whoever she wanted to impress didn’t stand a chance. Drew was confident that no man she came in contact with would be able to turn her down. Her tenacity alone would win him over.
Lacey stood and walked with him to the door. “Thanks for understanding.”
Before leaving, he gave her a quick peck on the lips. “You get back to work and call me when you’re done. Don’t work too hard; the guy would have to be an idiot not to hire your firm if you’re in charge of his account.”
She nodded. “Well, you don’t know him. He’s ruthless and can throw even the best and most experienced off their game. That’s why it’s so important that I land this account and why my boss offered to make me partner if I do. Pete Carson is that tough.
“Wait…” He did a double take. “Did you sayPete Carson? As in the CEO of Carson Enterprises?”
Lacey nodded. “Yes, why? Do you know him?”
Drew couldn’t help but laugh. “Yeah, Pete and I were fraternity brothers. He’s a good friend of mine, and, believe me, he’s not as bad as he seems. If you want…”
“No.” Lacey shook her head. “Do not ask me if I want you to speak to him on my behalf, because I don’t. I need to do this on my own.” When he didn’t reply right away, Lacey fisted her hands on her hips. “Promise me, Drew.”
He took her hands in his, kissing each. “I promise. I won’t even mention your name.”
“Thank you.” She rolled onto the balls of her feet and kissed Drew on the cheek. “I’ll find you when I’m done.”
“I’ll look forward to it.”
As he left her room, visions of their night together rushed through Drew’s mind. The way her breathing steadied when she slept and how her body molded perfectly to his. Even without making love to her, Drew felt content. He was convinced she was put on this earth to be his. All he had to do was convince her of the same.
Chapter 9
Lacey looked at the clock and realized she had spent the entire morning filling half of the small notebook she’d taken from the desk with ideas for Carson Enterprises. Reading them over, she didn’t know how he would be able to pass them up. Proud of what she’d accomplished, she closed the book, tucked it in her suitcase, and decided to get started on her day.
Thoughts of last night, sleeping in Drew’s arms and getting to know him better should have made her happy. And they did. But a twinge of melancholy set in. Although Drew happened to be one of the nicest men she’d ever had the pleasure of meeting, in only a few days she would be heading back to New York—and back to reality.
She turned on the shower, stripped out of her pajamas, and let the warm water cascade over her body. When Lacey closed her eyes, rather than smell the tropical scent of the hotel’s bodywash, she recalled the masculine one that was all Drew.
Everything about their time together was something out of a fairy tale. Except in her case, it wasn’t a fairy godmother or magic wand that made it happen. She did it all on her own. And being impulsive wasn’t even her strong suit… though neither was saying goodbye.
Pushing that thought and all other depressing ones aside, Lacey finished getting ready and went to meet Drew.
Just like every day she’d spent on the island, the warm air washed over Lacey’s skin as soon as she stepped outside, where she was surrounded by the calming mix of birdsong and soft steel drum music.
When she looked toward the bar, her eyes immediately found Drew, sitting on a stool as Ethan mixed drinks. She was making her way toward Drew when a woman sat next to him, bumped his arm, and leaned in to talk to him. He turned toward her, and his laugh filtered in the air, making Lacey wonder what the woman had said.
Lacey realized she’d never seen Drew looking at other women—unlike Kevin, who was all too eager to flirt and make eyes at women as soon as Candi wasn’t paying attention.
She paused to study the man who’d captured her heart. Beyond his obvious good looks, he was genuinely a nice guy. Even talking to the woman next to him, he didn’t appear flirtatious or impolite. He was just being… Drew.
A smile instantly grew on her face; he had always been so different with her. From the first time he laced their fingers together and stood by her side, to shopping for toys, and the best, when he held her all night. Every moment with him made her feel beyond special.
After a few more laughs and a blatant hair flip from the woman beside Drew, Lacey narrowed her eyes. She reached into her bag, slid on her sunglasses, and strode toward the bar. As she came even with Drew, Ethan looked up and gave her his model-worthy smile.