Page 10 of Rejected By a Wolf
“I don’t see anything wrong with defending myself. Besides, I think one can understand my need toegg ona potential opponent. Honestly, I hope I’m matched against him for one of these battles. I kind of want to kill the bastard.”
Her words left him in a state of disbelief.
Opponent?She was talking as if she was also participating in The Elaron Games.
He looked her up and down - all five feet of her. There was no way. No one could bethatstupid.
“You said that as if you’re competing in the tournament.”
She cocked her head to the side. “And you’re acting as if that would be an issue.”
“Tell me you’re not.” She was too small and too fragile. And her dying really put a damper on his plan to introduce her to Giselle.
“What if I am?” She lifted her chin, her expression full of pride. “Are you?”
“Yeah, but I’m no fey.” She might very well be the only fey keeping her species from total extinction.
“I didn’t see any rule stating a fey couldn’t sign up.” She clicked her teeth together disapprovingly. “Discrimination at its finest.”
“No species discriminates as much as the fey,” he spoke through gritted teeth, memories of Giselle’s fear resurfacing. If the fey had been more accepting of other immortals, Giselle wouldn’t have been so afraid of him. She would’ve known better.
But she hadn’t known better, and she died because of it.
I’m bringing her back,he reminded himself. But it was guilt that invaded his conscious when he looked at the woman in front of him.For me to win, she’ll have to die.
He shook his head wildly. He shouldn’t feel guilty about what would happen to this woman. She signed up for this tournament of her own free will. She knew exactly what she was getting into.
Her death would be no one’s fault but her own.
“It’s a good thing I don’t have any fey friends to teach me ourdiscriminatoryways. You know, since they’re allgone. That makes you the only bigot here.”
Maddening fey.She was so unlike the timid being she was supposed to be.
Somehow, he managed to cross paths with the only fey in the unnatural world that wasn’t as judgmental as the rest of them. And the way she fearlessly stood in a crowd of immortals only further proved how different she was from them.
His thoughts again returned to what a perfect friend she’d make for Giselle. She could teach Giselle, from a fey’s perspective, that the unnatural world wasn’t as frightening as she had been taught to believe it was.
It was a shame this woman didn’t have many days left to live.
“I don’t discriminate,” he argued, though he sort of did. A fey shouldn’t participate in this tournament, it was as simple as that. “What reason do you have to compete? The money, the fame? I can’t see a good enough reason for you to put your life in danger.”
“But you can see a good enough reason foryouto putyourlife in danger, correct?”
Absolutely. Winning this tournament not only meant resurrecting Giselle, but resurrecting himself as well. “I can.”
“Well, so can I.”
He groaned. This fey was maddening. Though, she was also fascinating. He never met another who intrigued him this much. In fact, he couldn’t recall when he last spoke to someone for so long. “Enlighten me, then. What’s worth dying for?”
“The Heart of Aphrodite is in play, is it not?”
“So you want one of your wishes to come true, is that it?” He tried imagining something a fey would be dying to have, thinking back to the time he had briefly lived among them.
A garden, perhaps. Maybe a faster horse than the one she most likely already had.
She rolled her eyes. “Of course, and I’d say the opportunity to wish for my parents to be freed from an eternity of slavery isworth dying for.” His face must’ve revealed every bit of surprise he was feeling, because her condescending smirk told him she read every thought running through his head. “Misjudged me, didn’t you?”
He absolutely did.