Page 46 of Fall of a King
“I needed to see where he went down, Diego. You fuckers have me hostage in my own home.” Rage fills her face, and then just as quickly as it appears, it’s gone, and her eyes are filled with sadness. I watch as she drops the chair leg to the ground and wraps her arms around herself like she is desperately trying to hold herself together.
“I know,hermosa, but it’s dangerous. You won’t find him here, and Mia…I will never stop looking for him until I bring him home. You have my word on that.“ Diego reaches out and lifts her chin with his fingers, and my blood heats, the need to rip his arm off filling me. I hold myself back despite the urge for violence welling inside of me.I need to get my shit together.When did I become this jealous, rampaging animal? Who cares we should fucking get rid of him.
“What…what if he’s gone?” The words slip from her beautiful lips in a whisper.
Diego’s whole body goes rigid, and I watch as he clenches his fist, the veins in his neck taunt at the thought that we may never find Mateo, or if we do, he may not be alive. “I vow to you, princess…I will burn the world down to find him, and if he’s gone when I do…no one will be left breathing that had a part in harming him.”
Mia closes her eyes, and a tear escapes her lashes and travels down her face. Diego and I both stand transfixed at the image before us. The strength in her body and soul, the momentary weaknesses on display where there is usually fierceness. The acknowledgment that Diego will rain violence on those that harmed Mateo, brings her a moment of clarity and with it peace. I watched stunned as all those emotions travel over her face while another man’s hand is still on her. She pulls away from Diego’s hold, bends down to pick up a few more items of Mateo’s, and then walks with her back straight out of the door. Her moment of weakness is now gone, as if it never existed. My strong unbending queen, my Mia.
“Let’s go, assholes; I’m heading back to my castle.” She calls over her shoulder as I lose sight of her.
Chapter 30
“Without fear there cannot be courage.” Christopher Paolini
“Wakeup,shithead.It’stime to squeal like the little piggy you are.” A deep chuckle makes its way through the darkness I’m existing in. My body cries out in pain, having not recovered from the last session of torture these assholes put me through. I try to move the fingers of my left hand, but they are stiff and won’t unclench. My jaw feels like it’s on fire from all the punches I took that seem mere minutes ago but must have been hours or even days.
The asshole doctor has been here to patch Vincent’s latest damage to my body. At this point, there won’t be much of me left by the time June and I manage to escape…that is, if we ever get to leave this hell hole. Yesterday’s beating included her as well. I had to watch them rape her bloody again, her screams echoing through the confines of the room and making me pray for death for both of us.
“Mateo, I suggest you open those pretty eyes of yours and give me something. I’m losing my patience with you, boy.” Vincent’s nasally voice fills the room before I feel my hair being pulled in a tight grip that has my neck bowing on the makeshift bed they have me on. A pained cry leaves my bloodied lips before I manage to stop it. I open one swollen eye and stare at the devil himself.
When he came back from wherever he had crawled off to, he came back even more demented. The torture increased until June, and I are just mere shells of ourselves. He relishes inflicting pain on my broken body and raping that poor girl until she can barely scream.
I’m terrified that he’s broken her. She stopped speaking two days ago; even the whimpers and cries she was making have since ceased. Her petite body is covered in bruises, raw and bloody. These fuckers have been using her abused body every chance they get, and there is no way her body can recover from the trauma before they are on her again.
I tried getting up two days ago, or at least I think that’s how long ago it was…time means nothing here. I was determined to go over to her. I managed to get my feet under me and shifted in her direction before the room spun, and I went down hard on my face. The pain in my chest had me unable to even lift myself from that position for what felt like hours. When I managed to crawl over to June, she stared sightlessly at the wall in front of her. She didn’t even blink when I pulled her into my trembling arms.
I must have passed out at some point with her in my arms. That’s how the fuckers found me, with my arms around her, trying to comfort her. That was a massive mistake. They now realize that I care about this poor girl, and she has become an instrument of torture. When they can’t get me to answer their questions, they torture June.
At first, I resisted answering, watching with desperation and horror as they broke her wrist, then shoved a gag in her mouth and a huge dildo up her ass and left her like that for hours. The next question I failed to answer had four of them gangraping her savagely until I begged them to end our miserable lives. I have to regain some of my strength; we need to get the hell out of here before they manage to kill us.
I no longer care if I die in this shit hole, but I want to get June away from these monsters. I heard the doctor tell Vincent that they have caused permanent damage to her vagina and uterus. She will never be able to have kids with the trauma that they have put her through. Vincent, the fucking monster, just laughed in the doctor’s face and then raped June’s mouth while the pathetic doctor watched.
“You useless, weak fuck, are you listening to me?” Spit lands on my face, and I feel it trail down my skin. My skin crawls with revulsion at any part of Vincent Saint-Lambert touching me.
“How do we get inside Mia’s estate? Where are the weaknesses in their defenses?” Vincent questions with rage. His fingers grabbing roughly on my bruised jaw to make me look in his direction. I stare at his evil blue eyes, eyes so similar to one of my best friends. A reminder that breaks my heart a little more every time I look into them. That Theo had to endure this monster all his life, and we never really knew the extent of his madness.
I don’t bother to answer him, even if I wanted to; I don’t know the answers to his questions. There is also zero chance of me giving him anything he can use to kidnap my Mia. “Fuck…you.” My voice barely comes out as a hoarse whisper.
“Looks like Mr. Cabano needs some further enticement to cooperate.” Vincent turns away and walks towards where June is trembling in the corner. He grabs onto her matted hair and forces her to her knees, dragging her along the hard concrete to where I’m lying.
She’s completely naked now; they tore that dirty shirt she had covering herself yesterday…or was that the day before? I’ve lost track of how long we have been here in this disgusting room that reeks like piss, shit, cum, and blood. My eyes try to connect with hers, but she stares at a spot behind me, never meeting my gaze. My eyes trail over the cigarette burns along her collarbone. Sloan, that piece of shit has taken to putting out his smokes on her skin. She has a line of them oozing pus along her left side, and he’s already started on her right collarbone.
“Remove Mr. Cabano’s pants, Sloan.” Vincent requests without a hint of emotion.
“” The words leave my lips, and I try to pull away from the rough hands of his lackey. A punch comes from my right side and lands on my shoulder, pushing me back hard to the bed. The pain has me choking on my breath. “Don’t… don’t do…this, Vincent.” I grit my teeth.
“You can answer my questions, or the whore here will be used to pry them from your lips, Mateo. The choice is yours.” To ensure I understand his meaning, he nods his head to the fucker, Francis, who sucker-punches me. Francis leans over me and takes my flaccid cock in his rough grip, and Vincent pulls June towards my dick by her hair.
I fight the grip, but it’s useless. I’m weak, and they tied one of my arms down to the bed using rough rope when I tried to fight them last time. June’s dry lips skate over the tip of my cock, and a whimper leaves my lips. Her lips are a bloody, bruised mess and her mouth is bone dry. Francis tightens his hold on the base of my cock, and Vincent forces more of her mouth down on me. She gags before her throat closes around my length.
I clench my eyes shut, trying to fight my body’s response to her warm mouth. I’m disgusted. I want to kill all of them for the abuse they are putting this helpless girl through. I clench my hands, and my body tenses as my cock hardens against my wishes as June is forced to bob her mouth on my cock.Please, no. I beg my body.
She’s so silent, not a cry leaving her lips, despite their painful grip on her hair and the condition of her body. I listen as the only sound she makes is gagging again before Vincent pulls her off my dick. June is so pale, and her lips look bloodless as she pressed them together in a futile attempt to stop them from forcing my cock back again through her lips. “How do we enter the property?”
I turn my head away and stare at the opposite wall, biting down hard on my bleeding tongue to avoid any more sounds leaving my traitorous lips. “Make the whore ride him.”