Page 66 of Fall of a King
I finally catch my breath and step towards Raegan and Isabella, pulling each one by the arm and away from Carter, who is still groaning in pain on the ground.
“MIA! What the fuck is going on here?” Finn storms into the room with Theo and Diego on his heels. The look of shock graces all three of their faces at the wailing Carter on the ground and me trying to hold back and restrain a seething Raegan.
“Wifey? Still bringing men to their knees, painfully, I see.” Diego strolls lazily into the room, his eyebrows raised at Carter on the ground and the five-two heathen still trying to dislodge my grip on her so she can beat on him again.
“SHUT UP, DIEGO!” Echoes across the room from mine, Raegan’s, and Isabella’s mouths. Diego raises his hands in a placating motion, and I hear him mumble, “Tough psycho bitches.”
I turn with fury to face the other two kings, releasing my hold on Raegan in case either of them tries to become violent with me like Carter has. Raegan and Isabella move to flank me on either side, and it bolsters my courage and resolve to have it out with these assholes once and for all.
“I understand you fuckers are upset at finding out what you now know, but if you think for one second I’m going to cower before you, you are mistaken. This is your one and final warning. That girl is dead. She doesn’t exist anymore. I will fucking wreck you if any of you come at me with that kinda shit again!” I can feel pressure behind my right eye, a twitch starting, and my chest heaving with the anger and damage I want to do to all three of them.
“Oh, so the little princes have figured out that thequeencame from tarnished beginnings.” Diego grins like a lunatic. He’s obviously enjoying the violence and show we are putting on.
“You knew?” Isabella demands. “Of course you did; you know everyone’s secrets, don’t you, Diego?”
He shrugs like it means nothing while never wavering under Isabella’s harsh glare. Then suddenly, he’s shoved hard from behind by Theo. “What were you planning to do with that information, you snake?”
Diego turns around, but he’s no longer smiling. He straightens his shoulders and makes his body look huge in his frame, sizing Theo up, like he would like nothing more than to throw him through the goddamn window. I might fucking let him, too; all these guys need to get the hell away from me. “Sit on it, watching you prissy fucks be led around by your noses. I don’t care who she was before, just what her name is now.”
“That’s right, asshole; you just want a Stratford. Any one of them will do, isn’t that right? You want to force Mia into marrying you, and what you think you get to keep fucking her sister behind her back? Like some dirty little secret?” Carter calls out from the ground, where he’s finally sitting up but still clutching himself.
“What the fuck, Issy?” Raegan shouts with wide eyes. I watch my sister’s delicate doll-like features turn hard, and a blush rises on her cheeks and neck.
“You knew?” Isabella’s eyes meet mine with shame. I grab onto her hand and squeeze, having a silent conversation with her that we will discuss this shit later, in private.
I turn my glare back on all four males in the room. Yeah, Diego is included in my shit list. That fucker is no better than the other three, scheming and trying to manipulate every situation. “Is this how it’s going to be now? You three idiots have reverted back to the pieces of shit you were?” I meet each of their eyes without flinching. “And you continuing to be a manipulative fuckhead, Diego?”
“Maybe you weren’t the only one great at being deceitful, Amelia.” Finn narrows his dark blazing eyes at me. His face is a blank mask, so I can’t read his thoughts or feelings.
Before I can stop her, Reagan runs forward and slams her elbow into his nose. There’s a crunching sound, and blood begins gushing down his face. Holy shit!
“You fucking backstabbing traitorous hound. You did her dirty all those years ago, and you haven’t changed one bit.” She screams, trying to hit him again, but Diego pulls her into the steel band of his arms.
“It’s been you leaving me those messages, Rae? What the fuck is wrong with you?” Finn asks in shock.
Raegan wiggles in Diego’s grasp, trying to free herself. She looks like a curly haired banshee, ready to wage war on all the males in this room. Her green eyes are lit with a fire from within, and I have never seen her like this in all the years I have known her.
“You’re damn right it has been. You’re lucky I haven’t slit your reptile throat in your sleep for what you did to her. She’s my girl, my best friend. That might have meant shit to you all those years ago, but to me, she means everything.” Tears slide down her face, and she strains in Diego’s hold. “And you two pieces of shit, she bargained her life to save you after all the horrible things you put her through. She should have let you die, Carter Pemberton, you drug-addicted fool.” Her blazing eyes narrow on Theo, and she spits in his direction. “She put a damn gun in her mouth for you, Theo, a fucking gun! You deserve to lose everything in your world. You aren’t kings, you're pathetic boys playing at parts. You’re heathens that have never deserved her. I hope your father gets his hands on you and ends your miserable fucking life. The devil can have you!”
Jesus fucking Christ, I watch as Theo wipes the spit from his chin. “Everyone needs to calm the fuck down!” I shout, losing my patience with all of them. “Rae, girl, I need you to calm down a bit and stop attacking these assholes. Can you do that for me so Diego can release you?”
She nods, but she doesn’t meet my eyes. Ah, hell, there are zero guarantees she won’t attack the first one to say something stupid. At this point, all four of them deserve a beating, and I’m more than willing to help her carry that out.
“What the hell is happening in here? It sounds like a war from down the hall.” Mateo stands at the entrance to the room, June wrapped tightly in his arms.
Hell no, I am not dealing with that shit on top of this. Lord, I need a little mercy here. I cannot deal with that in my face at the same time as dealing with the other three, their change in personalities, and a manipulative Diego, trying to exploit the situation. My heart and head can’t take anymore tonight.
Theo turns around and faces Mateo, concern on his face. I watch as June stares at Theo before tucking herself even closer into Mateo’s frame and turning her face away into his chest. “Mat, you don’t need to be here; you should be resting. The both of you.”
Mateo ignores Theo’s comment and turns his gaze to Finn with a battered raised eyebrow. “Wanna try that shit again? What is going on here? Why is your nose busted up and Carter on the floor holding his dick like it might fall off?”
His suspicious glare turns in my direction. “You beating on all of them again, Mia?”
“She’s not Mia. Well, I guess she is, but that’s not only who she is. Mat, she’s Amelia Hamilton. That’s what she’s been hiding.” Finn replies, pinching his nose and trying to stop the bleeding from the hit Raegan landed.
Mateo’s eyes go wide, and then he takes a step back, June moving with him. “You’re Amelia Hamilton?” He questions with disbelief, giving me a head-to-toe perusal like this is the first time he’s seeing me.
The look on his face of horror has my blood pressure rising and tears wanting to cascade from my eyes. I hold myself back, straightening my spine and raising my head high. I will not apologize for being who I am. When I don’t answer him, his eyes meet Diego’s, and I see the subtle head nod. “This is fucked up. Is this why you never answered me that day when I told you I fucking loved you? Because you were lying to us, Mia or Amelia or whatever the fuck you’re calling yourself.”