Page 28 of Once Upon a Kiss
Chapter 13
Like the past few mornings, Lacey woke and headed downstairs to have breakfast with Drew. But first, since it was her last full day on the island, she wanted to have some time to herself and take a walk on the beach.
The clear turquoise water tickled her toes before it retreated back into the sea. Lacey found a spot where she could sit and contemplate all that had happened in such a short amount of time. She idly made obscure patterns with her finger in the plush sand, but the grains would fill in the divots before the pattern could emerge.
This early in the day, there were only a few people out on the beach. Some were couples walking hand in hand, a jogger or two had passed by leaving footprints in the damp sand by the shoreline, and then there was Lacey who, although alone, felt content.
It hadn’t gone unnoticed to her that her perspective had changed in the days she’d been at the resort. She didn’t know if it was Drew that made her feel that way or if she was a stronger woman than she thought. No, deep down, she knew that she wasn’t weak. Still, something nagged in the back of her mind. Why had Kevin cheated on her? Was there something inherently wrong with her? Maybe hewasjust a jerk, but that still didn’t make her feel better.
Then there was Drew.
Last night surpassed any and all expectations Lacey had. The way Drew interacted with Amelia warmed her heart inside and out. There was something about watching a man with children. It really didn’t surprise her, considering how much he enjoyed shopping for their gifts. Oddly, the thought of how a man would be as a dad never really crossed her mind. But like so many other things, Drew changed that. If she was honest with herself, from the moment she had first pressed her lips to his, Lacey had begun falling for him.
“Penny for your thoughts.” Drew’s voice startled her. When she raised her sunglasses and looked up at him, his bright smile faded.“I’m sorry. I thought I’d take a walk and spotted you. If you’d rather be alone—”
“No, it’s fine,” Lacey said with a smile.
“May I join you?”
“Yes, of course.”
Drew sat next to Lacey, extending his long tan legs toward the water and leaning back on his hands. “I really didn’t mean to interrupt, but you looked lost in thought. Thinking about work?”
Not sure what to say and definitely not wanting to tell him she was thinking about Kevin and him, she nonchalantly bobbed her head. “I have a lot on my mind.”
He lifted his hand and grazed her cheek with his fingertips, letting them rest on the column of her neck. “Anything I can help with?”
“No, I’m just thinking about everything that has happened this year.”
“Well, for me,” he said, placing his hand on his chest, “the end of the year has been much better than the beginning,andI got a promotion last January.” He chuckled as Lacey’s brows furrowed. “Because of you, Lacey. That’s why my year ended better than it began.”
She let out a shaky laugh. “Oh, sorry. I haven’t had my coffee yet.”
“Speaking of, would you like to head in for breakfast?”
Drew stood first, dusted himself off, and extended his hand to Lacey. When she placed hers in his, an odd sensation passed through her. It wasn’t electrical or heart-stopping, but it was more a sense of security, like she was right where she needed to be. She shook her head at the odd thought and stood. “Thank you.”
They walked inside hand in hand. It didn’t seem to matter to Drew that Kevin had left. He still treated Lacey as if she were his girlfriend. And for once Lacey began to feel the same way.
A young waiter brought their breakfast and refilled their coffees before stepping away. Lacey and Drew both began eating, letting only the sound of their flatware against the porcelain plate fill the otherwise quiet air.
Despite feeling comfortable in Drew’s presence, she couldn’t help but sense the elephant in the room, which had just joined them at the table. The single women at the table adjacent to theirs openly checking Drew out made her only more resolute about what needed to be said.
Just as she was about to say something, Drew beat her to the punch. “What do you do for the holidays? Do you have big plans for Christmas?”
Once her favorite holiday, it had since changed dramatically after losing her parents. She brought the linen napkin to her mouth and dabbed the corner of her lips, knowing her Christmas morning had to be vastly different from Drew’s. “I start the day visiting my parents’ grave. I bring a red poinsettia because my mom always had them in the house for the holiday, and hang out with them for a bit, tell them what’s been going on in my life. Usually, it’s boring work stuff or silly things that I did with Grace and Janine. But this year, I’ll definitely tell them about this trip.” She reached across the table to grasp his hand. “They would have loved what you did for me.”
“I was happy to do it, Lacey. I told you that.”
“Thank you.” She smiled. “Afterward, I’ll be going to Grace’s parents’ house. Every year, they have a big celebration and invite family and friends over. By the time all is said and done, there are usually about thirty people there.”
“That sounds wonderful. I wish we could see each other, though.”
“Me too.”
“I have a New Year’s Eve party to go to hosted by a client of mine. Would you like to come to the Windy City and ring in the New Year with me?”