Page 33 of Lock and Key
He chuckled. “Would you still say that if I challenged you to a snowball fight and won?”
Jack cocked an eyebrow. “What? You mean, you don’t ever play in the snow?”
“You do?” I retorted.
He let out a sigh. “It’s been just me out here for a long time, so it’s not like I’ve had anyone to play with.”
Was he really asking me to do this?
He wanted to play in the snow with me.
I couldn’t say I was a woman who’d spent much time playing in the snow. The truth was, I’d had a husband who wasn’t interested in doing things like that with me. The extent of playing that he did was on his video games.
So, I didn’t know what to say.
The truth was, Jack’s request caught me completely off guard, because while there was no question he was a strong, compassionate, and smart man, the idea of him playing in the snow seemed silly.
Then again, maybe that’s what I needed.
Maybe I needed a little silly in my life.
And perhaps I wasn’t being completely fair to Jack. I mean, he had introduced me to his animals, some of which had names like Ewe Jackman and Sir Cluckington.
When I took a moment to consider that, I found it to be quite endearing. Maybe Jack was the kind of guy who knew when a situation called for someone to take things seriously—like in the event of a chimney fire or an encounter with a wild bison—but he also knew it was important to let loose and have fun.
It had been a long time since I’d had any fun.
So, I lifted my gaze to his and said, “Okay, Jack. I’ll play with you.”
A devious grin washed over his face, and though I hadn’t intended for him to take what I said the way he did, it was hard not to be affected by that look on his face.
As much as I might have been excited about having a good time playing in the snow this afternoon, I also knew that I was probably setting myself up for disaster.
But for some reason, when it came to Jack, it seemed that turning him down wasn’t so easy to do.
Before I knew it, I was admitting to myself that this had been a very bad idea. It wasn’t because I wasn’t having fun, though.
It was the opposite.
I couldn’t remember a time when I’d had so much fun.
Right now, I was doing my best to run through the snow to get away from Jack. Some other things I’d learned about him were that he had incredible aim and a knack for making snowballs.
He made double what I did in the same amount of time.
“Ahhh,” I shouted as a snowball hit me right on the ass.
Even as I continued to propel myself forward, I couldn’t miss the sound of Jack’s evil laugh.
It was clear he was thoroughly enjoying himself, and although I didn’t know why, something about knowing he was having fun like that with me left me feeling warm inside.
I made it to a tree, hid my body behind it, and peeked around the opposite side. Jack knew where I was, considering he’d been following me the whole time, but the moment I hid, he stopped.
We stared each other down, his lips twitching.
“I can’t believe I let you talk me into this,” I declared.