Page 70 of Rejected By a Wolf
Drusilla Romano
Drusilla stalked Antonio Payne from a distance, blending in with the unruly crowd around her.
She couldn’t contain her laughter, finding far too much joy in Antonio’s suffering. It was absolutely delicious and undoubtedly deserved.
“You broke me when you murdered everyone I loved. Now it’s my turn to break you,” she whispered to herself, but found it difficult to ignore the judgmental looks immortals threw her way when she did. “What? Don’t act like you’ve never whispered to yourself before,” she snapped at someone walking by.
Gods, unnatural beings could be so patronizing. Unfortunately, she was far too familiar with their cruelty.But their cruelty brought me toher,and I was nothing beforeshecame into my life,Drusilla reminded herself.
The first time Drusilla witnessed true cruelty she found it in the form of a snobby fey called Giselle. A fey whose sense of entitlement brought about the undoing of Drusilla’s coven.
Centuries ago, when the sweet fey approached Drusilla’s coven and requested a love spell, no one thought any harm would come from it. After all, fey weren’t known to cause trouble, they were known tosteer clearfrom it. That knowledge coupled with the generous payment Giselle threw on their tablehad every witch agreement. They decided to give Giselle the love spell she desired.
The spell was simple enough - the next man to cross paths with Giselle would fall in love with her.
But that ignorant bitch decided to take a stroll along her village’s mystical barrierbeforemeeting with whichever fey she had intended the spell to be for.
To everyone’s horror, a werewolf prowling just outside the barrier picked up Giselle’s scent. Unable to resist the spell - Drusilla didn’t blame him, her coven’s spellswereflawless - he followed her scent until he came face to face with the fey. He immediately recognized her as his mate, when she was really nothing more than a spoiled brat.
Drusilla’s coven was horrified. The spell they concocted wasn’t meant for a werewolf. They had no idea what the consequences of screwing with a werewolf’s instinct could be, but they knew it couldn’t be anything good. It was common knowledge in the unnatural world that a werewolf’s instinct wasnot-to-be-fucked-with.
And they had just fucked with it.
Not long after meeting Giselle, Antonio showed signs of struggle. With magic taking control of his instinct, he had lost his own control over it. Because of this, the beast inside Antonio became deranged, beginning Antonio’s descent into madness - a descent that didn’t stop until nothing was left of the man he once was.
When Giselle begged the coven to reverse the spell, they didn’t think twice before giving the fey a deadly potion. Their hope was that the spell would break with Giselle’s death, giving the werewolf control over himself again.
They couldn’t have been more wrong.
The spell didn’t break with the fey’s death. Instead, it caused an already unstable werewolf to become enraged, blinded by madness over the belief that his mate had been murdered.
When he attacked Drusilla’s coven, no one stood a chance. Even Drusilla was left so broken she spent weeks on that forest floor, hanging onto life by a thread.
After months of healing and years of mourning, Drusilla consciously decided to not give up on herself. If she gave up, Antonio Payne won. She refused to let him win.
And how did the unnatural world respond when she returned?
With mockery.
Not a single coven would take her in. Apparently, as the sole survivor of a massacre, witches across the world considered her to be a living, breathing bad omen. Gods, even the adulteress inThe Scarlet Letterwasn’t branded as horribly as Drusilla had been.
Cursed to walk the earth alone, Drusilla grew desperate to find a connection with someone.
Then she met Circe - the witch who changedeverythingfor Drusilla. Circe introduced Drusilla to an entirely new world of magic.Blood magic.It was both dark and powerful, drawing its power from the lost souls of others. For someone like Circe - a witch who held dominion over hundreds of lost souls that she had entrapped over the ages - power was limitless.
Most would frown upon the idea of damning souls for eternity. But Drusilla knew from personal experience that the cruel hearted unnatural world didn’t deserve any better. Anyway, immortals were only getting what they asked for.Literally. It was impossible for a blood witch to take someone’s soul without it being freely offered.
Drusilla returned her attention to Antonio, noting how sickened he was over a simple dispute with Sophia, his true mate. “Ah, Antonio. Your soul will be my first.”
Did Antonio really believe he knew misery when he lost Giselle? He hadnoidea what misery was. He would learn soon, Drusilla would make sure of it.
The loss of his true mate, and someone he was clearly falling for, would destroy him. He’d be so destroyed he might just do anything to get her back.
Why, he might even sell his soul.
Chapter Forty-Two