Page 52 of Evan
Kayla stayed in for the night. Lauren had invited her over while the guys were at poker, but she wasn’t good company right now.
She’d literally lost her shit on Evan in his office yesterday, and she was still reeling from the embarrassment of it all. She’d overreacted to everything, and he’d been so patient with her.
Worse, she didn’t even mean to act like that. The emotions from the week had overwhelmed her, and she’d taken them all out on Evan. Him saving the day was the tipping point, and she’d lost it.
“I’m so stupid,” she’d muttered to herself.
Avoiding Evan had been her goal since. She hadn’t messaged him other than to tell him when the contractors were coming. Anything else was too much.
He hadn’t reached out to her either, which was what she thought she wanted. Now she missed him.
So she’d stayed in and was doing her laundry having a real grand time on her Friday night. Sitting here, thinking about Evan, and refusing to do anything about those thoughts was only making herself more miserable.
The police had made no progress with her case. She called them that morning, and they basically told her to stop and they would call if they found something. It was valid, but she wanted to know why this happened and then to know that it wouldn’t again.
She wasn’t scared; she was pissed off. This was impacting her business and her livelihood. It also meant that customers could lose faith in her business, and this vandalism could give credence to the rumors that sometimes floated when people didn’t like their dates.
Her phone chimed and she picked it up, intending to ignore whoever it was. It was the dating app with a message from Evan, or E to be more precise.
She opened it and took note of the apology. She shouldn’t write him back, but if real her couldn’t talk to him, maybe fake her could. She missed him.
Before she could change her mind, she wrote him back.
K:I’ve been so busy with work. Sorry I haven’t reached out more.
She was curious where this was headed anyway. Honestly, she had forgotten all about the dates with everything else going on.
He didn’t write back quickly so she went back to folding her laundry. She checked the phone entirely too many times while she did. Between each piece of folded laundry, she turned her phone over, looked for a message, and then set it back facedown on her bed.
It was unnecessary. Her phone clearly worked and made noise when he sent a message. Kayla fussed at herself as she stood and put her laundry away. She was being ridiculous.
She was in the middle of hanging up the pile of clothes at the end of her bed when her phone dinged again. Stopping immediately, she grabbed it to read his message.
E:I’ve had a lot going on too.
Yeah, dealing with her craziness. At least here, as K, she didn’t have to talk about that. They could just chat.
She laughed at herself. What a difference from the first time they’d chatted in the app. She was so nervous then, but now she wanted it, needed to talk to him.
K:It’s nice to hear from you.
K:No big Friday night plans?
E:I was out at a friend’s but I wasn’t feeling it so I came home. You?
K:Even less exciting, doing laundry.
E:Oh, so you’re a real partier, huh?
She looked at the phone and regretted messaging him back. He was flirting. He slept with her four days ago and was flirting with someone else now?
K:Yeah, real life of the party here.
Kayla set the phone aside as she tried to figure out what she had done. This whole date thing was wrong. Messaging him back tonight had been a bad idea. The entire thing had been a bad idea.