Page 8 of Fall of a King
Another large boom sounds overhead, and the walls shake again; we hear a much closer explosion coming from the pathway to the woods. Vincent runs into the alcove and spies me on the ground near Theo. He raises his hand, clutching a gun, and points it in our direction.
“I will take you both into fucking hell with me!” He shouts.
“Boss, we got to go. We have to get out of here; they’re coming through the passageway. We’re going to get cornered and trapped down here. We have to go now.” Vincent’s lackey grabs onto him and pulls him back out of the alcove forcefully.
Vincent pulls the trigger as he’s being pulled away, and it ricochets off the stone walls, sending shards of stone raining down on Theo and me. “You can’t escape me, Theodore; I will take you to the bowels of hell with me.” He fires another shot that misses me by mere inches. He runs out of space with one last evil, hate-filled look and flees like the cockroach he is. With all the noise around us, I can’t hear what direction the devil has run off to, but I don’t give a shit right now.
Stella has sent an army to rescue us. I fucking hope that we are going to be ok, that they reach us in time, and that Theo is going to survive the rescue mission. I need to see Mia again; we both do. I should have fucking told her that I cared. If I die here, it will be without ever telling her that she’s it for me. I lean down to Theo and try to wake him. “Bro, please, you gotta wake up; they’re coming for us. They’re coming to rescue us! I need you, bro. Please stay with me; fight, bro.”
Chapter 5
“It’s like chess, you know. The Queen saves the King.” Terry Pratchett
Wereturntomyhouse after sitting in the car for the tensest ten minutes of my life. Finn and Mateo wouldn’t even look at me as I sat numbly between the two of them in one of Diego’s SUVs. Diego sat shotgun and didn’t say a word the whole journey from the airstrip to the gates of my house, which he nor his driver suspiciously needed any directions to. Poor Raegan, Tom, and our two other men ended up in one of the other SUVs with Manuel.
Once we entered the gates of my home, it became chaos, with men arriving seemingly from everywhere. Within twenty-five minutes, we had twenty-seven of Diego’s men at the house, draped in weapons and ready to go. Tom, the two personnel on the plane with us, and the two that were initially left behind were also prepared to go in full tactical gear. An army intent on freeing my taken kings. A thrill of excitement races up my spine.
Finn and Mateo insist on coming with us and not being left behind with Raegan at the house. Diego provided both of them with bulletproof vests and a handgun each. Fear that the two of them are going to get somehow hurt during this extraction is weighing heavily on my mind. I guess they must be feeling the same about me going in, even though neither will speak to me. Moody, motherfuckers.
I get it; I do. Fuck, signing those papers declaring myself essentially Diego Cabano’s wife if he and his manipulative father can bring me the head of my biggest enemy is heartbreaking and a betrayal in their eyes. I’m trying not to even focus on that right now so I don’t spiral down a dark hole or stab one of these Cabano men in the eye.
Seriously, what choice did I have? I couldn’t allow the deal to fall apart and not have the available men go and save Theo and Carter. Especially after I checked my phone and found a DM from that devil himself, Vincent Saint-Lambert showing Carter with a gun in his mouth and a beaten Theo on the ground, bleeding out.
Finn and Mateo watched the video just as I did. Mateo rushed out of the room and out to the patio to vomit everything that was in his stomach up. Much to the amusement of his dick cousin, who mumbled the word “weak” under his breath. The glare I gave him had him stepping further away from me. At this point, there is nothing I wouldn’t do to save Theo and Carter, even marrying a snake-like Diego Cabano. He better sleep with one eye open. I plan to be a widow almost immediately.
“Little reina, you will be traveling with me, my primo, and my two men in my vehicle. Finn and Tom will travel with my father, and the rest of your men will be dispersed amongst ours. There is no real-time for proper tactical planning here. We are going to bomb the front of the house and the secondary entrance in the woods and flush them out.” Diego grabs onto my elbow and forcefully moves me closer to him. His grip is demanding and possessive, and I don’t like it one fucking bit.
“Get your fucking hands off of her, Diego!” Finn spits in rage and pushes his way through two of Diego’s men to come chest-to-chest with Diego. His shoulders are stiff, his hands and jaw clenched tight, and strain around his dark melted chocolate eyes. He looks like he could rain hell down around us all right now, an avenging warrior angel. Holy shit, Finn angry is hot.He’s a traitor, Mia, or have you forgotten?
Diego doesn’t back down, giving Finn a ballsy glare. That scar running down the side of his face giving him a menacing look, and his lips raised in a snarl. “You need to calm down, Finn.” Diego spits out with venom. “I’m not going to hurt her. I need her in one fucking piece, dick. I can’t marry a corpse.”
At the word “corpse,” Finn lets his fist loose and punches Diego in the jaw. The crack of his fist loud in the room that had suddenly become silent. To his credit, Diego doesn’t even take a step back with the shot, just staring Finn down with a murderous glare. “You get one shot, Finn, cause I know your pride has been hurt that I’m playing in your sandbox, but just one. The next time you raise that fucking fist at me, I’m going to put you six feet underground. Got it, amigo?”
“Fuck you.” Finn spits between clenched teeth.
“Naw, bro, I don’t swing that way,” Diego smirks back.
“ENOUGH! You two fucking cavemen need to shut it. I don’t give a rat’s ass about this alpha male bullshit. Right now, all I care about is going in to save Theo and Carter, so stop right now, or I’m leaving without either of you fuckers.” I take a deep breath, nod to Manuel and Tom, who are watching this shitshow go down without intervening and start heading toward my front door.
“Mia,” Mateo calls out my name.
“No, Mateo, right now all I care about is going to get those two. The rest of this bullshit can wait till they’re safe. Don’t bother wasting your breath. I’m not staying behind.” I step out my front door and start walking towards the line of black SUVs waiting to take us to our destination.
Diego strides past me, opens the back door to one of the SUVs and waits for me to approach. “Your chariot awaits, little wife.” The smug look back on his face. I swear I’m going to stab him in the damn eye when this is all done.
“Not yet, I’m not, and there’s always a chance someone will do me a favor and shoot you in the process of rescuing my missing kings. Wouldn’t that just be lovely?” I climb into the SUV, and he shuts the door, letting loose a chuckle, and getting into the front passenger seat.
“Ah, my sexy little reina, you and I are going to get along just fine.” The bastard winks at me from the front seat.
A silent Mateo gets in beside me in the SUV, looking pale, sweaty, and filled with anger. He won’t look at me, and his knee is repeatedly bouncing. His arms are wrapped around himself tight, like he doesn’t want to risk touching me, and his long shoulder-length hair hides his features from me.
Fuck this shit! I do not have time to soothe all these damn males’ egos. He’s hurt that I’m going along with this to save Theo and Carter, well, too damn bad. If he were being tortured, I would be doing the exact same thing. Don’t they get that yet? THEY. ARE. MINE. I will not allow anyone else to hurt them, and I will come for them using any means necessary.
The SUVs roll out of my gate, and we head to the highway towards the other older side of Casbury. I watch out the window as the beach and angry ocean disappear, and sprawling green lawns with long gated driveways appear. That ocean looks like my heart feels right now, angry, full of turmoil, and wanting to drown everyone who enters its space.
Once we reach Theo’s house, one of the lead SUVs rams the gate repeatedly with an attached push bar until it opens wide, allowing us access to the grounds. Half the SUVs drive right over the grass heading for the wooden side of the property, where apparently the other entrance to Vincent’s sick underground sex dungeon is. We continue heading towards the front of the house with the rest of the SUVs and stop just short of the front porch and that ugly water fountain.