Page 2 of Evan
“Needed to piss,” he shrugged. “Look, don’t let them get to you. Your dates will be fine—well, some might. Luke is an asshole, but that comes from being young and dumb.”
He stepped out of the bathroom and allowed Jake to pass him by. The man smiled all the time now and seemed happier than he ever had before. Not that Jake had ever been much of anything else, but now it was a different kind of happy—the kind that came from knowing your other half was waiting for you at home.
Luke, on the other hand, was an asshole. He was the youngest of the group and was still living the high life that came from being a young, attractive man with entirely too much money.
His friend group—Cade, Evan, Jake, Luke, Owen, and Ryker—were all billionaires from different businesses. It was nice to have money, but dating was a challenge when you were looking for something real. Sometimes women would fool them into believing they were sincere, but in the end, they only cared about money.
“You’re back. You want in or are you going to sit the rest of the night out while you contemplate your life choices?” Luke called out.
“Deal me in.” He took his seat and tried to focus on the cards being dealt.
“I’m out.” Jake took his jacket off the back of the chair he had been in moments before.
Luke made a sound like a cracking whip.
“Have a good night, man,” Cade told him.
“Yup,” Ryker said, always the quiet one of the bunch.
“Yeah, yeah.” Jake waved Luke off before letting himself out.
“He’s so whipped. He and Owen both,” Luke mused aloud.
“You’ll want that one day,” Evan told him.
“Bullshit. All of you old men can have the wife, picket fence, and 2.5 kids, I’ll stick with the good sex with multiple women—at the same time,” he added with a wink.
Ryker laughed. “Your dick’s gonna fall off, dude.”
“What the fuck ever.” Luke waved him off and tossed in more chips. “I raise.”
“Call.” Ryker stared him down.
Evan took a look at the two cards in front of him and called as well. Cade called, and Ryker dealt the last face-up card on the table.
Evan had a good hand and did his best not to shift in his seat and tip his hand. It wasn’t that any real money was being exchanged tonight, but he didn’t want to lose, either.
Luke smiled. “Raise.” He tossed several chips in again.
“Fold.” Ryker tossed his cards down and picked up his beer.
“Call.” Evan threw in enough chips to meet Luke’s bet.
“Fold.” Cade leaned back in his chair and stretched.
Luke grinned and turned his cards over. Two pair with kings high. He leaned forward to rake in the chips.
“Not so fast.” Evan turned his own two cards over revealing a flush. He’d won, and he pulled all the chips his way.
Luke gaped. “How?”
“I wasn’t busy worried about getting laid,” Evan told him as he stacked up his chips.
Cade stood and walked towards the fridge. “Anyone need a beer?”
They all said they did as Ryker shuffled the cards for the next hand. Cade came back with a bottle for each of them and passed the bottle opener around.