Page 42 of Fall of a King
My mind wanders to Theo. Is this how he felt, the desire to die to protect the one thing of value in his life? He suffered to protect Mia and us. Did he ever regret his decision when the pain became too much? Did the desire to cave into oblivion ride him like it’s riding me? I want to die, just like he did, but I also want to live. My mind seems to be at war with itself on which direction to go.
“Hey, come on, open your eyes.” A hot, whispered breath skates across my face. The desire to reach out and bat it away rises within me, but my mind deems it too much effort and my limbs stay prone on the makeshift bed.
Small fingers pry my eyelid open and the blaring overhead light shoots into my eye.Fuck! Why is it so bright in here?I manage to open both of my eyes, which are gritty with dried blood and dirt, but my vision is a hazy mess. A small dark shadow leans over me, and I try to blink a couple of times to focus my eyes and determine who is here with me.
When I do the face of a petite young woman stares down at me. Her face is swollen and bruises mar her cheeks and chin. Her nose has one nostril caked in blood, and her light brown hair is matted at her forehead with something dark.
“Oh, thank fuck you’re awake!” Her accented voice exclaims. She’s definitely not from the south with that accent.Who is she? One of Vincent’s attempts to manipulate me?I won’t be swayed into telling him how to get to Mia.
“You need to drink some of this water; you’re dehydrated from them constantly bleeding you.” She tips a small cup against my dry lips, and water trickles into my mouth and down the side of my face.
“Who?” I manage to get the word out through my cracked and bleeding lips. My throat is dry and sore from all my pain-filled screaming.
“My name is June…shh, don’t try to talk, just drink.” She once again lifts the cup to my lips. This time I take a longer sip while examining her over the rim. She’s filthy and wearing a ragged button-up shirt that envelopes her small frame and ends halfway down her thighs. Her light brown hair barely reaches her chin and is all knotted and matted in different places. The parts of her that I can see from my prone position show me that she’s been beaten recently and is as much a prisoner in this hell hole as I am.
I try once again to get words out, “How…who?”
“I’m a prisoner, same as you. I was brought here after you from Canada, wherever the hell, here is. Kidnapped while heading to my dorm room from the library at my school.” A shudder runs through her body, and her hand trembles while holding the cup.
“Vincent?” I try to push my body into a sitting position, but I’m so weak that I can barely lift my head, never mind the rest of me.
“The devil, you mean? He was here a few hours ago.” She pulls the cup away and uses the sleeve of her shirt to wipe up the trickle of water making its way down the side of my face.
“How…long?” I question.
“I’m not a hundred percent sure, there are no windows in this locked room, just the stupid overhead lights that are on all day and night, but I’ve been here for at least five or six days based on the food trays. We get one a day brought in by that monster that stabbed you.” She moves around the bed and tries to help me to sit up. Pain ricochets through my back and chest and my head swims in dizziness.
“You need to eat something. You need energy if you’re going to survive.” She helps me to sit up despite my groans and then steadies me with her arms braced on my shoulders. Once the room stops spinning and the desire to vomit stops my stomach from lurching, she releases me and grabs a small slice of bread from a makeshift bed in the corner.
“It’s not much, but it’s better than nothing. Take small bites.” She holds the bread up to my lips and waits for me to take a bite. Why is she helping me? Is this some trick? My mind is immediately on guard. I wouldn’t put it past Vincent to use someone else to get my guard down.
“Why…are you…helping me?” I breathe through my nose to help with the pain in my chest.
“We need to get out of here. I need to get out of here, away from these monsters. I don’t know where I am. I figured we’re in the United States but I don’t know for sure. I thought you might know where we are and be able to hide us if we got out.” She pants, and I watch as she winces in pain. I look closely at her legs, she’s barely bearing weight on her right leg, and her thighs are covered in dried blood.
Just then we hear a noise outside of the doorway to the room. A look of panic crosses June’s features. “Shh, lie down, pretend to be out…hurry.” She motions for me to lie back down, and I watch as she moves to the furthest part of the room and slips her hand back through a heavy metal manacle. Huh? I’m betting they don’t know that she can do that. She sits on the floor with her head leaning on her bent knees, just as the door opens and heavy footsteps make their way into the room.
“Sleeping beauty is still out, huh?” A rough voice chuckles and moves further into the room.
The steps move across the floor, and the stench of sweat and tobacco smoke reaches my nostrils. Whoever is here moves closer to me, then pokes me in the side of my broken ribs with his finger. I have to swallow the scream that wants to leave my throat and force my eyes to remain closed.
“What a pathetic piece of shit this guy is, he spends more time passed out than awake. The boss should just cut him loose or let me slit his throat. What do you think, girly? Maybe you can use his blood for lube for the next time we are all in here using your holes.” A disgusting laugh fills the air.
I hear a whimper escape June and my hands clench at my side. I open my eyes to slits just as the male moves towards her and grabs her by the hair. He pulls her to her knees and then undoes the zipper of his pants. Another pained whimper leaves her lips, and I clench my fist, preparing myself to sit back up and attack him from behind. June glances in my direction and, with a slight shake of her head, tells me no.No!I can’t just sit here and watch her be abused!What are you going to do about it wimp? You can barely lift your head.
I watch as he fists her hair and forces his cock through her swollen lips. He doesn’t wait for her throat to relax before pounding into her. She’s making horrible gagging and choking noises in response. Once again, the urgent desire to vomit fills me as does the feeling of impotent rage. I’m sitting here listening to him face-rape her and unable to do anything to stop it. I know in my weakened state, even if I did try to stop him, I probably wouldn’t get very far.
After a few more thrusts, he finally comes with an awful groan, releasing his grip on her hair, and takes a step back from her. His flaccid dick still hanging out of his pants. June immediately jerks her body to the side and retches all over the floor, tears skating down her red face.
“Stupid bitch, you were supposed to swallow.” He backhands her hard and her body slams into the wall next to her with a painful thump. A cry leaves her lips and I watch as her body locks up tight, her arms wrapped around herself tightly.
“Francis… you fucker you started without me.” Another rough male voice enters the room. I close my eyes just as this one moves closer. “Fucker is still out, eh?”
“Regular sleeping fucking beauty. Why don’t you give him a little kiss Sloan and see if he wakes up.” The one named Francis laughs like a donkey at his own crude joke.
“Fuck you, man, I’m not into dick. How’s our little whore doing? She nice and worked up for my cock?”
“I just used her mouth, she is not very good at swallowing, but I guess a hole is a hole,” Francis answers with a laugh.