Page 7 of An Inconvenient Truth
Sally grinned up at him, nervously running her fingers through her chocolate hair as her brown eyes searched his face. She was a beautiful woman; he just wasn't interested and she seemed to have a problem with that. “I just wanted to ask if you have a hot date tonight.”
Carter thought about Kaitlyn and how she'd been on his mind all day. They didn't have a date, but he had done some digging on her, found out where she worked and figured he'd dropped by just to see how she was doing and hoped that his gesture didn’t come across as pushy. At the end of their date, she had mentioned wanting to see him again, and he hoped they weren't just empty words.
“Not a date, but I do have plans. How about yourself?” Carter noticed the way her shoulders slumped at his words.
Still, she managed to force a smile to her face, not that she was fooling anyone. “I don't have any plans, that's why I was asking you. I was hoping we could try this neat little place that I found. Do you like Mexican food?”
Carter didn't particularly care for Mexican food, but he'd eat it all day long if it meant avoiding Sally outside work. “It's not my favorite and I'm sorry to disappoint.”
The second strikeout didn't seem to faze her, and she brightened up, bouncing her shoulders back and forth slightly. “I did score an extra ticket toThat Darn Puppy of Mineon ice.” She pulled the tickets out of her pocket and offered one his direction.
“I'm sorry, that's not really something I’m interested in.” Carter glanced at the number above the door, willing the elevator to reach the lobby faster. The worst part about working in a high-rise skyscraper office building was how long the elevator rides took to get from top to bottom, especially when he's trapped with someone he didn't want to talk to.
This time, her expression fell a little bit. “Oh. I also have Netflix and can whip up a mean quiche if you'd rather stay in.”
While Carter did enjoy quiche, he absolutely did not want to spend a night in watching Netflix with Sally. “Really thank you for the offer, but I do have plans for the night.” Just in time, the door dinged and slid open.
“Have a lovely day,” he said to Sally before stepping out into the lobby of the building, but not before seeing the hurt in her eyes. She should know he made it a point to not date anyone within the office, but her continued pushing left him how long her infatuation would last. No matter what, he’d gently, kindly, carefully refuse any advances.
He knew his car would be out front waiting, and he made his way down the steps, nodding at people and smiling while unbuttoning the bottom button of his suit jacket. Once in the safety and privacy of his car, he let out a breath he hadn't been aware he’d been holding and tried to relax his shoulders. Rolling his neck to ease the tension and stress of the day, he thought about how he could finally see Kaitlyn.
Ten minutes later, he parked in the parking lot of Kaitlyn's club. Before he ever set foot inside, he could feel the pulse of the music vibrating to his very bones. He walked in, searching faces for her, smiling at the pretty girls who smiled at him first and ignoring offers of private dances.
He made his way to the bar. “Can you tell me where Kaitlyn is?” he asked the man behind the counter.
“She's around here somewhere.” The bartender grinned and began making a drink.
“Would you happen to know exactly where?” Carter asked, putting several hundred-dollar bills on the counter and sliding them toward the bartender, who looked both ways before leaning in, as if to impart some secret.
Leaning in, the bartender whispered, “Look, I'm not supposed to tell anybody this, but she's back in booth three.”
“Thank you.” Carter had a feeling who he'd find her with, and he debated for a moment whether or not he should go try to save her or just let her be. He had no doubt she knew how to handle herself and no doubt that the club would protect her. But then again, with a man like Devon, the club might tell her to just do whatever it took to keep him happy.
There was no way she could say no to someone like Devon and still keep her job.
He slid some cash across the bar for the bartender and thanked him for the information he'd given before turning and walking toward the back of the club where the private rooms were. At booth three, he gave a quick knock, then pulled open the door.
Kaitlyn’s eyes had a distincthelp melook in them when she turned to face him. The second her back was turned, Devon grabbed her hips and pulled her down into his lap. She pulled away, forcing a flirty smile to her lips. “You're not supposed to touch,” she said, wiggling an admonishing finger at him.
Finally, he seemed to notice Carter, but Carter didn't give a damn. “Kaitlyn, I would like you to come with me.”
Kaitlyn gave Devon a troubled glance, then nodded, her throat flexing as she swallowed hard. “I gave you your half hour,” she said to Devon, who looked furious at the interruption. “I can’t ignore other people, darling.” She touched the edge of his jaw with two fingers before sliding them toward his chin and letting go. He squeezed his eyes closed, lifting his hips slightly, but Kaitlyn turned toward Carter with a clear thank you written in her features as she walked toward him.
Carter didn't glance at the skin that she had showing, or at the little bikini bottoms she was wearing. She was quick to pull the T-shirt on over herself as she walked past Carter out the door. “I'm actually off. I just need a minute to go get dressed,” she said in a low voice meant for his ears only. “I'm not allowed to go home with you, so make sure you invent a reason why you have to leave.”
Carter nodded as she went into the backroom.
A few moments later, she returned, fully dressed and ready to leave. They crossed the club and Carter pretended to take an important business phone call. As loudly as he dared, he said, “Duty calls, love. I'll have to catch you next time.”
She nodded, pouting her lower lip and fluttering her eyelashes at him. “You really know how to break a girl's heart.”
Her dark hair swirled around her shoulders as she turned to look at the bouncer, who nodded. She pulled her jacket on over her T-shirt that Carter knew full well she was wearing nothing under. She glanced at him, her made-up face sexy and her expression hungry as she nibbled her lower lip and gave him a quick up and down glance. “Next time,” she said.
The bouncer took her under one arm and ushered her out the door and toward her vehicle.
Still faking being on the phone, Carter left and headed for his car. He made sure to turn the engine over and pull out before she did to avoid arousing suspicion.
A few moments later she drove past him, flashed her lights and then continued on. Carter pulled out behind her and followed her, unable to help being surprised at how well they communicated and how flawlessly they pulled off their escape.