Page 26 of Stolen to Remember
I yawn as I walk into the bathroom and make myself look human as I brush my hair. I find a light dress and slip on some sandals as my stomach growls. “You act like you didn’t eat a few hours ago.” I pat my stomach.
Meals around here are mini feasts with a family as big as ours. I still can’t believe how many pancakes I ate this morning and I’m not going to think about how much bacon I’d chased it with.
I make my way down the stairs, calling out for Kade in case he’s home. I go straight for the pantry, only finding the chocolate chip cookies and sprinkles. Oh God, I could mix the sprinkles into the icing and make a cookie sandwich, but I can’t find any freaking icing. How could we be out?
If I go to the main house to look for some, Kade will leave whatever he’s working on to hunt down icing for me and I can get it on my own. I go to the front door and grab the keys to the golf cart off the hook. I’ll go to the main warehouse and get some myself. I could stock up on a few other things while I’m out.
I go out to the cart and take off toward the warehouse, waving to a few people as I drive down the road. They wave back but I see a few people give me a weird look.
“Don’t be a snitch!” I shout to Papa Mick when I see him pulling out his phone. I know he’s calling or texting Kade. I love this island but you can’t do anything without everyone knowing.
I push the gas pedal harder, trying to beat Kade there. The main warehouse holds most things we need for the island and is right next to the airport. It’s easy to store things there when they come in and we use it like a grocery store to go in and stock up.
“Mrs. Warsaw?” Jim says as I pull my cart to a stop in front of the warehouse. He says my name like he’s shocked to see me alone.
“Icing,” I tell him as I walk past him. It actually looks like a new order has just arrived when I start roaming around the crates.
I’m a woman on a mission and not paying attention to anything else when I run right into someone.
“Can I help you find something?”
I turn around and see a man I don’t recognize. I’m guessing he’s with the people doing the delivery drop. He must be new because I know most of them, too. He looks to be about my age and is shirtless. It’s not that hot out today so I don’t know why, and then I see his badge clipped to his jeans. His eyes roam over me. I know he’s checking me out and I swear I think I see him flex his chest muscles. I fight a laugh as I rest my hand over my small baby bump, letting my wedding ring show.
“I’m good, Brent, but thanks.” I give him a small smile and resume my search.
Did they move crap around? Maybe it’s my pregnancy brain and I do actually need help finding something, but how would the new guy know where it was? The warehouse is pretty big so I decide to go find Jim because he knows this place inside and out.
I come up short when I see the shirtless Brent still standing there staring at me.
“You sure I can’t help? Because I think there are all kinds of ways I can help you.” His eyes linger on my breasts and I feel like the dress is a little snug there. It’s giving me extra cleavage since they got bigger after Maryjane was born. They never went down, not even when I stopped breastfeeding. I love this dress and I couldn’t bring myself to part with it so I never cared if it was a little snug.
“I think you should probably go,” I suggest. I lean in a little so my hair falls over my shoulder. “Maybe even run,” I warn him.
He reaches out to touch my hair, but before I can pull back out of his reach he’s gone. I let out a long sigh as my husband takes Brent to the ground.
“If I can’t wrestle with shirtless men, neither can you.” I put my hands on my hips and stare down at my husband, who has helpless Brent pinned to the concrete.
“Not funny,” my husband growls.
“Jim!” I call out, but he’s already there with a few others to help pull Kade off of Brent.
“Make sure he doesn’t come back here. Yada yada, you know the drill,” I say before Kade can start in. “I need icing.” I turn to my husband, wanting to get down to business. The business of finding my icing and the good sex I’m about to get because my man is all worked up with jealousy.