Page 40 of Fall of a King
Theo pounds into her without mercy, each thrust pushing her into Finn’s body with a hard thud. He doesn’t look away from the sight of his cock plunging into her tight hole. I’m so hard just watching her take him. My orgasm barrels down my spine and hard dick and rushes out of my pierced tip, squirting all over Mia. A few ropes of my cum land in her hair, the side of her face, and down her neck.Fuck, she is perfect for us.
After a few more hard thrusts, Theo is cumming hard inside her. His fingers clenched tightly around her waist. Damn, she’s going to be covered in each of our fingerprints come morning. The thought has my cock twitching and my breath catching in my chest.I want her.I want her for myself, but I also want them to claim her. She’s mine, but she’s also theirs. Warmth fills me at the thought.
He pulls out and immediately steps away from her, tucking himself back into his pants with jerky, rapid movements. Where the fuck is his head, he’s acting like he’s already regretting fucking her. If he makes her feel uncomfortable with what we just did, I’m going to put his fucking head through a wall. I know Theo is struggling, but I won’t allow him to hurt her further because of his demons. Finn helps Mia to stand up, but her limbs must feel like jelly. She almost goes down to her knees without his support.
I stare from Finn to Theo and then back to Mia; we are all coated in sweat, and cum, and fucking exhausted. Mia looks like she’s both sated and ready to murder us. Fuck if she kills me now, it was worth it. That was the hottest experience of my life.
Chapter 26
“There are two tragedies in life. One is to lose your heart's desire. The other is to gain it.” George Bernard Shaw, Man and Superman
Icanbarelystand;my legs feel like two wet noodles, and I’m covered in cum from three different men. Holy fuck, I just took three fucking cocks in a matter of minutes. What is wrong with me? Why am I so brazen? How could I have allowed that to happen? For them to manhandle me like that, to use me for their own pleasure.You delusional little liar, you thoroughly enjoyed being used like a whore, don’t lie. My mind whispers.
I move away from Finn’s hold, feeling the slick slide of sweat and cum on my body. Dammit, I need a shower right now and to maybe have my head examined. I need to find my backbone, wherever I have left it, and not walk around dick-drunk, letting them think that they own me. I fucking own me, and I own them too!Do you, though?
“Mia…” Carter trails out, his voice just above a hoarse whisper. He swallows the rest of his words at the murderous look I give him.
I pick up my shirt from the floor and throw it on, followed by my pants, no point in wasting time with my missing panties. I give each king a hostile glare before moving around Theo and Carter, shame and disgust making their way through my body. I head into the house through the door to the mudroom. My core is sore, and the twinges let me know that I’m going to be feeling the repercussions of my actions for the next little while.Fuck me and my lack of self-respect. I acted like a blatant whore, and they just treated me like one.
I am a stupid, reckless idiot, easily swayed by these kings’ cocks. How could I have forgotten myself? How can I let them dictate terms around here? I run into Raegan in the hallway before reaching the stairs, and she takes one look at me before grimacing and wrapping her arms around herself.
“You have…stuff in your hair and eyelashes.” She gags—a look of horror on her face.
I’m going to kill all three of them; they got fucking cum in my hair!Bitch, they got cum all over you; you’re surprised it’s in your hair?My mind mocks me. “Rae…”
“Nope, that’s just nasty, Mia. They need to not make a mess of you, girl. It’s disrespectful.” Rae says with a disgusted look on her face. She won’t meet my eyes. I know she’s wishy-washy about me being with the kings. Where she was all for it in the beginning, now she’s concerned I have lost my focus and am losing myself to them.Is she right?Am I losing who I am and why I came here to the kings of Casbury?
“I’m going to shower. Then I’m going to go look for Mateo.” I storm up the stairs just as I hear Theo, Carter, and Finn move back into the house. It didn’t escape me that, although Theo fucked me like a savage, he also pulled away just as quickly. That fucker was ashamed of what he just did. That he shared me with them.Maybe he was disgusted…you were acting like a whore, naked in a garage, getting railed by three men.
I close my eyes and grip the handrail, trying to slow my beating heart. Self-loathing rises instantly in my chest; I am a whore where they are concerned. I have never done anything like this before. Never wanted to be with more than one person at the same time and certainly never allowed a guy to manhandle me like those three just did.Why am I consenting to it now?
I reach the top of the stairs just as Carter and Finn each let out a scream. I turn around and stare back down at the figures at the bottom of the stairs to see Raegan yanking on one of each of Carter’s and Finn’s ears. Her face is flushed with fury. “RaeRae, what the fuck!” Carter cries out in pain. While Finn tries to dislodge her tight grip, a cry of pain leaves his lips.
“You dirty, rotten vermin. I will send you to meet your maker if I ever catch you disrespecting her again. She is not one of your whores. Do you hear me?” She shouts and kicks Carter in the chest before taking her foot to Finn’s stomach, the air leaving him in a harsh grunt. I notice she didn’t attempt to grab onto Theo. Raegan is insane, but even she’s not insane enough to go after Theo, or is she?
Theo stands back and watches her browbeating Finn and Carter. His eyes lit up in amusement. He finds it amusing to watch a five-foot-nothing hellion beating on his friends. I do too. Raegan is my girl; she will fight anyone to protect me. They need to understand that she doesn’t fear them.
“And you, McFuckingBroody, I don’t care who you think you once were, but you better smarten the fuck up. You’re a king of fucking nothing now. Your castle has been burnt to the ground—everything you have you owe to Mia, including your life. You disrespect my girl again, Theodore Saint-Lambert; I don’t care what you have suffered. I’ll make sure you never wake up. Understand me bitch?”
The amusement drains from his face at her words. His eyes lift to mine. I can’t exactly read the expression on his face; is it sorrow, pain, or disgust?Does it matter?My mind questions.
He looks away from me and heads towards the back of the house, no doubt heading for the outdoors. He’s been spending a lot of time outside by himself. The weather is not exactly warm out there, and I worry he will catch something while he’s still healing from his surgery.Like feelings? That’s what you want him to catch, isn’t it, princess Stratford?I ignore the voice in my head that keeps calling me out and straighten my spine. I am a fucking Stratford, and somehow I keep forgetting that.
When I reach the door of my room, I pause, trying to hear the guys, but all I hear is footsteps racing up the stairs and heading to the other wing. By the heavy sound alone, I can tell it’s Finn. I have never forgotten the sound his steps make, the way his steps always seem so heavy and demanding.
Heavy footsteps race up behind me, their sound loud in the quiet space of the library. “Whatcha doing, Amelia?” Finn pants as he catches up to me.
Why can’t this boy leave me in peace in my favorite place? I just want to read the precious copy of the “Owls of Ga’hoole” in peace, but nope here he is to chat up my ear. I haven’t forgotten what happened with his new friends the other day. How they called me names, and Finn did nothing to stop them. Those meanies made me feel bad about myself.
My knee twinges in pain as a reminder of my cowardice. That I ran from them rather than stayed and fought back. I’m a wimp. I let people call me names, talk about me like I’m not even there, and be mean to me. I tell myself I have to fight back, but I never do. I’m always so scared that they will hurt me.
“Leave me alone, Finn; I haven’t forgotten what your new friends did to me.” I sniff and continue up the steps of the town library, watching him from the side of my eye.
“Oh, come on, Amelia, it was nothing… you’re too sensitive.” He scoffs and runs his hand along the back of his neck. It’s a nervous tick of his when he’s uncomfortable. So he knows it was wrong, but he’s playing it off like it was nothing—darn traitor.
“They called me horrible names, Finn. I thought you were my friend? Friends don’t let others hurt their friends, but you didn’t do anything to stop them.” I stop on the last step before reaching the library’s second floor and turn around to stare him down. He’s two steps below me, so I’m looking down at him right now, and a little thrill races up my body. I could get even; I could let him see what it’s like to hurt… NO! How could I even think that? I don’t want to hurt Finn; he’s my only real friend. Is he still your friend, though? That shady voice inside my mind whispers.