Page 21 of The Coach
I offer her half a smile. "Okay." Part of me wants to keep an eye on that guy with Andy anyway. He looks dodgy, as I'm sure he can't be trusted. What is she even doing with him?
I look back to Ava. Her face is kind, her eyes locked with mine. "Are you okay?" she asks.
I sigh. "Yeah, I just don't want to deal with Madeline anymore and I still have to. She's in town next month for a shoot and is coming to see me, wants to talk about something."
"Sounds interesting." She raises a brow.
"I'm sure it's nothing. Probably just wants to try and screw me out of more money. Show me how much happier she is now." I take a big swig of my drink.
"I'm sorry, Brad, you deserve so much better." She runs her hand up my leg and gives it a squeeze. I look at her. She's so caring and there's a warmth to her, but the way she looks at me with longing and lust—shit, there is something more going on here for her. She wants me to stay because she wants to be more than just friends, I can feel it.
Could tonight get any worse? I need to go back to my room before things escalate with Ava.
I glance across the room, looking for Andy, and spot her just in time to see her leaving through the door to the stairs, with the guy she was talking to. His arm is wrapped around her shoulders and she has her arm around his waist.
Fuck. I spoke too soon, and the night just got worse.
I know I have no right to stop her, but I'm not going to let her leave with some other guy. She's mine, even if she can't be.
I throw back the remainder of my drink. "Thank you, Ava, I appreciate your friendship. I'm going to call it a night, though," I say, making it blatantly obvious what this is to me.
She looks in the direction I'm studying and frowns. "Oh, okay, I'll see you in the morning then." She sounds disappointed, and I feel bad, but this is just a platonic work relationship, nothing more.
"See you then," I offer with a smile, hopping up and taking off through the restaurant.
I make my way down the stairs and on to the road out front, quickly scanning the street for the direction Andy went. I can't see her, and I turn toward the restaurant and slam my fist up against the wall in frustration. "Fuck."
I notice movement in the side street and turn to see her leaning up against the wall with the guy draped over her. She sees me and looks guilty. "Brad," she mutters.
The guy takes a step back, sizing me up. He's big, but I could take him if it comes to that. I walk toward them, my eyes set on hers. "What are you doing, Andy?" I question her, not quite sure where I'm going with this, only that I want him away from her.
The guy she's with snakes his arm around her, pulling her closer into him. "Who's this guy?" he asks.
She sighs. "My coach," she says with a roll of her eyes. Her gaze hasn't left me, and the attitude she's giving off is more for my benefit than his. She's not into this idiot. I don't know what she's trying to do here. But she has my attention, and I'm sure that was part of it.
I take a few steps closer to them, making it obvious I'm not uncomfortable at all with this situation and I'm not leaving them alone. "I think it's time to call it a night, Andrea. We have an early flight home, remember?" I say sternly, and I know it'll piss her off being told what to do, but right now I don't care. She's acting like a child so I'm going to treat her like one.
"You don't get to tell me what to do off the field, Brad."
"Is he your coach or your dad?" the guy says to her, then turns to me. "She's a big girl, I think she can work out when she's had enough and take herself home," he spits.
Andy looks conflicted with an internal struggle.
I take her hand and she lets me. I look back at her, trying to convince her with my eyes this is a really bad idea. "Is that really what you want, to stay here in an alleyway with this dick? Or do you want me to walk you back to the room, make sure you get home safe?" I suggest, giving her an out.
She looks at me with a small sassy smile and her hand squeezes mine back. I know I've won this standoff. "Sorry, dude, I gotta go. Early flight and all that." She steps away from him, and I pull her closer to me.
"Whatever, slut," he grumbles under his breath, taking off back inside the restaurant.
I feel her flinch as he says it, and I want to thump him. She must feel me tense, because she grips my hand tighter. "Don't, Brad, he's not worth it."
"You need to make better choices, Andy."
"Ha, yeah, I know. What, is it part of the job to save me from myself, Coach?"
"Something like that," I huff, still pissed at her. For what reason, I'm not really sure. Mostly just for putting herself in a shitty situation like that. He could have been anyone.
"Just so you know, I don't make a habit of having men come to my aid. I'm only walking home with you now because I was over it anyway."