Page 8 of Rejected By a Wolf
“I can win this.” She crossed her arms over her chest. Granted, she wasn’t entirely sure she could. But did he really have to have so little hope in her?
“Can you? Soph, you’re a fey. There’s a reason your species is almost extinct.”
That hurt. Yes, the fey race was nearly wiped out after the attacks on their villages, but Sophia survived. She not only survived, she was thriving. For decades she worked her ass off to be better than the fey she once was. And now she was.
“If that’s what you think, you don’t know me at all.”
His face reddened. “I won’t sit by and watch you do this to yourself.”
“Then don’t watch. Do what you do best and leave Elaron. Pretend I don’t exist. Pretend this place doesn’t exist. You’ve done it before, I’m sure you can do it again,” Sophia quipped, turning on her heel and marching off. She was livid. How dare he decide to act like he cared about heronlywhen it was about stopping her from doing what she wanted to do most. She needed The Heart of Aphrodite. Finding and saving her parents relied on that necklace. “My decision has already been made and there’s no changing it. You shouldn’t have come here.”
Pissed beyond belief, she decided to hit the town. There, she could lose herself in the pre-tournament celebrations, and she seriouslyneeded to lose herself right now.
Casper didn’t chase after her this time, but he did leave her with parting words, shouting them at her as she distanced from him. “You don’t want to listen to me? Fine. Then I won’t listen to you. I’m going to my uncle without you. So help me Sophia, I willnotallow you to do this!”
If he tried pulling that stunt she would have to talk to King Valaris herself to make sure he understood shewantedto participate in this tournament. But she would wait until tomorrow for that.
Tonight, she’d forget.
Chapter Five
Antonio Payne
Hiding in the shadows, Antonio observed the lively festivities occurring around him. The streets of Elaron were full of life tonight, unnatural beings from all walks of life coming together to dance and shout beneath the island’s pristine night sky, excitement for the tournament at an all time high.
Hell, even Antonio was excited, and he couldn’t remember the last time he felt, well,anything.
Antonio took a sip of his whiskey as he leaned against the concrete wall behind him. He knew many of the rowdy immortals would be participating in the tournament, and he couldn’t understand why they would spend their night exhausting themselves. They wereliterallypartying their lives away.
He shrugged, supposing what the other participants chose to do shouldn’t bother him. The more mistakes they made, the easier these games would be for him.
Giselle, I’m coming for you,he thought, reminding himself of her sweet smile and graceful elegance. Soon, he’d see that smile again.
After reviving her, he’d be sure not to make the same mistakes he made in the past. He’d be more gentle with her, give her more time to acclimate to the idea of a life with him. Ofcourse, he’d have to find a way to stay as far away from her as possible during the first few full moons. He’d need more time to convince her to not be afraid of a werewolf’s behavior toward his mate on those nights.
Whatever he had to do, he’d do it. For her. Forthem.
He couldn’t help but wonder how she would react when upon learning her species was extinct.
A worry for another time,he thought. For now, his sole focus should be on winning the tournament.
But it was so easy to lose himself to memories of her sweet smile and rosy cheeks.
And this memory felt so real. He could practically scent his mate right now, her tantalizing aroma overwhelming his senses…
He shook his head, grounding himself in reality, but that scent didn’t go away.
Fuck,the fragrance wafting past his nose was real, and the wolf inside him was drawn to it, desperate to track it down, despite it being so different from Giselle’s.
Giselle smelled of honeysuckles, but this… this scent was more like the salty air that drifted off the sea in the early morning.
Why the fuck was he responding to it as if it was his mate’s?
He rubbed his head and took another sip from his glass. He must be losing his mind. Perhaps he was too excited to be so close to the only thing he wanted over the last two hundred years.
But even as he convinced himself of that, the aroma lingered, beckoning him to find its source.
“Fuck,” he groaned, smashing his glass into the wall behind him and walking off, bobbing and weaving through crowded streets, searching for the ocean breeze that called to him.