Page 38 of Once Upon a Kiss
In the past, Drew would have scoffed at that comment, but now fatherhood didn’t seem so unimaginable. Of course, he pictured Lacey here with everyone, enjoying the holiday. As Drew mused over the future, Charlie, his wife Annie, and their children, alongwith Natalie and her husband, Greg, all came up to exchange hugs, while Monica did her best to organize handing out the gifts. It was something that had yet to be mastered when kids were involved.
Annie sighed and let out a yawn. “Jasper has been up since four a.m. ready to open presents. Of course his incessant begging woke Jackie up. Needless to say, they’ll be ready to nap before dinner.”
Drew looked at the kids, grinning. “Don’t tell me you never did that. I know we did.”
“Grandma and Grandpa, is it time yet?” Jasper yelled, his head beneath the tree.
Drew’s mother appeared, looking as though she walked out of a holiday catalog in her red and green Christmas sweater, adorned with the saying,BEST GRANDMA IN THE WORLD—a gift from last year—and a Santa hat on her head. His father followed behind, wearing a matching hat. Christmas was his parents’ favorite holiday, and each year, as the family grew, so did their excitement and love for the special day.
The adults sat on the couch, watching each kid tear open their presents. A while ago, his brothers and sister decided rather than buy presents for everyone they’d just draw names out of a hat. Once all the gifts were exchanged, the family sat around their large dining room table to have dinner.
Just like Annie predicted, the kids were exhausted and yawning through dessert. Even the sugary cutout cookies couldn’t keep their eyes open. One by one they headed to either the sofa or one of the bedrooms to crash.
Drew felt a twinge of jealousy as he watched his siblings with their spouses. All he wanted was Lacey by his side… to touch her and kiss her. It had been less than a week since they’d parted ways, but it felt like an eternity.
“How was your trip, Drew? Did you have a good time?” his father asked, taking a sip of port wine, which he liked to drink with dessert.
“It was great. Ethan is doing well and… I met someone.” That last part flew out of his mouth so fast he wasn’t sure he’d even said it. But when he noticed everyone was staring at him, he realized he had. “What?”
“Who did you meet?” Natalie asked, a huge smile on her face.
Drew mimicked her expression. “Her name is Lacey. She lives in New York City. She’s beautiful and smart. I can’t wait for you all to meet her.”
“Wait,” Mark said with furrowed brows. “It’s that serious that you’re introducing her to us?”
“Ooh, this is good,” Monica added, placing her elbows on the table and leaning forward. “How did you meet?”
“She kissed me on the beach, trying to make her ex-boyfriend—who was also there with his new girlfriend—jealous. Best kiss ever.”
“Hell, yeah.” Mark high-fived Drew.
Drew’s mother stood. “I think I’ll go wash dishes.” She turned to her husband. “Will you help me, please? I don’t think this is a conversation for our ears.” He obliged but looked disappointed.
Once his parents were gone, everyone started peppering Drew with questions.
“Why was her ex there?”
“She used you?”
“How hot is she?” That last question got Charlie a slap on his arm. “What?” He kissed his wife on her temple and rubbed his shoulder. “If he allowed that, she must be gorgeous.”
Natalie was the only one not partaking in the inquisition. Instead, she stared at Drew with a softness in her eyes. Once the barrage ended, she finally spoke. “You fell in love with her.”
“I did.”
Charlie leaned back in his chair. “Well, I never thought I’d see the day. Good for you, man. Being in love with the right woman makes everything better.” Annie leaned over and kissed his shoulder, softening the sting of her slap.
“When do we get to meet her?” Monica asked with pure tenderness in her voice. Drew knew his family wouldn’t question how quickly he fell in love. They’d support him despite how fast it happened.
Rather than answer his sister-in-law, he excused himself fromthe table. Chatter ensued in the background, making Drew smile. He stood next to the brightly lit tree and called Lacey. He knew she’d be at her friend Grace’s house but hoped her Christmas gift had arrived before she’d left.
One day at the resort when he was dancing with Lacey, Ethan had snapped a picture of them on his phone. He’d wanted to use it on the hotel’s website, but Drew had wanted it for himself. Ethan sent it to him, and Drew had it printed and framed at a photo shop in New York City.
He’d had to jump through a few hoops and practically bribe the delivery person at the store to make the trip on a holiday, but it would be worth it.
“Merry Christmas!”
Drew’s smile was immediate upon hearing her singsongy voice. “Merry Christmas, Lacey. Are you having fun?”