Page 1 of The Coach
Chapter One
The beatof the music reverberates through my body. My eyes are closed, and I move with no care for what I might look like to those surrounding me. This song is sick; I think it's a David Guetta remix, Love Tonight, or something like that. This is my happy place, when everything else in my life feels overwhelming. This is what I need to calm the crazy.
My girl gang, Darcy and Luna, are by my side. We're out at one of the trendiest clubs in LA, and we've been dancing up a storm for at least an hour. I have a ridiculous amount of energy and find it hard to sit still at the best of times. That's part of why I became a professional athlete.
The three of us play for the Angels here in LA, one of the best women's soccer teams in the country. We're super close friends and have been since we met in college. After four years of college, we all luckily got signed to the same team, and they both came to live with me and my sister Jasmine. These girls are my people, and man, we have a blast when we're together.
"This bar is seriously epic," screams Luna over the loud music on the dance floor. Her long black hair is down and sways around her waist as she moves her arms above her head.
"Totally," agrees Darcy, grinning. I'm not even sure how she's moving in the tight red number she has on. The girl loves to show off what God gave her. Why wouldn't you when you look like Darc, thick brown curls, olive skin, and a body that looks like a Victoria Secret model. She moves around me provocatively, putting on a show, I'm sure trying to gain the attention of any cute guy around us.
I grin and nod in agreement as I dance along to the beat. They're right, I adore this bar. It's the perfect combination of all the things that I need to make me feel good on a Saturday evening: dance music, hot-as-fuck men, and whiskey. I'm in my own little world, just feeling the music vibrating through my body. With our hectic training schedule, it feels like it's been so long since we've had a night out, and I really need to let loose and have a little fun. If I don't, the pressure all gets to be too much.
And tonight, we're celebrating this week's big win against Louisville. It seems like as the season goes on, we're just getting better and better. There is no way I'm going to let what happened last year go down again. This is our year to win the National Women's Soccer League championships.
The song changes and my eyes flicker open to see my sister Jasmine walking through the crowd. I wave her over, and she dashes through the crowd to our group. "Jassy," I squeal as I wrap my arms around her in a clumsy hug. "You came! I thought you were on a date," I yell so she can hear me over the music.
She pulls a disgusted face. "Yeah, that didn't go so well, so I ditched him for my girls."
I'm upset for her. I know how excited she's been all week about meeting this guy. She found him on one of those online dating sites. I can see the disappointment in her features. My sister is a hopeless romantic, always on the search for her perfect prince. All she seems to find are slimy frogs—no, worse than that, I would say toads! The guys she finds are the worst. But with every blow, she gets back up and tries again.
My sister is tenacious. I am too, it's a family trait, but I use my persistent energy to be the best soccer player possible. I don't date. I gave up on chasing the perfect man back in college when I realized they were all assholes, good for a screw when I'm horny and that's it. Pouring everything I have into my career is a much more satisfying option.
"Good choice," I tell her. "Come on, let's get you drunk." I take her hand and drag her along with me to the bar. She struggles to keep up in her tall pumps and little black dress. She looks beautiful all dressed up for her date, and I can never understand how she ends up with the losers she does. She is stunning, super intelligent, and so much fun.
I'm one of four sisters, but she's the one I'm closest to. I adore her and wish I knew how to turn her frown into a smile, but this is becoming a usual occurrence with her. She needs to have some fun and stop trying so hard to meet men.
I lean over the bar, smiling flirtatiously at the nice-looking bartender. He flashes a smile in my direction and comes to stand in front of us. "Two Jamesons, please," I ask super sweetly.
Jasmine gives me a worried look. "Andy, this seems like a bad idea. You know when I drink whiskey I get really trashed and end up doing something stupid. Remember what happened last time?"
I grin at my sweet big sister. She should know me well enough to know I'm not out tonight to sit and drink cocktails and gossip with all the pretty girls. I need to let loose and have some fun. "Yeah, I remember." I burst out laughing at the thought of my sweet innocent sister so drunk she stripped off her clothes and ran down the main street of our hometown. I did it with her, but that's not so unusual for me, I have no shame. "That's the idea, let's do something really stupid." I grin at her. Trying to convince her to come over to the dark side with me. She is the sensible voice of reason in our group, but every so often she concedes, and that's when we really have some fun.
The bartender places the drinks in front of us. Jas narrows her eyes at me, faking a filthy look. "You're the worst little sister ever, such a bad influence on me." She laughs, taking her drink from the bar and having a small sip.
I drain my glass, setting it back on the bar and signaling to the bartender for another. "That's why you love me." I give her a wink.
She shakes her head, following my lead, polishing off her drink and ordering another. She would be lost without me. Stuck in her boring, goody-two-shoe life trying to please our parents, but because of me, she gets out and has a little fun. I'm good for her and she knows it.
Darcy and Luna have ditched the dance floor and found their way to a table along the back of the club. We make our way back across the busy club to join them.
I sip my next drink, looking around for something fun to do—or someone. That would get rid of all of this nervous energy I have. I can't sit for too long, my body needs to move. "I'm bored. I think we should play a little game," I suggest to the others.
Darcy throws me a look. There's a little twinkle of mischief shining in her eyes. She likes this idea too. "What do you have in mind, my wild friend?"
The other two look between each other and shrug. They are more the followers, happy to wait for me and Darcy to come up with a plan, then they play along. And I'm doing this for Jasmine. She needs a distraction from her shitty date. Who knows, she might even find someone special tonight. I mean, I doubt it, but she might.
"How about we give each other fake identities, we pick someone to chat up, and the first one to get a number wins?" I suggest. Because I can't see anyone worth my time, I need to make this a game. It'll be more fun that way.
"You mean like, different jobs?" asks Luna, fiddling with her hands, a little unsure of my brilliant idea.
I grin over to her. "Yes. Like a different identity for the night, something fun and sexy."
Darcy smirks at me. She gets it, she's always up for some fun. The two of us have gotten ourselves into some real trouble together. At times I would say we have even gone a little too far in the name of fun. "I'm in." She claps her hands excitedly. I see her scanning the room already, looking for her target.
"What will the winner get?" asks Luna, always concerned with the prize.