Page 58 of Rejected By a Wolf
“I guess you’ll just have to find out.” He joked as her pants dropped to the floor, followed by her underwear.
When his hands squeezed her ass she jerked in surprise. “Hey - what was that?”
He wrapped his arms around her waist, bringing her back against him, nudging her head under his chin. “Just sampling a bit of what’s mine.”
“What’s yours?” Why did the sound of that arouse her so much?
“Yes, what’s mine. This is a done deal,Fia.” The possessiveness in his voice was haunting, as if warning her that any chance she had to walk away from him had already come and gone. “Now, hop in.”
When he released his hold on her she did as he said, dipping her body into the warm water, allowing it to wash over her admittedly filthy skin.
She relaxed her back against the wood, letting out a sigh as she closed her eyes. Nothing about this situation made her feel uneasy, as she initially thought it would.
But when she heard Antonio shuffling beside her, she ripped her eyes open and shot them in his direction, gaping at what she saw.
There he stood in all his flawlessly unashamed glory, his clothes laying on the floor beside him. It took everything in her power to keep her gaze focused on his face and not direct it downward.
When he caught sight of the way she shamelessly gawked at his naked body, he grinned. “You look surprised.” Surprised? That was an understatement. Wasn’thesupposed to be washingher? “Did you really expect me to stand out here while my exquisite mate sits inthere? Not a chance,Fia.We’re taking this bath together.”
Chapter Thirty-Four
Sophia Brenning
“Ah, I didn’t know that,” Sophia honestly admitted. When blush heated her cheeks, she couldn’t help but feel grateful for the mud that concealed them.
“From now on, when my mate bathes, I bathe with her.”
Mate.He kept using that term when referring to her… and shelikedit.
When she slowly nodded, anxiously biting her lower lip, Antonio’s gaze trailed to that lip, his eyes tightening. “Watch yourself when you do that, unless youwantme to lose control.”
She stopped, her eyes widening. Though, as she looked at the solid man in front of her - a man who didn’t have an inch of fat on his skin - she thought she might like the idea of him losing control.
What womanwouldn’tlike the idea of a man who seemed to be carved from marble losing himself to lust around her? Suddenly, she was feeling incredibly lucky.
When Sophia first met Antonio a few days ago sheneverimagined she’d be in this situation with the hulking werewolf. Yet here she was, and she had a pretty good idea she’d find herself in this situationmanymore times.
“Alright, sit up,” he commanded.
She obliged, putting space between her and the wall of the tub, giving him enough room to slide in behind her.
He did, caging her body between his legs. She didn’t believe she had ever been as aware of how different they were in size as she was at that moment. She wassosmallnext to him.
When she felt his massive length pressing against her back she tensed. As if reading her mind he whispered, “Did you expect a werewolf who saw his mate’s naked body for the first time tonotphysically respond?”
“I’m still having difficulty wrapping my head around the fact that I’m your mate.” It was the last thing she expected, especially considering he already had one.
“Understandable.” Then, he muttered under his breath, “At least you didn’t run away.”
“Why would I have?” Sophia enjoyed his company and was sure he already knew this. Not only that, but he had been making her protection his job the last several days. She couldn’t imagine having any reason to run.
“Being a werewolf’s mate is usually a scary thing for beings from different species.” He spoke as if he knew from experience.
“Why?” Despite the many terrifying tales she heard of werewolves, they were known to be incredibly dedicated to their mates. She couldn’t see the wrong in that.
Though, they were also known to be incredibly possessive over them.
She noticed the way his body tightened around her, as if the topic made him uncomfortable. “Our needs during the full moon are known to be… intense.”