Page 52 of Fall of a King
Diego turns around with a scowl on his face. This shithead really doesn’t like us. The feeling is more than mutual. If he keeps pushing Mia and reminding us that he bargained to be her husband, I will put a bullet between his eyes.Don’t worry; Stella will beat you to it. The thought crosses my mind and brings me so much satisfaction that it has me giddy. Stella Stratford is the boogeyman, and this idiot went and decided to play in her sandbox. Even I’m not insane enough to have made the deal he did.
“I got an anonymous message that Mateo is alive and that Vincent is the one holding him captive. The message said he’s barely alive with a gunshot wound to the chest.” Diego runs his fist through his hair in agitation. His body is vibrating with suppressed energy. I can tell he wants to leave right now and go track his cousin down. I have to give him credit; he hasn’t stopped searching for Mateo for even a moment and has never indicated that he didn’t believe he was alive.
“Where? Did they say where he is?” Mia’s voice comes out as more of a whisper. Hesitant like she’s afraid to believe that this is real, that we finally have some information that could lead us to Mateo.
“They didn’t give an exact location, just a time and a place to be. They said they would try to free him so he could escape.”
“It has to be someone on the inside working for my dad. Whoever they are, they are either courageous to try to release Mateo or have a death wish.” Theo rubs his face with both of his hands. He looks exhausted, dark shadows mar the space under his eyes, and he hasn’t put back on the weight from when he was in the hospital. I know he’s still having nightmares of being trapped in that dungeon and what his father put him through.
If I’m being honest, I’m plagued nightly with my own. Every night I dream of the same thing. My father is moving toward me, disrespect, and loathing on his face as he comes in my direction, prepared to end his son’s life. Then the first shot is fired, and time seems to stop as I watch the bullet’s impact as it hits his chest. A second shot rings out, and I am unaware I even pulled the trigger a second time. Mack’s voice yells for help, finally realizing he underestimated me for the last time. The sound his body makes as he takes his last breath, haggard and begging for an ambulance to deaf ears.
I shake my head and bring myself back into the moment. This is not about me; we have a chance to find Mateo and hopefully get him home.Home? Is this now home?The thought stops me from moving forward. Is this my home now? Here with Mia? Warmth fills me with the idea that my home is with Mia, and I never have to be alone again or be subjected to the mercy of a deranged man who hated his own children.
“When do we leave?” I question, mentally preparing myself to go and find one of my best friends and praying that he’s still alive when we get to him.
“Where are we going?” Finn’s voice from the doorway has me turning around to stare at him. He hasn’t been himself lately. Someone here in the house is fucking with his head. My money is on Isabella. She looks sweet and innocent, but I’ve seen a fire and darkness within her. For some reason, she doesn’t like Finn very much and makes no attempt to hide it. Why she’s going around terrorizing him with the word “Traitor” I don’t know.
Is it because he left Theo behind and went off with Mia to safety? Maybe it’s because he made Mia his priority, and if she hadn’t pulled that stunt with the gun on the plane, he would have left me behind to my fate too. I don’t blame him; it’s what Theo made him vow to do. To protect Mia and get her to safety at all costs. Maybe it’s because he couldn’t stop Mia from making the deal with Manuel and tying her future to his. I know that made me want to pummel his ass, along with Diego’s, once I found out that she used herself as a bargaining chip to rescue Theo and me.
“Dick here may have a lead on Mateo,” I reply, turning my attention back to a scowling Diego.
“When?” Theo’s question is filled with the feeling of anticipation. I know he blames himself for Mateo being taken. He’s always played the role of the leader of our little group. It just came naturally to him, to take control and ensure we were all safe. Even though he was under the most significant threat from his father, I know he has always had a soft spot for Mateo, making sure he wasn’t losing his shit and harming himself. Theo has always been more of a leader and brother to us. I know he took the weight of Mateo’s capture on his shoulders. That he believes he failed to protect him like he always has. He blames himself; hell, we all do.
“Two days. Their tip says two days from now, four hours north of here in the mountains. Close to the Virginia border in a wooded area. That’s all it says. I’ve already sent men to scout the site; we should have a better idea of what’s up there when they report back in a few hours.
“I’m coming with you,” Mia states fiercely and shifts closer to Diego, I watch as she reaches out to grab his arm and my blood pressure rises. I don’t want her touching him in any way. The possessive dick who lives inside of me is ready to do damage to Diego at the slightest indication that he wants her to touch him.
“The fuck you are. You’re not going anywhere that dangerous, Mia. This could be a fucking trap to take you.” Rage fills my body at her lack of self-preservation. Shit, I’m still fuming from her last irrational decision to ram the gate and leave the property. She and I have been getting into explosive arguments daily over me keeping her within my sightline at all times. She’s even responded with violence a time or two when I have tried to restrain her from attempting to leave the property. I’m sporting the bruises and marks, like proud battle wounds.
She doesn’t even know that I’ve been sleeping on the floor outside of her room every night to ensure she doesn’t plan another sneak attempt at leaving the property. Those hours she was away, and we couldn’t locate her and Theo almost broke me. I never want to live through that fear again. She’s nuts if she thinks I won’t chain her down to my bed to prevent her from going on this dangerous rescue mission.
“As much as it pains me to agree with this maggot. He’s right, Mia, this could be a trap, and I refuse to trade one hostage for another. You’re not coming.” Diego pulls from her grasp and takes a step away from her. I can tell he’s tensing and preparing his body for Mia’s reaction. Fucker has learned, just like the rest of us, that she tends to react with violence when displeased.
“Funny, I don’t remember asking.” Mia’s glare moves from Diego to me and then back again. Her back is straight, and her head is held high. She crosses her arms over her chest, and her features go hard.Ah, hell here we go, the Stratford princess is in full command now.
“Mia, be reasonable. This could be a trap.” Finn begs her as he moves further into the room.
“I am being reasonable, Finn. I didn’t state I would go alone, only that I was coming too. I am sure I will be perfectly safe between Diego’s men and my grandmother’s.”
“Mia don’t make me tie your sexy ass down, ’cause I won’t hesitate, blondie. You are not going on a rescue mission that could cost you your life or freedom.” I take a step forward, grab onto her arm and try to drag her towards me. She looks at first like she will come willingly, but she pulls back from my grip at the last moment.
“Don’t threaten me, Carter Pemberton. We both know which one of us will end up tied up if you do.” I know the thought of Mia tying me down to her bed and riding me into the damn mattress shouldn’t be popping into my mind right now, but I can’t help it.Fuck, we need to a hundred percent make that fantasy happen.
“Before your little queen here goes allLisafromGirl Interrupted. She’s right, between her grandmother’s men and mine; she will be safe from a distance.“ Diego turns and glares at Mia. “From a distance, littlereina, I will allow you to accompany me to rescue my primo, take it or leave it.”
“Fine from a distance.” Mia acquiescence.
“I’m coming.” Theo glares menacingly at Diego. I know he doesn’t trust him with her. I get it; I have the same fear. That fucker wouldn’t hesitate to take her and force him to marry her at gunpoint.
“I guess we are all going then. I am not staying behind here twiddling my thumbs while you are all out there rescuing Mateo.” A huge sigh leaves me. Will it always be like this? Will she always be so damn strong and independent? The brief glimpses I’ve witnessed of her softer side are enthralling. Mia is a constant contradiction, strong but also soft, hard but caring, determined but willing to negotiate, when she deems it necessary.
I’m so far gone for this girl that it worries me that I might be over my head. What happens when the school year ends, and she returns to Manhattan? What if this was just a moment in time for her, and she doesn’t see this as a long-term relationship? Is this a relationship, though? Can you have an unorthodox relationship with one woman and four men, all sharing her?
All I know is I can’t lose her, not to a kidnapper nor to our possible future. Where Mia goes, my ass will follow, even if she decides this was nothing but a school year fling. I can’t be apart from her; I fucking won’t. If I have to turn into a grade A fucking stalker, I will.
“Fine, it’s fucking settled then. You cockroaches will also tag along with the reina, me, and my men to rescue Mateo. But advanced warning, if you get taken or shot, I’m not saving you.” Diego shakes his head and walks out of the office door, mumbling under his breath in Spanish. I can’t distinguish the words, but I’m guessing they’re not very flattering.
Mia doesn’t hesitate to escape the room immediately, so we can’t try to talk her out of going along on this rescue mission. “Fuck!” I growl, anxiety and frustration filling me. I yank on the strands of my hair.She could get hurt. How did we let that just happen?