Page 29 of Fall of a King
Theo stumbles back a step, his mouth opening, and closing without a sound being released. Finally, he nods his head, his eyes never leaving Carter’s. “Good, I hope he rots in fucking hell. Hopefully, Vincent will join him there shortly.”
“Not to be a killjoy here and ruin this fucked up reunion, but there’s more. The sheriff has been found outside of town limits with a bullet in the back of his skull. Someone killed him…and it wasn’t one of mine.” Diego chews on his bottom lip and shrugs.
“Who would have killed the sheriff?” Raegan inquires.
“Does it matter? He was a worthless cunt bag that deserved to die.” Finn smolders with resentment.
“It matters, Finn. We don’t want unknowns on the board right now. Not if we are going to be able to protect ourselves. Someone going after the sheriff might seem like a one-off, but it’s suspicious to me, and we need to keep our eyes open. I’ll make sure Tom and Clark are made aware.” I reply with a flash of irritation.
“Theo…fuck. Theo…I’m. Fuck, Melinda’s dead. Your dad killed her, bro. Strangled her with his bare hands after she tried to make a deal to get us back.” Carter’s shoulders slope, a flash of pain across his features. “Bro, at the very end, she tried to save me from my dad. Vincent murdered her with no hesitation.”
It feels like the whole room just suddenly holds its breath, the air in here feeling dark and oppressive. My eyes watch as Theo processes the information of Melinda’s demise at the hands of his psychotic father. Although there was never any love between Melinda and me, I would not have wished for her death. Especially the painful and horrific one that Vincent subjected her to.
Theo stands there rigid, various emotions skimming over his face; sadness has his eyes tearing up before anger takes over, his hands clench tightly at his side, and his whole-body trembles with rage. No sound leaves his lips, but I can sense the agony flowing through his veins. He loved her in his own way. She was his friend before she was anything else. He may not have loved her the way she wanted him to, and it may hurt me to know he had feelings for her, but I remind myself he’s human.
“Where is she now?” The words leave his lips so quietly that I’m not even sure I heard them correctly.
“Gone; her body went up in flames inside the dungeon of the mansion,” Finn replies.
Theo nods his head and turns on his heel, walking away from all of us. We all stand there silent, listening to his hard steps on the stairs as he makes his way up to his self-imposed prison before the door slams loudly.FUCK!
“Give him time to process, Mia.” Raegan comes to my side and squeezes my arm tightly.
I lean into her frame, needing her warmth and strength to keep me upright. My body, head, and heart all ache. The worst of them is my heart;what if I never get him back?I came here to destroy him; instead, he destroyed me. I’m now as much of a willing prisoner of his and the rest of the kings as they are of mine.
Chapter 19
“We fear the thing we want the most.” Robert Anthony
IwatchasMia’sheart breaks a little as Theo once again walks away from us. He keeps hurting her, even when he doesn’t mean to. The desire to wrap her in my arms and take her away from here once again fills me. Just as I move towards her, Raegan gets there first and gives her the strength she needs. For a moment, my heart lurches with envy. I want to be the one Mia turns to, the one who comforts her when the whole world is bleak. I shake my head to clear those thoughts; Raegan is her best friend and loves Mia wholeheartedly.
Do you love Mia with your whole heart?My head questions. Sweat breaks out down my back at the thought. I know I want Mia with a desperation that I have never felt before. The need to have her any way I can lives trapped in my body twenty-four hours a day. Do I love her, though?I… don’t…know.
Other than my feelings for the guys and theirs for me, I have never truly experienced love. Neither of my parents have ever spoken the words to me before. No one has ever told me they love me. Sure, Carter, Theo, and Finn show me they care about me, and I know they love me as a brother, but I have never experienced any other instance of that emotion until now.
Does Mia love me?My head and heart scream that she doesn’t. Mia feels something for me, but I’m not sure that it’s love.Does she love any of us?If she does, it would be Theo. Look what she just allowed him to do to her, all in the name of trying to pull him back from that dark hole he wants to drown in.
Fuck, trapped in my room, listening to him chasing her through the house, shit falling and breaking everywhere, and her screams of pain and desire almost had me disobeying her and flying down the stairs at him. At the same time, I can’t deny that her screams and moans didn’t have me hard as a rock and stroking my own cock. Fuck, just the memory of her defying him loudly and the sounds of their bodies fucking has me at half-mast in this room filled with people. I rub my hand down my face, trying to get myself under control.You’re pathetic,my mind whispers to me.
I move towards Mia once again to try to distract myself from the memories of their primal fucking that have me wanting to grab her, steal her away and fuck her into the ground, so she has my cum inside of her too. I reach out with an alcohol swab and wipe the teeth mark that Theo left on her neck; it’s red, swollen, and looks painful. She flinches at the contact, and my heart stutters in my chest.
Her beautiful blue eyes meet mine, and all I see is a terrible sadness in the depths before she tries to hide the emotion and gives me a lopsided smile.Oh, my little warrior queen, how strong you are.Raegan strolls away from Mia and heads to the fridge, pushing a scowling Carter out of her way and grabbing a fruit tray from inside. She busies herself, pulling out food and drinks, and Isabella moves to help her like this is some social gathering rather than a prison of disavowed people breaking apart one moment at a time.
I continue to clean up Mia’s scrapes and bruises, at least the ones you can see over Finn’s shirt draping down to almost her knees. Again jealousy fills me; I wasn’t quick enough to give her mine, so now she’s draped in his scent instead. My head’s right; I am so fucking pathetic. Again the question of whether I love Mia enters my mind. I stare down at her beautiful features, those ocean eyes that capture me in their vast depth, her high cheekbones, and that pouty mouth that begs to be kissed and devoured. I’m well on my way if I don’t already love her. I’m a goner for this girl, and there is no salvation I would take.
I want her. I need all of her, and even if the only way to have her is to share her with my fellow kings, so be it. It’s already too late for me, and let’s face it probably is for them too. I pull her from the seat, and she wraps her strong fingers in mine. I lead her in the direction of the powder room on this floor. I know she has cuts and bruises underneath Finn’s shirt, and I want to tend to her out of eyesight of those fuckers Diego and Raven.
Diego, that motherfucker is a dead man if he tries to take her from us. I no longer care that he’s my family by blood. Mia, Carter, Finn, and Theo are my chosen family, and I will destroy anyone that tries to hurt them or take them away from me. How brave Diego and my tio Manuel were to seize the opportunity of strong-arming Mia and her family.
I would worry about him actually forcing her to marry him, but somehow I know that if he does try, Theo will murder him, and if he doesn’t, Stella will set their whole world on fire. Not to mention that I am no longer above telling the FBI where to find my uncle. My loyalty is here to my fellow kings and Mia, not the Cabanos who have abandoned me and used me at every step. Manuel and Diego only came to our rescue because there was something in it for them. I honestly believe that if Mia hadn’t made the deals she did, my uncle would have let Carter and Theo die, despite my begging. They don’t value me, not like my brothers do. Not like Mia does.
Once we are behind the room’s locked door, I focus on her. “Raise your arms,mami; I need to patch up the rest of you.“ She grasps the hem of the shirt and pulls it up over her delectable, beautiful body and over her head. The round, firm globes of her breasts are covered in bruises and teeth marks,fuck. I trace my thumb across one tooth imprint, and her pink nipples harden, a little gasp escaping her lips. That sound has all the blood rushing down to my cock.
I try to ignore the little pants leaving her lips and the vein throbbing on the side of her neck as I start tending to the various scrapes she’s covered in. When I lower myself to my knees to get to the ones on her stomach and hips, her bare pink pussy calls to me. A temptation that I can’t resist despite my good intentions as I lightly trail my tongue across her slit. She widens her stance so I can reach more of her, and I don’t hesitate, rubbing my nose across her warm flesh. Her head tips back, and a moan leaves her lips.
I give her another swipe of my tongue across her swollen folds; she’s weeping for me, her core clenching down on emptiness. I can taste her arousal in my mouth mixed with what I am assuming is Theo’s cum. The thought should disgust me that I’m licking up Theo’s jizz from inside of Mia, but somehow it doesn’t. Somehow it feels right, claiming her after he’s just used her to bring himself back from the brink of insanity.