Page 72 of Fall of a King
“I’m glad you’re finally coming to your senses, motherfucker. Now let’s go find our girl. It might take all four of us to hold her down and force her to listen.” Finn squeezes my shoulder and nods toward the outdoors.
“Is anyone else getting hard at the thought of all four of us holding an enraged Mia down? Like shit, my cock’s rock hard just thinking of how she’s going to make us bleed and how I want to have my cock deep inside of her as she rages.” Carter grins like a maniac.
“She’s going to make us pay for every word and action, and honestly, I can’t fucking wait to be forced to my knees in front of her.” Finn chuckles.
“Mia, angry and hate fucking me is like my favorite drug,” I smirk over my shoulder. “Mat, you stay close to the house’s perimeter; you’re in no shape to wander all over this property looking for her.” I come to a complete stop and turn back around to stare at him.
“June…Mat, she can’t stay here and be doing that shit. We need to get her home somehow. If your intention is to be with Mia, then that can’t happen again.”
“I know, Theo. I already told her. She’s called her sister back in Canada. I’m going to get Diego to help me get her home safely. I choose Mia; there will never be another choice for me. Not while I’m breathing, and even then, I would choose her in the afterlife.”
I nod in his direction, a weight lifting off my shoulders. “Ok, let’s go find our queen, fuckers.”
Chapter 48
"No one ever told me that grief felt so much like fear." C.S Lewis
WesearchedforMiafor hours. Every part of the property had been checked with no sign of our missing volatile queen. Finally, Mateo had the good sense to get a hold of Tom and tell him what was happening. That was three hours ago, with no news. No one has seen Mia for more than twelve or thirteen hours at this point. It’s completely dark out there and I’m starting to panic.
At first, we thought she just needed some space from us all. I get that; we are giant fucking turds that hurt her. I know she was reeling after what happened with Mateo and June. Her phone keeps going to voicemail and she hasn’t opened any of our messages on socials. After a few more hours without finding even a whisper of where she might be, Diego the dick suggested that she was hiding to be spiteful. But now even he’s out searching and worried.
After all, the fucker will lose his chance to force her into marriage if she’s back behind the tall, impenetrable Stratford gates. That might be the only thought that brings me an ounce of relief in this whole mess.
Two hours ago, we got information that Mia had left the property with one of the guards, Trevor. They have yet to be found, and the tracker on the vehicle they took is inactive. Where has she gone?Is she running from us, does she hate us that much already?Just the thought makes my heart clench painfully.
An hour ago, Raegan and Isabella reluctantly showed us a text message from Mia from much earlier in the day, stating that she was headed back to Manhattan on her grandmother’s private jet. When I read the text message, my heart seemed to cave in on itself. We hurt her so badly that she ran back to Manhattan. Mia ran from us, from me. She didn’t want to be in the house with us anymore, preferring to leave us here, safe from Vincent without her. She never wants to see us again. She didn’t want to allow us to continue to hurt and destroy her. Each word of that text message is a painful stab in my heart. What. Have. We. Done.
My glare moves over Theo, sitting in the corner of the room on the floor. His knees are up at his chest, and his arms are wrapped tightly around them. He hasn’t moved or said a word since Carter throat-punched him after reading Mia’s text. I would feel bad for him, but right now, I want to hit him too. We shouldn’t have listened to his reasoning. We should have kept her safe here, with us, like she kept us safe all these months. We are the worst type of traitors.We let her go.
If I could throat-punch myself, I would do it. I’m as much to blame, if not more. I shouldn’t have divulged to them about Mia being Amelia Hamilton. Once again, I have betrayed her to the kings of Casbury. It doesn’t even matter that we didn’t want to harm her like before. We still managed to bully and torture her once again. We hurt her so badly that she would rather run from us back to Manhattan than face us. My strong queen ran from us with what was left of her pride and sanity.
“Y’all are vermin. You don’t deserve to be sitting in Mia’s fine house wallowing in self-pity. If it weren’t her gracious wish that you remained here safe under her roof, I would have Tom remove each and every one of you out to the street like the filth you are.” Raegan sniffs, her face blotchy and swollen from all the tears she has shed. “Even after all the crap you four put her through, she’s still protecting your worthless hides.”
“Rae, please, girl. We were trying to protect her. She’s a target here. Vincent will never stop until he gets his hands on her. We were trying to push her away to ensure she was safe.” A deep, shuddering sigh leaves me.Am I trying to convince her or myself?
“Well, mission accomplished, you rats! She will never come back to Casbury again in her lifetime. You destroyed that girl, or at least tried to. None of you were ever worthy of licking the heel of her shoes, never mind being a king at her side.” She pulls away from Isabella’s hold and stomps towards me. I brace myself for the hit, knowing it’s coming and that it’s well deserved.
“You took my best friend from me once again, you traitor. I hope the rest of your days are spent in the worst misery. Your reign at Casbury is over. Your legacies are over. You have lost the only woman who could love all your broken, tarnished pieces. I hope karma fucks you up the ass with a ten-ton truck.” Her hand swings out, the sound a loud crack as it impacts the side of my face.
I don’t even blink, knowing that the momentary pain is nothing compared to what will be the lasting effects of losing Mia Stratford. I will never be whole without her. I was never truly complete, if I’m being honest, without my Amelia, now knowing that they are one and the same. She could have plugged the gaping hole in my heart, and I instead hurt her and pushed her away once again. It will be the end of me. I will never love another woman again in my dismal life.
“Rae is right. Nothing will ever be the same again. We can’t leave it like this. We have to go after her.” Carter paces back and forth in front of the fireplace. He’s already punched another hole in the plasterboard, which had Isabella grabbing a chef’s knife and threatening him with it. He’s beyond agitated. I’m worried that if we don’t give him what he wants, what all of us want. To go after Mia, he will go completely off the rails.Carter unhinged is dangerous to everyone around him, especially himself.
I turn my ashamed eyes to Mateo. He’s sitting in one of the gray leather accent chairs, staring at the same spot on the wall he’s been looking at for the last hour. He hasn’t said a word since reading the text message. June came into the room and tried to talk to him, but a look of revulsion crossed his face at her touch. She backed up immediately, her face filled with shock and pain. Isabella took pity on her and led her to the guest room that was prepared for her. She’s been in there ever since, probably confused and feeling pain at his rejection. Shit we hurt everyone around us.
I know he is sitting there blaming himself for Mia leaving. He was the last one to interact with her. The nail in the coffin of our horrific plan to push her away and back to Manhattan. He’s replaying every word in his head and torturing himself with the knowledge that he betrayed her. The thing is, he’s not the only one that did. We all betrayed her in one way or another. Now she’s gone, run far away from us and I am worried we may never see her again.
“Theo.” I wait for him to raise his eyes to mine. It takes him a moment like he’s in a deep fog. “Theo, we have to go after her. We can’t leave it like this. She has to know the truth. That it never mattered to any of us that she was Amelia Hamilton. That it was just a ruse to get her out of here and back to the safety of her family.”
Hard footsteps echo down the hallway toward the family room. We all turn to see who is coming. Hope springs in my chest that Mia is back, that somehow she decided to come back to us. To fight for us. To demand our obedience.
That hope is dashed as Diego the fucker saunters into the room with a deep scowl on his face. He looks like someone took a shit in his hand. His menacing glare meets Isabella’s harsh, cold stare. She gives him the finger before turning her back on him. He continues into the room, meeting my glower and Theo’s death stare.
“Ah fuck. Listen, you prissy, rich, spoiled assholes. Vincent Saint-Lambert has been found dead.”
His words are a shock to everyone in the room. Theo’s up on his feet, moving quickly across the room and grabbing Diego’s shirt in a rough, tight grip. He looks like he’s going to take his head off. Mateo, Carter, and I crowd Diego from behind, ready to give him the beating of his life if he indicates that he’s fulfilled his duty to Mia, and now she has no choice but to marry him.