Page 66 of Lock and Key
Jack shot me a look that indicated he wasn’t upset with me about what happened earlier. He proved that further by revealing one additional tidbit of information that completely blew me away.
“There’s something I want you to know,” he said.
“Okay. What is it?” I asked.
“Lacey died three years ago, and there hasn’t been anybody since her,” he shared. “Not until you.”
Tears filled my eyes again as my hand flew up to my chest and covered my heart. “Jack,” I rasped.
“I know you need time to get to a better place, sweetheart, but I want you to know that I’m not a guy who goes into something like this without being sure about it,” he stated. “You are the first woman who has made me feel things I haven’t felt in years. I can’t ignore that, and I certainly can’t walk away from you like I did a few hours ago. That’s why I came back. You mean something to me, and I’m willing to give you the time you need to trust that I’m not a bad guy.”
In an effort not to burst into tears, I leaned forward and buried my face in Jack’s chest as my hands slipped around his waist.
“I already know you’re not a bad guy. Any of the doubt I had about you went out the window when you came over here and took care of me when I was sick.”
Jack’s arms tightened around me. “Happy to hear it.”
The two of us stayed like that for a long time before I asked, “So, what happens now?”
“Well, the first thing that’s going to happen is I’m going to get a kiss from you,” he answered. “Then, I figure we can take the rest of the day as it comes.”
I grinned at him. “I think that sounds like a great idea.”
He returned the grin. “What are you waiting for?”
It had been too many hours, and I didn’t want to keep him waiting. So, I brought my lips to his and kissed him.
Maybe it was all that we’d just shared. Maybe it was just because it was us. But that kiss made something shift inside me, and I felt like I was exactly where I was supposed to be all along.
I wasn’t going to move from this spot.
Dakota’s lips were on my skin.
She was exploring the spot at my collarbone, and I was happy to give her the time to do it.
Because not only was her mouth kissing me, but her warm, soft body was naked and mostly on top of mine.
After all that had happened today, I was grateful for the notion of make-up sex, which is what Dakota seemed intent on having right now. She was taking her time getting us there, and I was all too content to let her move at whatever pace she deemed necessary.
I was enjoying myself.
I hadn’t experienced a lot of moments over the last three years that made me feel this good, so I was more than willing to take full advantage.
And after all that had happened today, I thought this was necessary. I had a gamut of emotions moving through me now that I was here in Dakota’s bed, given what we’d both gone through today.
At the forefront of those feelings, it was safe to say I was mostly relieved, because I knew it was entirely possible that we might not have been here if we’d both been more stubborn than we were.
Of their own volition, my fingers pressed into the skin of Dakota’s lower back as her mouth continued to explore. She’d since moved from my collarbone toward my throat.
I closed my eyes and enjoyed every single touch of her lips as she took her time building us both up to where we wanted to go, and I couldn’t have been more thankful than I was that this was where we wound up.
Earlier today, once I’d learned the real reason why she’d taken off from my place without a word, I’d lost my cool. While I guess I was angry on some level that she had simply reacted without asking for any clarification on her assumptions, my reaction to her leaving had little to do with that.
Deep down, I thought I’d found it.