Page 3 of Once Upon a Kiss
“Like what?”
“Remember Debbie Kearney?”
Creases formed on Drew’s forehead. “Debbie, the TA in our accounting class?”
Ethan smirked. “One and the same. Whenever she called on you, theAstudent, you couldn’t even explain the difference between a credit and a debit.”
Drew hadn’t thought about Debbie in a very long time, but back in college, whenever she’d walked into the classroom, his baseball hat had gone right to his lap as if he was a hormonal teenager. “No one could. She looked like a centerfold.” Drew shook his head. “Plus, if I’m not mistaken,youwere the one who ended up getting an A in that class, and you hated accounting. It must have been all of that late-night tutoring.”
Ethan smirked. “Sue me. My point is, you’re looking at that chick the same way.”
That was the last thing Drew needed to hear. Drew was a confident man, but Ethan wasn’t half-wrong about what he had been feeling. Something about her made Drew think he wouldn’t be able to string together a coherent sentence when they were finally face-to-face. Forget the fact that Drew had a degree from Northwestern University; anything beyond introducing himself would tie his tongue into a sailor’s knot. Then again, like a true sibling, Ethan loved getting under Drew’s skin and over the years had made it an art form. Despite his pal’s words, Drew knew he didn’t have an issue with the ladies. If anything, he reminded himself, it was usually the opposite.
Ignoring his friend’s comments, and without much hesitation, Drew rose off the stool. He brushed his shirt, smoothing it out, or maybe it was to wipe the beads of sweat that had formed in the life lines of his palms.
“Good luck,” Ethan said with a tilt of his chin.
Drew’s white deck shoes hit the sand; he was just taking his first step toward her when raucous laughter bellowed from one of the couples at the bar. The mystery woman raised her head, and when her eyes landed on the sound’s source, they doubled incircumference right before they narrowed into slits. It was a strange reaction. Did she think they were too rowdy? Were they disturbing her? If so, he would tell Ethan to have them keep it to a dull roar. Hell, he’d pay for a charter on George’s boat to guarantee her a peaceful day. At that moment, the same loud couple left their spot at the bar and walked hand in hand to one of the beach cabanas, kitty-corner to where the woman was relaxing.
In one graceful movement, she pushed herself off the chair and scanned the area until her eyes landed on Drew. His mirrored sunglasses prevented the woman from seeing that his focus was trained on her. Did she know how beautiful she was? How other men looked at her? How that bathing suit looked as though it was designed with her in mind? He watched, transfixed, as her hands clenched and unclenched, swinging at her sides.
What was going on with him? Never in his life had a woman made himwantso much before—let alone a woman he didn’t even know. But there was something in her eyes… her stance… that made Drew want to learn everything about her.
Leaving a trail of footprints behind her in the soft white sand, she strode in his direction, shocking him as she came to a halt, standing toe-to-toe with him. Drew’s heart leaped in his rib cage, and he told his hands to stay put.
She tipped her head back. “Hi, I’m Lacey Winters. Are you single?”
Drew had met forward women before, but no one quite like this. Cute lines darted from the corners of her squinting eyes. The urgent tone of her voice and the softness of her face begged him to answer.
He raised his sunglasses, resting them on top of his cap. “I’m Drew Mitchell, and yes, I’m single.” Before he could reach out to shake her hand or ask if she wanted a drink, she let out a loud laugh, catching him off guard. That bizarre outburst should have sent him running in the opposite direction, but then she roped her arms around his neck and pressed her lips against his. If a bald eagle had swooped down and landed on his head, he wouldn’t have been more surprised.
Lacey’s lips were as soft as they looked. She tasted of sweet citrus, with a hint of salt, and all woman. Drew’s body came to life ather touch; his heart restarted, he was able to breathe… and move. One of his hands rested on the thin knot tied at the center of her back, while the other cupped her head, drawing her closer to him.
Lacey was several inches shorter than Drew, but his firm hold on her raised her off the ground, allowing their hips to touch like a quiet whisper. If he didn’t put a stop to this, Lacey would soon know how turned on he was.
Then she moaned into his mouth, and he was done for.
Chapter 2
All rational thoughts flew from Lacey’s brain. How could they not? As soon as she saw Kevin getting cozy in the cabana with the same woman she had caught him cheating on her with, the fragile thread that had held her together snapped.
Memories of walking into Kevin’s apartment and seeing him, the man she thought could be her future, naked between the legs of another woman, flashed through Lacey’s head like a replay of a horrible movie.
Lacey had never felt such gut-wrenching betrayal before. She felt stupid and small, and even though months had passed, she could picture that vile day as though it had just happened. It had been dizzying, standing there, watching the train wreck of her relationship. It was only later that she found out it wasn’t the first time Kevin was with that woman… it had been going on for months.
Now she was in a lip-lock that felt more like a familiar kiss than a first one. Drew happened to be in the right place at the right time. Or maybe it was the wrong place at the wrong time? Lacey really didn’t know, because nothing about what was happening made sense.
She’d practically assaulted a complete stranger, and yet she found herself enjoying the feel of his muscular chest against her soft one. The way his strong arms held her and the way his lips melded to hers warmed her more than the hot sun beating down on them.
She’d first spotted him after checking into the hotel, and though she had thought he was handsome, she’d done her best not to stare. But when she’d seen him on the beach, she’d let her gaze linger on his square jawline, his rounded biceps peeking out from beneath the band of his short-sleeve shirt, and his stunning smile. He was sex personified, but it was his backward baseball cap, in all its charming glory, that really called out to her.
And now she was using him—his mouth—his tongue.Wow, his tongue. When it brushed against hers, she couldn’t suppress theembarrassing moan that crawled up her throat and straight into his mouth. Sound effects weren’t the norm for Lacey, but she couldn’t contain that one.
Their connection sent shock waves through Lacey’s veins. She had turned into a pressure cooker ready to explode. When Drew pulled her in closer, the tips of her toes flirted with the grains of sand beneath them. She was no longer sure if she feltherheart beating in her ribs or if it was his. All sounds around her faded away except for her pulse, rushing through her eardrums.
Then, like a bucket of cold water, Kevin called out her name.
She tensed, and Drew broke their connection, but rather than walk away or release her, he merely stared at Lacey with a furrowed brow. Lacey felt like a teenager who had been busted by her parents for kissing a boy on the front porch past curfew. Fear began to fester, and her nerves spiked; this could all backfire. Her cover could be blown, and Kevin would once again have her feeling lower than the sand at the bottom of the ocean.