Page 56 of Rejected By a Wolf
On the other hand, she heard enough tales about werewolves to know how serious they were about their mates. Being a werewolf’s mate meantforever andshe didn’t know if she was ready for forever. She definitely wasn’t ready for forever with someone she just met. But if she was truly his mate, that would mean she wouldn’t have much of a choice in the matter.
Not only that, but she was a simple fey who had never been with another. She was in no way ready to be claimed by a werewolf during the night of the full moon.
“Confused? Did you really just tell a wolf he may have confused himself in the matter of who his mate is?”
When he put it like that… “Okay, so definitely not confused.” She was definitely his mate, which wasa lotto take in.Foreverkept replaying in her mind. If they managed to both survive this tournament, which was highly unlikely, her life was never going to be the same. There was no way he’d let her remain on Elaron. He’d want to bring her back to his clan.
She wasn’t sure if that was something she wanted.
Baby steps, Sophia,she told herself. There was no reason to think that far into the future. Hell, there was a high probability she wouldn’t make it that far into the future. At the moment it was better to think about what was going on now and not waste her time thinking about things that may never happen.
“How long have you known?”
“We met during the celebrations that first night because I caught your scent and followed it until I found you.”
“So you knew before you even met me?”
He gave her a mischievous grin, waving a finger between them. “Ah-ah. No more questions until I’m washing you.”
Sophia swallowed, her heartbeat quickening. The thought of him washing her both thrilled her and filled her with anxiety. Was she ready to let another bathe her? Was she ready to let him bathe her? She still had so many questions and believed she needed them answered before she was in such a vulnerable state with him. “But-”
“Bath first.” A wicked grin stretched across his face, sending chills down her spine. Then he tugged at her hand, leading her out of the room. She followed him, surprised her legs were able to carry her forward considering how they quaked.
Every eye was on them as they walked down the crowded tunnels. Every participant was no doubt confused about two competitors holding hands. Why build a relationship with another when it was impossible for two people to survive this tournament?
“If I’m really your mate-”
“You are.” He cut her off again, quickening his pace, walking forward with determination on his face.
Determination to get to bathing me,Sophia thought with a quiver.
“How could we possibly work considering we’re both competitors in this tournament?”
He shot her a side glance. “What did I tell you about the questions?”
“I can’t even ask one?” She tried slowing her pace but he wasn’t having it, picking up his in response and pulling her with him. “Can we slow it down a bit?” The faster they walked the sooner that bath happened.
“If I don’t get you somewhere private soon, so help me, I’ll take you in front of everyone. Trust me when I tell you I’m on the verge of losing every last bit of restraint I still have. I’d rather the worldnotsee what’s mine tonight. Or any night, for that matter.”
What’s mine. Why did her heart flutter when he said that?
As he continued forward as if on a mission, she began to think back to every tale of werewolves she had ever heard. They were both incredibly dedicated to and possessive of their mates. One look at his expression, both determined and hungry, was proof enough that those tales were spot on.
She wondered,If I decide I don’t want a life with Antonio, will he give me a choice?
The ferocious glint in his eyes warned her that what she wanted didn’t matter. He wasn’t letting her go anyway.
Chapter Thirty-Three
Sophia Brenning
Sophia stood as close to the tent’s edge as she possibly could, her eyes on the steam that rose from the wooden bath sitting opposite her.
Earlier, when Antonio asked the elves guarding their tent to prepare a bath, they did so without question. Sophia could only wonder what Casper had told these guards to have them follow a werewolf’s orders so readily.
Sophia glanced at Antonio, who was now running his fingers through the tub’s water. He hadn’t spoken to her at all in the past hour, not responding toanyof her questions - which she had plenty of - steadfast in his decision to wait until she bathed before answering any of them. It was as if he believed she would go back on her word and not allow him to bathe her if he explained anything to her too soon.
He was wrong to think that. Though she was on edge, her nerves heightened like never before, she wasn’t the type of person who went against their word. She made a deal with Antonio, and she didn’t plan on breaking it. Because of her history with Casper, she knew what it felt to be on the receiving end of someone breaking their promises - itstung.