Page 15 of Ashes and Amulets
I’d forgotten what amusing company Imogen could be. Silly, given I hadn’t made any other social connections in this time period as of yet. Between this road trip and the last, I had committed nearly twenty hours of one-on-one time to her. The only other person I could recall spending this much time with and not getting annoyed wasn’t actually a person at all. Speaking of Fernando, I hoped he hadn’t spotted me on our near-miss in Marshmallow or he might be hurt that I didn’t visit with him before I left.
“Let’s see…what else has happened?” Imogen said. “Well, I moved into Wendy’s aunt and uncle’s basement, into the apartment she was staying in. The first thing I did once I got in there—fix the door. Wendy might not have minded anyone andeveryone having the capability to walk right in without so much as knocking first, but me, no thank you. I generally don’t have a problem with unwanted guests though, no matter where I live. A bad guy breaks in, I just bodysnatch him, and make him throw himself out.”
I blinked and stared at Imogen for a moment. Her breezy tone while discussing such a serious matter threw me.
“You’ve had to deal with multiple break ins?”
“Not in the new apartment,” she said. “But before, yes. I do try not to use my power more than I need to, though. I imagine it’s not an entirely pleasant experience to have your mind overrun and your body stolen.”
I could think of one person I wouldn’t mind tormenting in that exact way.
Imogen glanced from the road to me for a second. “What? Why are you staring at me like that?”
She wasn’t shaken by home invaders, but she was scared of my mother. Imogen was more interesting than I’d previously given her credit for. What hardships had she faced in her life that made breaking and entering seem like nothing? Perhaps she deserved more compassion.
“I apologize for not helping you retrieve your vehicle sooner,” I said. “That must have been inconvenient.”
“Oh, no. It was fine. I caught a bus down. I’m just glad to have the old girl back.” She tapped on the dash with affection. “I actually enjoy a good road trip. Don’t you? It’s the snacks and the music and the sights. And when the circumstances are just right, it’s also great company.”
She wasn’t entirely wrong, thoughgreatwas a stretch.
“What day is this?” I asked.
“July eleventh.”
“What are you doing tomorrow?”
“Well, I’ll probably sleep half the day after our long drive. I took time off work for this trip, so I don’t have to hurry back.”
“What do you say to extending our adventure a little longer?”
“I don’t know that I’ll be up for driving after nine hours.”
“There will be no more driving after we return to Piccadilly. We’ll use portals, and perhaps an airplane.” With the clock ticking, I needed to focus on determining the best course of action.
Imogen’s eyes lit up. “A potty portal? That is uniquely intriguing magic. I’m quite fascinated by all things supernatural.”
“If you keep me company, I promise to blow your mind.”
“I’m in!”
I relaxed back in my seat, content that I had a plan. The next time Silas Huxley tried to screw me over, I’d be there to screw him right back.
Okay, that sounded wrong. That was not how I meant that.
When Silas made a jerk move, because clearly he would, I’d have my secret weapon on hand, one he didn’t see coming, one that could bodysnatch him and prove once and for all it wasn’t me who was the fool, but him.
Traveling by portal meant entering the library. Entering the library meant losing indeterminate amounts of time. If it was a quick hop in and out, generally only a few hours were lost. But with a set meeting time for the mission, and because of my trip to Marshmallow, my window was tighter.
After careful consideration, I determined it was best to take the fifteen-hour airplane flight to reach Inorog, Roldaria before Silas and clearly gain the upper hand. If I knew anything about Silas Huxley, it was that he was always punctual, arriving at any destination exactly when he was supposed to—to the minute. I wasn’t quite sure how he managed to travel so precisely, but I definitely knew how to take advantage of his quirk. While he was busy showing up on time, I’d already have the mission completed. Oh yes, this was going to be good.
Imogen stared out the airplane window, seemingly mesmerized by the clouds that surrounded us. She said, “I’ve never been on a plane before.”
“Me neither.” So far the experience was nothing like I’d imagined. The woman in front of me sounded like she was about to hack up a lung. A mid-sized child sat behind me,relentlessly bashing his toy airplane into the back of my seat. The accompanying noises he made were even more disruptive.
I turned around and peeked over the top of my seat.